Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22


What am I exactly looking at? Just curious :wink:


Ah I see. Awesome! Is photography a hobby of yours? I tried some time myself. A bank building was my favourite model. With some imagination I can see an abstract Christmas tree in it. But that must be the time of the year hahaha.

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Ugh, itā€™s awful, especially if youā€™re cuddly sleepers like we are. Before we moved to where we live now, my husband had to start work while I stayed behind until we could find a place to rent and move from our old place. He came home on the weekends, but it took almost three months! It was awful! We didnā€™t have any friends where we were living, either. All I can say is thank goodness for my dogs sleeping with me! I hope you get adjusted soon. It sounds silly, but try a body pillow or just stacking pillows under the blankets to comfort you. It helped me some. And hang in there!


Hey Charlie. Glad to hear you and the family are well! Do you have any hobbies you can sink yourself into? I used to be in the same place. Drinking felt like a ā€œpartyā€ when there was nothing else to do. But Iā€™ve filled that time with reading books, exercising, playing cards with family members, wood working, cooking, cleaning, tinkering, landsacping, etc. And no hangovers!


Day 124ā€¦ Drugs n booze
Day 74 sex
Day 0 tiktok (fuxking failing on avoiding this one)

It was 10am and I started watching tiktok its now 4pm fuck, shit. Iā€™m not doing well on this addiction I get engrossed and it makes me laugh and then I donā€™t move!
Iā€™m going to move and take Luna out before I she gets pissy with me :rofl:


That looks cool. Interesting presentation and effect.

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Congrats on 10 months @anon60334405. That is a great accomplishment celebrate that shit man


Itā€™s still fairly early in your count, but once you get a little further along youā€™ll find your ā€œgrooveā€. Plus your body is still getting used to no alcohol.
I hope you come on here when you feel like youā€™re going to drink. Iā€™m sure your family is proud of you as we all are.
I have faith in you, Charlie!


Others have already said it, but Iā€™ll echo it, Mike. Comparing yourself to others is a sure fire way to be disappointed. I fell into the same mindset over the last week, and it put me into a serious funk. Not necessarily comparing myself to others in recovery, but to other people IRL. Feeling like I should be farther ahead in life, especially career wise. Feeling like I should handle things better. Feeling like people my age are more ā€œgrown upā€ than me.

All I know is it wasnā€™t helpful and just put me in a shit mood, full of negative self talk.

ā€Comparison is the thief of joyā€ - Theodore Roosevelt.

And Congrats on 10 months! Iā€™ll be excited for you. :+1:t2:


Shaking off some self doubt. Continuing to move forward. :+1:t2:


Mike, please donā€™t sit in that mindset for long. Itā€™s not what I see when looking at you.
We do have shit days but just donā€™t linger there.


Sometimes as I run to catch the train I ask myself ā€œwhy am I still running? Where this train will lead me anyway?ā€
Itā€™ll always be better than the ditch of booze anyways.
Thanks for sharing

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I been sober all year except January 1. I ainā€™t donā€™t shit since March 1st!! Except not drink. For some reason some of us picked the shittiest year on record to sober up. These are not normal times Mike. Our country is divided as fuck! Oh and thereā€™s this pandemic thing. And so much more awful shit going on. Nothing is normal this year. And guys like us are doing it sober?? Fucken ay!! And weā€™re all trying to deal with our feelings for the first time in life? I been going to bed later and later each night because I donā€™t want to wake up and do this same 2020 shit all over again each day. I feel like Iā€™m in the Groundhog movie. Some days it really sucks. Some days I just feel it and sit with it. Hang in there buddy. If you donā€™t drink today then we are all winners.


Thanks so much for your response. This is all new to both of us. Prioritizing time together sounds like where we need to focus. Itā€™s just so hard. When he comes home he is so tired, yet has two beautiful daughters who want and need his attention. Iā€™m not jealous by no means and somewhat feel like I need to be the lowest on his priority list. I have taken comfort just laying awake in his arms while heā€™s sleeping. Heā€™s supposed to find out today if his shift is a 5-day or a 7-day. If itā€™s 5 his last shift for a week is tomorrow morning. Either way, Iā€™m looking forward to his week off and am already brainstorming ideas for the two of us to spend time together.

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We are literally all night cuddlers. I joke about building him with pillows so I can trick my mind that heā€™s there. Itā€™s also hard because now the time we would normally spend alone is time he spends sleeping. I feel like a whiney teenager lol

Broo are you kidding me :thinking::crazy_face:
10 months sober 10 freakin months if thats not something to be proud of then i dont know what it please get yourself a treat get yourself that tattoo to remind you of who you are NOW vs YESTERDAY you so deserve it man dont worry about the rest blessings come according to his plan your sobriety is KEY before any of what you want to accomplish your going to have all these blessings bro beileve me your putting in the work for the good good you shall recieve confidence akwardness etc etc i just came back from an interview praying i didnt look like a wacko man own it brother and you will see the light at the end trust me !!! Im rooting for you.


Bro congratulations on 10 months man!!! This could just be a PAWS thing Mike youā€™re kicking ass man!!! You will achieve everything you want in time. This fucked up feeling will pass. It could be leftover subconscious crap from doing your 4th & 5th steps. You opened up a lot of doors and sometimes that yuck still hangs around you almost like a ghost you canā€™t see but it will dissipate in time. Keep your chin up bro youā€™re doing AMAZING!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 174 clean and sober today. Bought a workbook yesterday that I heard about and itā€™s really good so far. I hope everyone has an awesome day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


sorry I didnā€™t wish you a well done and all the best, this is the best excuse I could come up with :smirk:nice one mate