Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Yeah absolutely I’m not too step 10 yet. Working on step six and seven still. When my sponsor says we’re ready I’ll go on to 8. I know this is a sober group so I don’t mind sharing my experience, other then that I dont talk about a.a

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Sending thoughts and prayers for Chucho…

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First rule of fight club… :wink:


You summed up exactly what I’m going through wow! Yep I can’t tell if it’s me or not too. It’s weird in my case because I can put down on paper exactly what is going on and yep, my pain is justified. Anyone would feel hurt. But then I know she has her problems too but it’s like I’m supposed to just accept it and my issues are weird or needy. Trips me out. Oh and Dr. Fox talks about the favorite person thing which I found so freaking interesting.You might want to look him up on YouTube it blew my mind. I’m glad you can relate that’s awesome!



Checking in on almost 108 days sober. Feeling a little meh and not getting much done, but did stick to my new workout schedule. I guess it’s something :upside_down_face:


Yesterday, I broke my Les Miserables mug. It’s my favorite. I hope your day turned out OK anyway.


Yaas! I would actually like to credit you for some of that breakthrough! One of your last posts about a business meeting you had really stuck and made me think to myself that I too can face my fears and get over them! Thank you the support. :pray:t5::kissing_heart:


I only slept 4 hours last night so I crashed and burned today and took a nice long nap. I am feeling refreshed. I need to go back to sleep when I wake up at 4:00 am.


Have a great evening everyone. God bless you all. :v:&:heart:


Aw Chucho,
Love you buddy.
Give mommy a big hug.

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Day 26. Tired. Removed the Candy Crush App from my phone today. Had a passing thought to pick up vodka at the store. Vodka was never my drink of choice - but - tired. I didn’t do it. I just came home with some quick-dissolve melatonin.

Is it bed time yet?


Day 116

Bloody cat has gone AWOL, kids are frantic.


Oh no! Fingers crossed for a quick & safe return



Day 69. work has been absolutely insane and then there’s been other drama, and I haven’t done a good job of checking in here and keeping up with this thread. I’m going to take this weekend to catch my breath and focus on the things that actually keep me from feeling overwhelmed: hanging out with Max, meditating, yoga, reading and posting here, and attending zoom AA meetings. I really hope everyone is doing well and taking things ODAAT.


Hey! Been a minute!

Checking in on Day 500. Still lifting, still working from home, still not playing shows…ugh.

Other than that, it’s just the same ol’ same ol’.

Have a strong day!!!


13.5 days. 14 is the longest I’ve gone alcohol-free in the last three years. Tomorrow is a big day. Realizing tonight how much I turned to alcohol in anger. Some stuff happened to me today that made me pretty mad. First thought was to pick up a bottle of vodka. Haven’t felt that since I started this journey. Sitting here just feeling it tonight. Must figure out a new way to handle being pissed off. Not in danger of drinking since I don’t have anything in the house. I won’t let myself go to the store. But man, the emotions on this journey can be so difficult to deal with.


Wow :star_struck: that’s great Thomas!! 500 DAYS!!
So happy for you.

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Hey! I was just thinking of you today!
Nice to hear from you and you’re doing good. You’ll be playing soon enough!
I made it to 6 months! Can you believe it?!
🙋 Stay safe and healthy!