Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Well that looks Canadian :face_with_monocle::sunglasses:

Checking in DAY 80.
Go get it !


Checking in.
Iā€™m having moments of thinking, Iā€™ve done a year sober, I proved a point, now I can drink again.
I know thatā€™s a hazardous thought. Trying to monitor it. The cold dark weather plus pandemic is not helping.


Sober twinā€‹:hugs::grin::hugs::grin::hugs::grin:

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I guess you know thatā€™s your addict brain trying to trick you into drinking. Donā€™t try to monitor it, kick it to the curb! Pandemic will end eventually and seasons change. No way Iā€™m saying itā€™s all easy breezy. Just trying to give you some perspective. Youā€™ve achieved one year with hard work, itā€™s worth far more than wasting it in a few bottles. Stay determined mate!


We are twinning! :grin::hugs:

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Ive been sober for 794 days. Or I could write it as
2 years 2 months and 2 days sober. Iā€™m not sure which one I like better. They both sound unreal. I honestly havenā€™t thought or really celebrated my sobriety recently with everything going on. On December 1 I got a few texts congratulating me on 26 months and I didnā€™t really take time to appreciate it or let that sink in. I actually forgot about my 25 month milestone. And because Iā€™ve been sober for an extended period of time, it just seems a part of life. But I am grateful and proud of myself for how far Iā€™ve come. With all of the recent loss, the stress of the global pandemic, and feelings of being stuck I canā€™t imagine what my drinking would have looked like. I remember how horrible I felt the summer of 2018, the pits of my drinking and there wasnā€™t anything going on to the magnitude of what Iā€™ve faced this year. I donā€™t think I would have made it out alive if I was still drinking to be honest and that is a scary thought. So I am definitely grateful for my sobriety and I hope everyone is staying strong.


Day 304. Ten months sober, you know I use to be so excited like when I hit my first month then my first 3 months I felt so cool,and like I deserved a treat. I had a tattoo planned for my year and was just so enthusiastic about sobriety. But now Iā€™m like cool Iā€™m ten months sober, I just donā€™t care anymore. I donā€™t want my tattoo anymore, Iā€™m not gonna care when I hit a year, itā€™s just another day sober. I havenā€™t accomplished shit, Iā€™m still stuck at home with my mom, I havenā€™t gotten my license back yet. I use to see all these stories when I first wanted sobriety about all the shit ppl accomplished in there first year, a new house and all this cool stuff. And Iā€™m just over here like w.e I lifted for a lil bit and now I donā€™t give a fuck about that, I donā€™t care about jogging. I still have zero confidence, still socially fucking awkward, nobody wants to talk to me. Feel like Iā€™m gonna be single forever. So yeah w.e hereā€™s to ten months woohooo


Chin up mike ten months is awesome. You have important things to strive towards, cars and relationships. I donā€™t send out advice since Iā€™m not a therapist but I see you active on here, pics with your kids, talking your stepwork and lifting. Keep it up and youā€™ll get those things you want, if you keep putting in the work.


Iā€™m sorry you feel this way. But being sober for 304 days is a huge achievement imo. You worked on yourself a lot. You are working on the foundation - it may not be visible but essential for any future construction. Maybe setting some short-term goal can help if you feel lost in the long run.


Big hugs on your achievement dear @Brookiemonster618 :kissing_heart:

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304days/10 months is a huge accomplishment!!! Iā€™m super jelly of your number of Sober days. You have made a network of friends here and youā€™re always trying to lift people up and encourage them. You have evolved as a father and that is HUGE. DO NOT compare yourself to other people it is a sure fire way to make yourself feel bad. Being socially awkward these days is very common, I blame it on technology. Just keep working on your sobriety and try to look all the stuff you HAVE accomplished and not what you HAVENā€™T. Love will come to you when the time is right. Itā€™s not just about you when you have kids so itā€™s gonna have to be someone special. Good things come to those who wait. Not sure how religious you are but God will always give you what desire and need all you have to do is ask him. Remember though it will be when itā€™s right for you not necessarily when you want it.


I WISH I lived with my mom!!! I am stuck with my inlaws!! LOL. Dont compare yourself to other people only compare yourself to yourself.
Remember, some people are comparing themselves to you!.. Thinking, dang that guy has it all!! You do have so much!! You are young, fit, SOBER, and have the two sweetest daughters who adore you.
I am over here looking at your 10 months like :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:ā€¦ haha stop being so damn hard on yourself.


@TMAC Iā€™m real late to respond because Iā€™ve been so busy the last few days that I havenā€™t had time to catch up so I apologize for that. If it helps at all, I found a lump on my previous dog when he was about 6 or 7. It turned out to be cancerous so they removed it and he was just fine; lived to the ripe old age of 15 :slightly_smiling_face: Iā€™ll be keeping you and chief in my thoughts!

@anon60334405 Iā€™m sorry youā€™re down today man, what happened to the license? Maybe Iā€™m wrong but I feel like a while back I remember you saying that you were pretty close to getting it back.

I have the same ups and downs with stuff Iā€™m excited about. Iā€™ll be super into something like a new hobby for a few months and then lose interest and get down about it. But as long as I push through the feelings I always bounce back.


I am feeling really good. I believe I am ready to add porn to my counterā€¦


This was one of the biggest issues I had when I was starting my sobriety tooā€¦ The boredom thing.

Iā€™m exactly like youā€¦nothing to complain about really at all. Steady job, good marriage (Now; almost lost that to booze), good health.

I found that when I was at home I was using alcohol to fix my boredom and when I became sober I was sitting around thinking ā€œMan, this is really boring without alcohol.ā€ all the time. I found the way to fix that was to find things to do that I wouldnā€™t have done when I was drinking. Working out, walking the dogs, going hiking, that type of thing. I worked on that and then learned that when I was drinking I was still bored, just with a fuzzy mind.


Oh Menno! I donā€™t want to minimize or seem to make light of the work you have ahead of you, and nor do I want you to think I donā€™t 100% admire you for facing it head on, butā€¦
when I think of you and therapy?
It makes me think more of art restoration - putting something back to the unique, beautiful, perfect thing it already is. :orange_heart:

I guess thatā€™s true for each of us in our recovery. :relaxed:
I dunno though, I think my paint is still drying! :wink: :laughing:


Hi all! Day 819! Sobriety is such a gift. I love living life on my termsā€¦ no blackouts, no hangovers, no lost productivity, no more shame, improved health, improved outlook, better family relationships, etc, etc, etc. All it takes is today. DONā€™T. DRINK. TODAY. If you can make it to the end of the day, then do it again tomorrow. If you start every day this way, and focus on ā€œnot drinking todayā€, it will become habitual and you will get stronger in your sobriety. It gets easier. I promise you.


oh that is so sad to hear. Can understand you worry so much. ā€˜useā€™ us to vent around this. All the best and a big hug to chief


170 days. Just not feeling it today. Spent a lot of time in bed tossing and turning and reaching for my absent partner. I donā€™t know how others get through their partner working a graveyard shift but Iā€™m really disliking it.


Hang in there, Mike. Listen, I feel ya. Iā€™m right where you are. Today is Day 331 for me and I agree the thrill of milestones isnā€™t what it once was. But here is what I try remind myself to help deal with feeling like this:

  • Iā€™m an addict (for me it is booze) and this is a disease of wanting ā€œmoreā€. We repeatedly encounter that point where what ā€˜workedā€™ no longer works and so we want to up the amount or find something new. This is our addictive brain up to its old tricks. We got a ā€˜highā€™ from the early milestones, it made us feel good about ourselves, but now that high isnā€™t enough and we want more. Donā€™t give in to this, recognize this is a normal stage in our healing. Eventually weā€™ll get to a point where we no longer seek the thrill of a milestone but are content with the everyday peace of sobriety.

  • This time of year is tough. Short days, little sunlight, more time indoors. That is hard on most of us. On top of this, I have Seasonal Affective Disorder so am more prone to depression and feeling ā€œfuck itā€ about everything. I have to remind myself that feeling like this is normal, but that I can control how I respond to it. It sucks going through it, I donā€™t deny that, but I can do it if I try. Everything is temporary.

A lot of your post is about a comparison of yourself vs. others and what you perceive as ā€˜accomplishmentsā€™. Our journey isnā€™t about us vs. them. We all are on our own unique journey.

As far as those other things you mention (house, ā€˜cool stuffā€™) ask yourself how those are sobriety accomplishments. Are they milestones on your recovery journey? How do your feelings toward those things inform where you are in your journey and what you need to focus on next? Your answers could be an opportunity for new growth.

Lastly, you buried the lead in your post: you have accomplished 304 consecutive days sober, damnit!!! That deserves a Woot! Woot!! :100:

Hang in there, brother, you got this!!!