Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

The worst. If it helps, have the kids follow steps you can find online for encouraging the cat to come home, like putting its litter box outside with an article of clothing of each of theirs, favorite treat and water and maybe a schedule of when to check so they can mark it off a list. Hope kitty comes back soon.


Congrats on 500, Thomas! Thatā€™s amazing!


Checking in on Day 7! One weeks feels pretty great :blush: I feel stronger at this point than I have the past times Iā€™ve gotten sober. Trying to remember to acknowledge how far Iā€™ve come in my entire path of sobriety, not just seven days without alcohol ā€” but over a year since I started seriously working with my issues and quitting drinking for periods of time, whether I made it one day or 45 (my longest streak so far). Or in 2015 when I was sober for the month of January to start the year off fresh. Or the many meditation retreats Iā€™ve completed where I didnā€™t drink and focused on working with my mind instead. All of these periods are part of my path of no alcohol even if theyā€™re not lined up in a row. Like most parts of life, that path is not a linear straight line. It twists and moves and can be unpredictable. It feels good to remember that.

Today I also thought a lot about my habits that support me in not drinking. In no particular order, here are some that stand out in my mind:

Teaā€¦so many kinds of tea! :tea:
Practicing gratitude
Creating art
Spending time with my dog
Being in nature
Tuning in to my senses
Writing every day
Picking something new to learn how to do and experimenting with it!
Drinking lots of water


Just gonna go ahead and check in! Day 132. Today was a much better day!! Thanks everyone who reached out to me, you have no idea how much I needed you guysā€¦ I was losin it. @Truckinmonster21 @M-be-free49 @Mno @Misokatsu @Tommo
We watched the news tonight and Covid is pretty intense here in the US. Idk whats going on in the rest of the world but here we have 230,000 new cases just today. My daughters dad told me he doesnt want me going to the store anymore. I am accepting that we are hunkering down for a bit. It wont be so bad, I just have to stay postive. But :point_up: I CANNOT miss my morning work outs or I will lose my mind. Have a great night everyone!
@RosaCanDo Praying for Chucho! He looks like a sweetheart, I hope he gets better!


First moving sober ever done today.
That was a 3200 calories day :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Hope everyone is doing good on here !


Checking in for first timeā€¦ day 6 here! Seems like itā€™s been a month and 1 day all at the same time, if that makes sense, but itā€™s going well so far!! Hope everyone has a great night!


Checking in day 14. I had a horrid dream about drinking last night that left me feeling full of shame and anxiety all dayā€¦ but a stayed sober anyways! :blush:


Yes, made it here. Not too excited. Just been so BLAH this week. Pandemic restlessness maybe. Missing my kids, bored, frustrated with my husband. Ugh! Keep thinking about the next day I will have a drink. No real danger as there is none around. Just, ugh. Going skiing tomorrow - glad for that outlet.


I ripped day two apart. Running on 0 sleep. I get terrible insomnia when Iā€™m trying get back on my feet. Sleep paralysis is also common for me aswell in my first few days of getting sober. Terrible nightmares that Iā€™m actually awake for and I canā€™t move. Anyways, itā€™s been a long time since I have been counting the days. I believe it to be a good sign that Iā€™m for real. I do alot of reading on sobriety. Started a daily journal and made an appt.with the doc to get evaluated. All good stuff.


Way to go on your first week. Happy for ya. Great list.
I have gratitude at the top of my list. It really helps me start my day. I come on here and write it on the daily gratitude thread. Every day since since I started my journey. So much to be grateful for when sober.
Keep it up. Sounds like you got a good plan.

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Thanks! I recently did a bunch of contemplating on gratitude and also researched if from a psychological and scientific approach, and the benefits are so clear! I was already journaling every morning, so I began adding a gratitude component. No matter how Iā€™m feeling, I try to think about at least one thing Iā€™m grateful forā€¦and I usually end up with many. It really changes oneā€™s perspective to focus on what we have instead of what we lack. It also makes me feel more connected to the people in my life and appreciative of what they do and who they are. I have also found that expressing that gratitude through words to those people is a wonderful practice. I wrote a card for my boyfriend sharing all the things Iā€™m grateful for about him and it was really special for both of us.

Thanks again for the reply and encouragement. I will have to check out the gratitude thread! :sparkling_heart:

  1. Coffee. Working weekend. Iā€™m too busy, both at work and outside of it. Need to pace myself a bit. Thankful for my sobriety, thankful for this place and all you here, keeping me focused, giving me a feeling of connection, direction, shared purpose. Iā€™m on my own road but Iā€™m very grateful I can share some of it here and share some of yours too. Have a good weekend all. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam.

Day 158.
So much tired. Such a long week! But scrolling through this thread is a good way to end the work week. So many amazing milestones!

@BrownCow, @Hazy and @Beachy - well done on double digits! @cwak youā€™re so close to 2 weeks! @MagicILY one week - you killed it!

@Jdiaz I talk out loud to myself all the time on this placeā€¦ seriously! It helps just to know the words are out of my head and shared. Youā€™re doing great.

@Rockstar24777 big hugs. youā€™ve got a lot on your physical, mental, and emotional plates right nowā€¦ a real smorgasbord of stuff going on. please donā€™t forget to just get some rest tooā€¦ :heart:

@RosaCanDo aw, Chucho! the dog girl and I will take you and Chucho along with us on a good long forest walk tomorrowā€¦ sending you both hugs and healing vibes.

@Misokatsu keep us posted! I hope the cat comes home real soon.

Gā€™night all. We did it again, and we can do it again tomorrow. :orange_heart:


Day 762 alcohol, day 42 diet coke.
Didnā€™t sleep well. Thoughts arise between anger and sadness. As I prognose. Keep calm. I am save. I know itā€™s feeling of injustice and anger that arises and will arise as long as I cannot change my mindset. Itā€™s like the well known road of self destruction.
I know itā€™s only me how can help me with that. Other people I wonā€™t believe, neither my colleagues, nor friends. They fall in category of : cool, you are with us now as we need help. This is true. And yeah, give it some time and you will find sth new. This I donā€™t believe. And immediately there is anger. So, this is the wrong path. Path will be in thinking : well, be it. I gained freedom, work that suits my mind. I cannot sit still and write/justifiying bullshit for hours.
Then there is part of family and friends that are like: hmmm, yeah, really that makes you sick (well, somehow I was in an outpatient program for 8 weeks, leading to all the current shit) but it will look shitty on your CV. Then I think in my grave will be written: killed herself but at least she had a nice and conform CV. Bad for her she didnā€™t fit into her CV. Yeah, this is sth that makes me feel better. Helps me to see how difficult it is for me in certain parts to just accept me, my weaknesses which maybe are strengh but I donā€™t see it.

What is sure: this would not be possible w/o sobriety. To all who read my stupid thoughts. In no way, drugs of any kind will help in any of these situations. Never, ever. Being sober is the basement, the foundation of everything.

A woman I know from my womenā€™s f2f who is only a relative of her alcoholic husband. She told me that she doesnā€™t drink. She wants to face live with a clear mind.

Sorry for my random thoughts.

Have a great weekend! :sunflower:

Yesterday I read some post about pandemic fatigue. Hmm, I get used to it somehow. Atm it doesnā€™t bother me too much. Politicians do stupid things as the dictate of economic wealth and Xmas is the highest good we have.


369 days sober.

One day at the timeā€¦
Blessings blessings blessings


442 Days. I havenā€™t been checking in but I do read all your posts every day. Iā€™m really proud of each and everyone of you for showing up here every single day and posting all your ups and downs. Thank you for opening up and allowing me into your lives. Much love to everyone. :heart:


@cwak Get a punching bag and learn how to hit properly - it can be a great help.


Nice to see you Ramon. Enormous felicitaties with your full year (and counting) of sobriety.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts Franzi. Itā€™s a winding road were on. Sharing helps both you and us to stay on course. Keep going.

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Thatā€™s huge StellaLuna. Really. Unlearning these old patterns is very hard. And youā€™re doing it. Yay! Congrats! Hugs!

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