Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

D. 8 tobacco
D. 992 alcohol

Longest I have gone without chewing since I was 18. The nicotine pouch I am using is helping, but I am still fighting urges. Decided to tackle this like booze. I have been reading everything I can about nicotine. One more say sober and tobacco free.


I am giving you such a big hug! I am so sorry, there seems to be so much on your plate right now. I hope you find insight and resolution soon!

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I am in no way, shape, or form suggesting you do this; I am only sharing what has worked for me (so far).
I tried nicotine replacement in its various forms. It never worked for me because I felt like I was replacing steak with tofu. I was getting what I needed, not what I wanted. So I finally decided that I would pull off the bandaid and get over the withdrawal pain faster…so I went cold turkey.
This has worked for me. I tried to quit almost every month for years…so no matter what works best for you (and it is important to find what works), keep trying… do not give up!


I tried cold turkey…never lasted more than 3 days. So…trying the taper method…


Goodnight all


4 months you freakin monster, nice one mate. :+1:


I wish you all the best, I know former smokers that have done a myriad of different methods. To each their own, as long as it works for you—forget the rest!

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Hi Everyone! Day 12, checking in. I’m feeling good today. Had a few low days, but I’m pulling through. I also wanted to share today that while my primary reason for being here is to give up alcohol, I am also working with not smoking weed. It is not as big of a concern for me, but it definitely sneaks up on me and is just a distraction that makes me lose focus. When I’m not drinking, I tend to default more to weed, so I wanted to give both up at the same time so I’m not just exchanging one crutch for another. I am proud that I went for four days straight without it, smoked the first night I stopped drinking again after my relapse (mostly because I just needed to ease my hangover and fall asleep), and have been able to abstain since then. It’s an accomplishment that helps reinforce my resolve to not drink, and today I am acknowledging and celebrating that. I know there are differing opinions on this forum about the use of marijuana, but just like alcohol I have a hard time moderating it and find that I am more clear headed and focused when I don’t smoke.

I’m excited that I can really envision a future without these two substances and that I am actively working to manifest that for myself!


amen to that. Its amazing when you finally realise you don’t have to waste all that energy thinking and can sit back listen, learn and then do life on life’s terms.

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@Brookiemonster618 Super congratulations! Amazing stuff!

@Rockstar24777 Congrats on 6 months! And in difficult circumstances too, well done!

@Beachy Yeah, I did a fair bit of shopping in the early days too. So easy to click a button.

@Squirt Lots of difficult things going on. Stay strong and sober!




Thank you @Misokatsu very much.

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@Thirdmonkey Dude you are incredible! Keep it up Iron Man!

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18 down. End of the work day. Officially quarantined pending a test result due to exposure. What a year. Did some exercise today. Not going to drink. Don’t want to drink. Alcohol sucks. Hope you’re all killing it today!! Much love to all of you.




Congrats and fab number!

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I need to acknowledge some awesome milestones I see on here today. I sure hope I don’t miss anyone.
Congratulations on 300 days @Dragonflygirl82!
Congratulations on 4 months @anon28001181!
Congratulations on 800 days @Brookiemonster618!
Congratulations @Rockstar24777 on 6 months!
Congratulations @Misokatsu on 4 months!
Every single one of you are amazing inspirational people. Thank you all for being apart of our TS family.


day 9…today is a good day. That is all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::pray::sun_with_face:


Day 31. I ordered 100 bucks worth of food from an indian joint we’ve never tried. It was amazing! My older powered through her Korma, even though I ordered it a tad too spicy for her Three people in this house, three levels of spice. It makes it hard to share dishes. Easy for me to keep the kids out of my leftovers, too spicy for my older and my younger doesn’t eat meat. Tadah!

I am still in a funk. My gratitude is broken and that’s not cool. I truly have no big problems and have every reason to be grateful. The year is kicking my ass and I don’t really see next year being much different. So, I guess we all need to dig deep to find and acknowledge our happy. I just can’t keep doing bummed and tired.


Thank you very much @Lisa07!

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