Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Hey Mike, congrats on your milestone. Why stop sharing your experience if it helps you and some others. I did that some what recently and it didn’t help. If someone doesn’t want to read about the experiences, they can move on.

Keep pushing hard and do you, it’s working.


Thank you Danni. I opened up to her last night and got basically shot down. It’s one of her other personalities that’s fronting right now, has been for the last two weeks (she has DID). It just sucks when she is Faith (the host) she loves me so much and it’s so wonderful. And right when I start to feel comfortable another alter comes forward and treats me like shit and it just really breaks my heart and makes me feel like a piece of shit. I’m really having a hard time with this and I am starting to spiral down again. Thank you for your kind words I hope you have a great day today.


Day 2

Went out and did more field research. It took far less time this go around to destroy my health. The first time I went to AA i met a guy that said “do I want to live or do I want to die”. At the time i thought it was a bit dramatic but know now that this is a matter of life and death.

Ive already connected with my sponsor and plan to do everything to stay sober. Taking things one day at a time.


Keep your head up man, you’ll get through the funk and the cloud that’s hanging over you. The important thing is you’re still sober and still working hard at it.

Everyone has their slumps and this too shall pass.


Soooo you’ve identified that its not faith… Now you have the ability to accept this and not let it get to you very hard I know, extremely challenging actually but you can’t spiral… This is where you take a step back and work on you while this other identity is present or see if there is a way to connect with the other identities. As faith isn’t going to always be their.
Mister don’t spiral you can do this :slight_smile: stop knocking yourself x


Day 176 clean and sober today. My heart is starting to really break again and my defenses are being beaten down. I wish I could hold on and feel ok but it’s taking it’s toll on me. I have know idea what I’m going to do but I have to do something soon. It’s going to hurt either way so I might as well rip the band aid off and know the pain won’t last forever. Thanks for listening have a good day.


Glad to see you back Blake. One day at a time… it’s all we can do.

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Danni that’s actually great advice thank you!!! Yes I’ll just start working on myself more again and let things take their course. Omg thank you so much!!!


Sorry your are hurting Rob. Listen to your gut… it usually knows best. Prayers that things will get better for you. :pray:t3::yellow_heart:


Thank you Courtney very much I appreciate that!


Day 13. Going in a bike ride today with my kids. There is this great dedicated bikeway that leads to the coast. It should be beautiful. As a reward, we ordered some legit Aussie pies and lamingtons (if you are Aussie and in Los Angeles I know a place) to enjoy afterwards.

Feeling good today and hopeful I will stay on track and keep this awful disease of alcoholism at bay for the remainder of my years.


Checking in on day 43. Sober weekends are just the best! Have a great one all you lovely people out there :heart_eyes::sunglasses::sun_with_face::sparkles:


Sounds like a great day; take some pictures, I’ll probably never get out there! :smile:

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Mike, you share away!! I like hearing about it. Also knowing how much it’s helping you makes me happy… :kissing_heart:


Hi Rob,
I’ve just caught up with your rollercoaster of a year. Has she been diagnosed with DID e.g. because Faith is unaware of her other self/selves’ thoughts and actions, or are you seeing two facets of her personality? That does affect how you approach this situation and it may require professional help.
I am glad you can take a step back from the situation, and while you do perhaps ask yourself the question “Do we both want this to work :question:”.
You may feel resentment that you won her back after becoming sober, which requires tremendous effort on your part and she needs to do her bit to keep the relationship afloat. I’m just putting that out there as an example - only you can work out where your resentments lie (for both of you) and if/how they can be overcome. In the long term I am sure you will work this out for the best, even if there is pain in the short term.
I am so respectful you have stayed sober throughout. We have the same sober date by the way. :fist_right: :fist_left:


I know what it’s like to be lied to too, I dated a sex addict who cheated on me with prostitutes for 3 years. He lied to me the whole time. I thought I was crazy. When he FINALLY fessed up, I felt like I had been set free.
I understand how you want him to fess up. The truth WILL set you free. And then RUN… and be glad you didnt marry him or have a baby with him. I thank my lucky stars everyday! You deserve so much more.
The guy I was with said him cheating was more like a “handshake” and didnt mean anything to him. Pshh. He said no one would ever love me as much as he did. :expressionless: We all deserve the truth so we can make our own decisions. Stay sober, stay strong, and be glad you are DONE with him!! On the the next one who deserves you!! :clap:


What a jerk; on both of his comments…


I know right, a handshake… :joy::joy:


I have taken the jump; I have included porn and masturbation on my timer.
I will add sugar/food in January. I want to stagger all of these so I won’t get overwhelmed and give up.
I’m on the (at times painful) journey to honoring my body. Who would have thunk, me of all people!


406 days…

I woke up wanting to drink this morning, it was brief and i worked through it but it certainly reminded me that I WILL ALWAYS BE AN ALCOHOLIC. The good news is that i get to decide if I’m an active alcoholic or a recovering alcoholic.

@MagicILY congratulations on 7 days, well done!

@Jamie3 and @cwak congratulations on 2 weeks, well done!

@FeelingBetter and @Charlie_C congratulations on 3 weeks, well done!

@TeejLazer congrats on hitting the 500 club.