Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Well done mate, Oh yeah Ozzy heard about ya :metal:


Oh yeah.
I say that to people all the time : stop thinking, start acting.
Mood follows action.
My life took the best turn when I finally started to stop thinking about sobriety and just started to do the work.
Just take one damn step at a time.


missed your 300 bc I skip posts and just press like :joy::joy::joy:can you forgive me. Well done big man. :+1:

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Day 17

Im spending a lot of time to muting the voices and trying to change my thoughts about booze into the many possibilities that are now open to me. An image of taming a wild horse comes to my mind. Thoughts are going to every direction, changing my mood every day and sometimes every hour, have to be tamed and controlled by me again.

Good eve everyone!


Thatā€™s right shake it off, all we truly have and can truly know is ourselves. They donā€™t make bunkbeds for caskets so we must march our own path. Congrats on 114 Beardy.


Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: it was worth the wait. Thanks mate :joy:

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@M-be-free49 stunning photos, I love sunrises and sunsets, they are on my ā€˜reasons to stay aliveā€™ list, thanks for sharing :blush:
@RosaCanDo Oh Rosa my heart hurts for you, itā€™s so awful when our fur family are suffering, can only send prayers and love to you both :pray:t2::revolving_hearts:
@Tommo congrats on 90 :tada:
@Kip welcome and congrats on 4 days :tada:
@WCan congrats on 80 :tada:
@Brookiemonster618 Iā€™m grateful for your sobriety too :raised_hands:t2: congrats on all the 2s :tada:
@anon60334405 sorry youā€™re struggling to see your own progress, but congrats on 10 months man :tada: also, it seems Iā€™m not the only one in your corner, I hope the support lifts your spirits :pray:t2:

83 days.

Itā€™s been raining here all day today. I did a very short walk before Zoom group therapy, and after a slightly longer one, trying not to overdo it whilst I wear these orthotic insoles in, they actually are really helping with minimising pain whilst walking, but Iā€™m still struggling during and after rest, but itā€™s not so bad really, Iā€™m finding a peace with it.

I am struggling with thoughts of Xmas. I feel so inadequate this time of year, as this will be the 2nd year in a row that I canā€™t afford to buy gifts for people, and Iā€™m always the weird awkward single one, while everyone else in my family is married with children and extremely successful and wealthy, and without mental and physical illnesses. Most of the time Iā€™m okay with my solitary isolated and introverted existence, but holidays really have a way of making me feel lonely and worthless.

DBT tomorrow, the first session of the ā€˜Emotional Regulationā€™ module. Then, the weekend again. My group therapy group have started a WhatsApp and this time of the week everyoneā€™s asking what we all have planned for the weekend, Iā€™m totally okay with how boring I might seem in my responses :sweat_smile:


Checking in covid free. Doing my regular routine. Prayers and readings. Gratitude on here. Check in with family, friends and the treatment center. Working on laundry and go get some groceries.
Have a great day everyone. God bless you all. :v:&:heart:


Yes thank you all everyone. I love you all, you all rock. @marcusmaximus2000 I really like that man. Good point. @anon79808082, @Dazercat, @anon28001181, @Nordique, @Clarity. @Dan531 Im gonna jog when I got home. Iā€™m still hitting my meetings last night was the first one Iā€™ve missed in a while. But Iā€™ll go tonight and talk to my sponsor about whatā€™s going on. I should of already been reaching out to him once I felt this funk hit. But Iā€™m a stubborn ass of course and throw my ego and pride in the way


10 months is a amazing Mike and so are you!! You know how this goes some days we just ā€œFeelā€ more than others. Keep pushing!! You the man!! :muscle:t3:


Just delete it. Works wonders, trust me

I do then I get bored and think reinstall and watch random stuffā€¦

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@CATMANCAM, @Truckinmonster21, @Rockstar24777. And anyone I missed. Love yā€™all. Thanks guys @Dolse71 I have to forgive you as Iā€™m just as guilt sir lol, but thank you man


Checking out on day 760. Feeling much better inside today. Found some inner peace again which arose also from talking to several people /friends yesterday and today. Today I spoke to colleagues and I was checking my perception and theirs. This gave me some kind of, okay, the whole process went wrong and not as it should have but for now at least I have to let go of fighting, my ego as I can only lose.

Had the MRI this morning and was lucky to have an appointment for physical therapy on Monday morning. Still I cannot figure out from my symptoms what is wrong with my shoulder or vertebral column. Only inner rotation hurts and feels stiff. Strange.

Then, what is really disturbing for me atm, talked to a good friend and she seems to be completely fix into some kind of conspiracy theory, end of democracy. :flushed: I went silent. This is something I cannot relate to and as she only spoke of that it somehow poinsend the conversation as she was clearly seeking for ā€˜yeah, I agreeā€™.

Bonne nuit and a sober Thursday evening all :pray::sunflower:

And closed loop working again.


Maybe delete your account. When you feel cravings for tiktok, come on to TS and just read around, thereā€™s probably some 500,000 posts on here, so it will take some time to get through them all. Maybe also delete YouTube/Reddit/twitch since they can be a pain in the ass when trying to quit something like tiktok. And I know itā€™s very hard. I find it incredibly hard to quit YouTube since Iā€™m not even close to a high rock bottom, but it does have the ability to do so.
How about we start a timer together. You for tiktok, I for YouTube, that way we can keep eachother accountable


Been working on my business. Feeling proud of myself for taking the plunge and learning the systems by taking action. Fear had me paralyzed for months. Iā€™m tired of living in fear. Iā€™ve been reconnecting with God and just navigating who I am as a person. Iā€™ve cut out TV time by ALOT too and have been attached to my kindle. Iā€™ve got to make this build up of my 2nd year of sobriety worth something. The 1st year was laying the foundation. The 2nd year is actualizing.


Goodnight all


Wtf Mike.
Two years sober Iā€™m still not financially secure, I struggle to get myself out most days to run or cycle. Iā€™m no further forward on my mortgage
But Iā€™m sober. Thats the most important thing in my life.
For that I am happy! For that I will walk around with a big fucking smile on my face whilst I have no money in my pocket!
Because itā€™s 1000% better than where I was.
Gratitude my friend, works wonders. And I bet your girls love it.


I know. I count my gratitudes every morning, just one of those days. I feel a lil better, came home and jogged giving the girls baths and gonna get dinner ready.


:fist_right::fist_left:.sending a huge hug to you Mike, a big huge hug :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::pray::dizzy:. Half empty or half full :roll_eyes::star2::star2:ā€¦ have you seen @Butch s posts in motivation and meditation?..I read the posts everyday and find something in them thatā€™s helpful and positiveā€¦readings from big book and other poems and stuff.really niceā€¦itā€™s part of my routine on TSā€¦here and that threadā€¦not sure how to copy threads if anyone knows Iā€™ll post his thread :star2::purple_heart::star2: