Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Thanks Mike you’re absolutely right. I’ll set up a time that we can sit down and talk. Have a great day bro I appreciate your help!

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I’m not sure what you mean Donna lol. Do you mean if you wrote that to me? I think if you did it would hurt my feelings. I’m not catching what you’re trying to say I’m sorry!

I reworded it. Sorry, sometimes I’m not good at writing what I mean.

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Awww thanks Donna I appreciate you so much! I get it now. My health has to come first before anyone or anything. That’s what I got from it. :sunglasses::heart::metal:t2:


it’s great reading all this and it’s even better to see you passing it on. Step 4 put me on my knees crying and praying but we are often told in life to ‘let it go’. You can’t let something go if you haven’t held it first so we embrace it first good bad and ugly only then can we let it go, if we pick up more shit along the way we do a step 10 inventory and life keeps getting better.


Been a rough week at work and at home, but chosing the right path. I look forward to the time I get to talk here


Glad to hear you are pushing through it Harold. Drinking is never the answer, this we know. Keep fighting :muscle:t3:


Thank you. I’m finding it easier to reach out now than in the past. I didn’t reach out years ago and even with several years of sobriety I drank. So maybe this old dog learned a new trick after all


Hmm I am in the same predicament in my relationship. I also recently have become more aware of my BPD which I know makes me “hot or cold” towards someone. I am either content in my relationship or busy working on my plan to “escape”… there is really no in between. I wonder if its the mental illness. Ive never really had a normal relationship. LOL so no real advice there…
BUT… We did have a fight last week and me being AWARE of how cold I turn, when he apologized I tried to actually listen to him and empathize with him. I still felt no love towards him but I did get up and try to help him with a problem he was having and in doing so, my heart softened a teensy bit… so progress in just being aware. :+1:


Mike thank you for this post friend i can relate on all the above mentioned im grateful that there are still others who help others we need more MIKES in this world ! :pray:

Of course you deserve it talk about being a MACHINE :muscle: Day 7 whaaaaat ! Watch out now MagicILY is about to get serious with this one get it :pray::partying_face::partying_face:

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That’s awesome @Clarity! Yeah I’m not sure exactly what’s going on but I just downloaded this workbook from Amazon for kindle. The guys name is Dr. Fox and I’ve watched a lot of his videos on YouTube. Here’s a pic of the workbook in case you might want to check it out. Have a great day!!!


Checking in November 4th
Just came back from my new Job and i knocked it out the park :muscle::triumph: Lets Goooooo !!! im really proud of myself today i adapt to whatever comes my way i see light at the end of my tunnel things will blossom once again :fire::pray:


Crazy day 88: Hanging in there, as well as I can. Another late night, my buddy Chucho is right back where he was before we started the medications. Nothing left to do but keep him as comfortable as possible when he has episodes, try to keep some normalcy when we can, and lots of lovin’. We have no way of knowing if this will be a steady decline, if he will rebound, or what. The uncertainty is tough, but honestly I’ve had a lot of practice with that feeling this year! Haven’t we all?! And addressing those feelings while sober has prepared me to handle this, too. It’s sad, but it will be okay. Lots to be grateful for, every single day. Today I’m grateful to just be here and fully present in my emotions and surroundings, too. Grateful for my husband who takes it like the loving and understanding partner that he is when I snap at him out of fear and sadness and frustration and grateful that I recognize it quickly and apologize. Grateful that I do the same for him when he has his moments because we are humans and we have them. Grateful that he asks if he can help when I am having a cry when I finally make it to bed and that it’s okay for me to say I just need to cry and not be touched. So, so much to be grateful for! If all goes well, we will haul out the Christmas decor and get busy doing that on this Friday night. If not, that’s okay too. Sending big love out, TS fam. :heartpulse:


…its just the way I roll


Day 6 just checking in


Goodnight everyone


Prayers for Chucho :pray:t3::heart:

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I will definitely check it out! I really struggle with knowing if I should leave him or if its the BPD… maybe that book will help me figure it out.


Thank you, Courtney.

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