Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

I was probably a bit harsh mate. Ten months is great work mate. Well done.
Another reason I have a smile most days is I have no expectations as to how my day is going to be.
I just take what comes when it does. Something goes wrong I take a look around me, see the beauty of life and smile and get right back on.
I’m still working on trying to get out exercising more. But heyho, what is is what is!
Again, well done Mike


Nah not harsh at all. I’m being a whiny bitch and need to be called out on it, no hard feelings at all.


Thank you hazy I’ll look it up. Appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Here’s one of @Butch posts of today…there’s always is something in one of them that seems apt FOR TODAY :slightly_smiling_face:


awesome, thanks for checking in with some inspiration for us Mere mortals :+1:great work.


Congrats, Brooke! I can completely understand how you feel. Sobriety becomes a part of your life. When I come on the forums here and say “it does get easier”… I mean it. Sobriety is a muscle that you keep working and building and it gets stronger and stronger. After a while, it becomes muscle memory and almost automatic… it’s a great thing! 794 is a beautiful #!!!


@RogerDoc Congrats on 3 years!

@Jenifer and nearly two years is amazing too.

Day 115
Nice easy day at work today, speaking tests so just got to sit and listen (and grade, obviously). Often saw easy work days as an excuse to drink the day before. Didn’t even cross my mind yesterday. Dyed my hair and did two loads of washing. Also finished up my Japanese CV, for applying for extra classes at a different uni. Real fucking adulting going on there.



11 days. Thursdays are usually the day I would get a six pack and do absolutely nothing productive. Today, I will go on a run and study for an upcoming exam I am taking soon. I am going to try a fizzy drink instead of my six pack to try to shake those relentless cravings.

Cheers - J


Check in day 13. Sitting at home by myself today has been a little challenging, but I’m making it.


It’s been a while but its 702 days clean


Day 1127. After being given a promotion last week I was able to secure another promotion and raise this week. We are turning over another supervisor and I made a proposal to our executive management team to put me in as program director rather than hiring another supervisor. Now I have oversight over my program and will be able to restructure it to hopefully become more productive. This would not be possible without sobriety. I had the self-confidence to put myself out there and pitch my proposal, and the insight to not expect anything to happen without me putting in the work.


Rolling through day 10, but have some tough feels.
Said good bye to my best friend’s dog. She’s putting him down tomorrow. It’s going to be very hard, but I’m going to stay strong to take care of her through the weekend.


I was 18 months sober when my canine buddy passed over. That was when, for the first time in my life, I felt the loving presence of a higher power, because I knew that the energy that had made him alive, his soul, had returned to the divine. I got the message again that I was given the day I got sober. “Everything is gonna be alright. Everything.”

Blessings on you and your friend. :pray:


Fanfrickentabulous!!! You have got to be so proud of yourself. Congratulations :tada::clap:

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You’re on fire! You are a perfect example of… you’ll get out of sobriety what you put in. You put your blood, sweat and tears into this and it continues to pay off. Congratulations on your 2nd promo Derek!!!


I may or may not be forming an addiction to coffee. I haven’t enjoyed coffee much, i have been more of a tea drinker…
However, since I quit smoking I HAVE to drink coffee all day and all night. I get irritable and panicked when I do not have it…
Argh! Why am I such an addict?! Why do I have so many?! I feel overwhelmed by my inadequacies and shortcomings. Today I have been tempted…but I am still smoke free!


The end of day 12. Kicking alcohol’s ass. However, I only made it two days without overeating and lost it tonight. We didn’t have groceries in the house, so my wife ordered pizza. She’s about to head to the grocery store. Defeating food is so much harder than defeating alcohol right now.

Either way, I’m so glad to be closing in on two weeks sober. I love this life. My mind is clear, my conscience is clear, my wife is literally singing around the house, our relationship is slowly becoming happy again. This is great.


@ICanAndWill Maybe I’m ignorant and dumb, but is a lot of coffee a bad thing? Certainly seems better than alcohol or cigs or really anything else. Just trying to understand! Good on you to stay off the cigarettes!! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


It isnt bad in itself, however anything can be used as a drug. I have to keep myself from forming new addictions to things…especially when my coffee is loaded with sugar and cream! Haha.

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