Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

If you are able to, keep a mindful eating journal. Make sure in it you record facts and feelings, and always end with an affirmation!
It should help you understand your relationship with food. There are some great prompts on Pinterest.
If you find yourself getting in an unsafe place, put it on pause, regroup, and ground.

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Checking in on day 132

I feel soooooooo lonely lately. Mental state has been taking a shit this week. I ate almost an entire pie on Tuesday
 like a robot eating my feelings
 I couldnt stop myself
 self sabotage level 100. But I am sober. I hope I can feel better soon.
Anyway nothing has really changed except my mindset so tomorrow I need a better plan. I am gonna get up, write out a schedule first thing, and excersize
 and try to snap out of this.


Hey, sounds like when I am writing when I am deep down in that hole I fall from time to time. When I am I there no-one can help me as words, my f** sobriety, friends, nothing is worth anything. But atm I am not in that hole and I can see that every time I fell in that hole I come out more quick, I fall less deep. When i was still drinking I lived in that hole. That was my cozy home. Feeling like shit was home.

You know that you have accomplished so much in the last 302 days. This is just the beginning. Here in Germany it takes as far as I know more than a year to get the licence back. Its not that easy. And you will do it.


Checking in Day 6 no alcohol. Had a very successful evening teaching an online event. Teaching is really my time to shine and I enjoy connecting with others, even if we have to be online right now instead of in person. I also did an intense exercise this afternoon. Those two aspects of today were definitely natural highs!! And I feel better now than if I’d had a drink.


Checking in December 3
Ive made the best decision in my life to leave my graveyard shift ive never slept like this in years sleep can make a huge diffrence to your mental its own vitamin + Sobriety equals super human :crazy_face: im 25 i feel like i shed some years lets goooo !!!


Congrats on day 6 with no alcohol talk about a SOLID week :triumph::pray: natural highs and feel goods are so much better then our DOC its natural kudos :partying_face:

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Congratulations on 132 days definity not easy and your out here doing your thing :partying_face: dont feel lonely were here for you available anytime of the day :slightly_smiling_face: i hear you on the pie im currently struggling myself with food for my feels its not healthy at all but i made a new resolution to loose 70 to 75 pounds 2021 iam so determined and for you take charge tomorow with a plan thats amazing and motivating you will snap out of this you got this you should be very proud coming this far :pray:


Day 157.
Let it be said. This is the only group project I’ve ever liked. It has to be a group effort, because I’d never be here on my own!
We all have another day in us, and that’s all that matters right now.
G’night, dear sober pals. :orange_heart:

@Tommo you’ve done a lot for 90 days
 i’m awed and honoured you share any of your journey here with us, and well understand if it takes you away at times too.

@anon60334405 what everyone else already said! And like @Brookiemonster618 said about her 2 years and 2 months
 could you imagine where you’d be if you hadn’t stopped drinking/using 304 days ago? You’re a powerhouse. You’ve done so much transformation on the inside - give a bit of time and the outside stuff will catch up. I think you and your 304 days are amazing. :heart:

@anon74766472 yeah, some work situations and friendships too are just confusing. I have a pal that is big into the conspiracy theory thing right now, and I reply with a lot of “hmmm, interesting” - neither agree nor disagree. I hope your shoulder gets better soon. fait des beaux rĂȘves!

@WCan yes, Canadian
 I can x-country ski almost the whole way to the grocery store! At least, I can when I’m sober


Congrats on 157 days :pray:


@Englishd Congratulations! Not to the same level, but I am also making some advances professionally, would be impossible without the energy and time sobriety brings.

@Clarity Hugs! It is horrible when emotions take a dive. Hope u can find ur grove again.


A sobriety calander showing how long you’ve been clean and sober.

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:wink: :orange_heart:

  1. Coffee. Start of my workweek. For now therapy just gives me lots of stress and not much positivity. I was totally exhausted yesterday after 2 hours of it. Well. I do remember the start of my sober journey wasn’t exactly easy either. And I do know how much sobriety is bringing me now. On we go. Upward and upward. ODAAT. Thanks for being here all. It helps. Have a good sober and clean day. It’s so worth it.
    Luna just loves her bed now.

    @Englishd That’s impressive Derek. Big congrats.
    @anon60334405 You’re doing great Mike. Keep putting in the work and you’ll reap the rewards.
    @Clarity Great idea about the schedule. Hugs.
    @Kaeo Great to see you friend. Congrats on 702 days.
    @M-be-free49 100% with you on the group project thing. Now I got to make it work for the therapy too


Getting ready for bed, I had a good semiproductive day. Did some reading (not as much as I should have). Surfed and posted on my social media platforms, did some Lifeline communications, made tasty pinto beans in the Instant Pot then capped off the evening listening to Christmas carols and drinking hot chocolate with my wife and granddaughter.




Dang it! I missed your 90 day milestone.
Congratulations on your 91 days ol chap :crazy_face:
That’s friggen awesome. Way to go!!
I’m very happy to have you and your kind heart and wisdom around here.
Good night :zzz::crescent_moon:


Hey, I’m through day 10 now too​:hugs::fist_right::fist_left:
 hope you have a good positive day :star2::pray:


When you smash your favourite mug
 Today is gonna be a a shit fest and its not even 8am.

@Mno your cats eyes have just melted me


Noooo I’m sorry! Stitch is so cute! Here’s a link to more!

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:grin: awww thank you. That has just made me smile

@Conor689908 okay I’m sober and today won’t be a shit storm