Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Checking in December 5th 2020
Goodmorning all Saturday work hope i go home early today nothing like coffee to wake up the brain i hope everyone has an amazing saturday you guys are rocking it im always inspired and motivated by all you beautiful people :pray:



I have nothing

You have your valuable life experience, you have a kid. Now you have a future. Over to you to write the script for the rest of your life :pray: :heart:


Checking in on day 11. Iā€™m feeling sleepy this morning but thatā€™s ok itā€™s Saturday so I can definitely lounge a bit this morning. I will probably work for a couple hours but nothing too pressing. No cravings which is very strange. I donā€™t want to speak too soon or jinx myself but I feel so different this time around. I feel like Iā€™m just done, I donā€™t want to feel crappy all the time physically for something that makes me feel good for a hour or so. Have a wonderful sober Saturday TS folks! :grinning:


Oh that sort of dream is horrible isnā€™t it? After the initial realisation that it was only a dream I let myself feel relief and gratitude. :sleeping: :sleeping_bed: :partly_sunny: :facepunch:

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Well done Thomas!


My day planned out OKā€¦ I ordered a new stitch cup because the freak I am needs a stitch cup in my life!


I hope you actually get that mug this timeā€¦ :unamused: And not whom it doesnā€™t belong.

Checking in on day 34
I just realized that my bf was cheating on me since 2 years a go and all his family was aware of it, I feel stupid, disapointed, just sleeped 4 hours and feel like shitā€¦ She came to my house and show me pictures with him, and my sister in law, she got an abortion, and was hitted by him
I litteraly lived in to a lie for 2 years, he doesnt even want to answer the phone.


Omg, thatā€™s so wrong. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re dealing with that. Was it your sister in law that came by with the pictures? And why did he hit herā€¦ I wouldnā€™t want to see him again; that is the worst betrayal. Count your blessings you know nowā€¦


Iā€™m sorry this has happened to youā€¦
I would now focus on you, look how far youā€™ve come 34 days by your own choice and effort.

You canā€™t change the past and even thou its hard to digest you are better on your own to heal and youā€™ll find the person who is your person by working on you and you alone.

Donā€™t kick yourself for something you really canā€™t change become the person you were meant to beā€¦ Fearless and sober which you can do x


Thanks @liv_m I appreciate the advice. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to do yet, all there is is space between us right now and it sucks. Have a great day thanks again.

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You mister!!!

You must remember the main focus of you and healing ā€¦ There is always gonna be ups and downs you both have issues and you sir have sobriety as wellā€¦ I want you to remember the posistives of yourself as it is too easy to bury yourself in negatives and that isnā€™t what you need.

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The misstres contacted me by facebook and came with the pictures and messages, even with his mother, I feel so betrayedā€¦ They lought of me in my face for 2 yearsā€¦ I dont want to see him, but I feel that I deserve an explanaition. This hurts a lot, my mom health was afected too for this situation, I want to be strong.


Thanks a lot, I need to face the reality for the first time sober, is that possible? Omg I feel so bad. I just want to kill him :frowning:


Oh Luisa, that is just awfulā€¦ Iā€™m sending you a big, motherly hug, sweetieā€¦


TWO WEEKS :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

Love being part of this group. You all are helping me make it happen. Itā€™s incredible to be connected to people who get it and are walking through it too. So much love for you all.

Yesterday I experienced anger without turning to alcohol for the first time in a LONG time. Obviously I didnā€™t enjoy the experience, but Iā€™m definitely pleased with the outcome. No drunken fights or texts, no regret this morning, no hangover fog. Just me, moving on and choosing a better life. Hell yeah!


Staying sober will give you more strength, Luisa; donā€™t let his actions push you to hurt your sobrietyā€¦ eff him. Youā€™re going to make it and be even stronger.


Your facing reality sober keep doing it donā€™t let this be a step back because it doesnā€™t need toā€¦
You know he is the one that has to face the reality of cheating and doing the horrible things heā€™s doneā€¦ Kill him what for?!? walk away take yourself out of his toxic life because you misses are better then that and deserve more. Donā€™t go to a level that he wants you to go to anger isnā€™t the only emotion to have. We can express ourselves so much better when we donā€™t go with our first reaction be that better person you know you areā€¦ Walk away do you wanna hear his lies of why he did it Nah?!?
You have the control, do it your way :slight_smile:


Day 306. So I am gonna stop sharing my experience, itā€™s not for everyone. So Iā€™m just keep it to myself and Iā€™m talking about a.a. atm Iā€™m trying to figure out if im sick, or in a funk still. I still have a heavy feeling in my mind, Iā€™m tired.