Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

300 Days!! Where the hell did that come from?
Atta girl !! We are the ones blessed to have you here showing us how to kick ass on this incredible journey we are on. Your shares are always so thoughtful, inspiring and insightful. And you make us laugh. You’re not bad at the memes either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In my house she orders stuff and I return stuff. :crazy_face:. Her stuff.


@Briella congrats on 2 weeks :tada: those were the hardest part for me.
@EarnIt congrats on 30 days :tada:
@TSan sorry you’re struggling with depression and anxiety too, but well done for saying no and choosing sobriety :tada:
@Drave congrats on double digits :tada:
@Francisco1 congrats on 500+ :star2::tada:
@cwak sorry you’re struggling, from the stuff I’ve read, grief is a normal part of recovery, but it does get better, stay with us :pray:t2:
@anon28001181 congrats on 4 months :tada:
@Dragonflygirl82 congrats on 300! :tada:
@Brookiemonster618 congrats on 800! :star2::tada:
@Rockstar24777 congrats on 180 :tada: and good luck for your surgery :pray:t2:

89 days. On my last 89th day, I relapsed, I never made it to 89, so I’ve actually beat my PB. When I was back at day 1, I really thought I’d never make it back here, it seemed so far into the future, but the future is now, and here I am, sober.

It’s also been 120 days since I drank Alcohol, so there’s that too, and last time I was clean from Cocaine I was still drinking, so this is actually the soberest I’ve been since I took my first drink aged 12. Does it feel good? F**k yeah it does!

Had to leave one of my support groups WhatsApp chats today, a new member joined 2 weeks ago and I’ve found them very toxic from the start, I’ve let a lot of things go, but today I stood up for those of us whose experiences he was invalidating, politely, and shared my experiences, he did not like this, called me ‘cockoo’ and swore at me, then repeated his invalidations, and turned it around to say he was feeling attacked, so of course, everyone then pandered to him, he did a similar thing when he first joined the group too. I left the group chat, I won’t tolerate abuse or constant invalidation. I also emailed the person who takes our group therapy on Zoom to say I was leaving, and stated why, she asked if we could talk about it and I said I was feeling too emotionally vulnerable today so maybe tomorrow. I won’t go back into the group, I no longer feel comfortable. I’m worried she might tell him he’s no longer allowed, that wasn’t my intention, I’m happy to leave and focus on my own recovery, but I’ll see what she has to say.

I took 2 short walks today, 15 mins each way, my feet aren’t happy. I walked to see my Dad and his wife and spent an hour at their shop with them, that was nice.

Here’s to day 90! :pray:t2::muscle:t2::blue_heart:

ETA: I have not binged junk food today, and I’ve just reset my counter for cigarettes, now that the fear of relapsing on the same day is out of the way, I feel ready to get back to my healthier routine. Putting it on here has helped me so far, so continuing in that fashion :muscle:t2::pray:t2:


I will find someone. It is not only wall but the ceiling. I have still some hope that my landlord will accept it w/o wallpaper due to the yeast problems that were already there when I moved in and that I have under control now. No wallpaper, no or less food for yeast.

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:joy::joy::joy: It’s true! Especially with changing rooms closed at stores due to covid!

Thanks all!! I’m smiling real big today!! I haven’t felt this good in years. I appreciate you all more than you know! :pray:t3: Keep fighting warriors! ODAAT



Screenshot_20201209-092513_Amazon Shopping I received some money to spend for Christmas, I ordered these two sobriety/recovery books with the funds.


Way to go sticking up for yourself @CATMANCAM I’m proud of you and good job for the big 90 tomorrow!!!


Thanks Rob, sobriety has given me a bit more resolve because I know I need to protect my mental health to protect my sobriety. Always feel bad about standing up for myself, but there’s only so much I can take before I leave an abusive situation. Proud of you too :blush:


We should start a topic or thread. My wife shopped on line only, for both her mother of the bride dresses. :scream:. Never steped foot in a store. Oh the returns :scream:. Oh and the shoes :scream:


Day 93: Feeling a-okay physically and mentally :ok_hand:t4: and I think some additional supplements and better diet are making a difference. And possibly resting a flare-up last week helped, too. I have been sleeping better than I have in recently memory, although the pain I have had also made me sleep excessively last week - it was really hard to get out of bed. I’ve made it up and out by 7ish (heavy on the ish) so far this week! Talked to the vet this morning and we upped some of Chucho’s meds with an almost immediate improvement. We may not have been dosing him correctly or, at least, there was room to increase. That’s good news for today! It’s a beautiful sunny, warm one, so I’m going to sit on my porch and soak in those rays. Content and sober today :+1:t3:


Hi Emm,
Yeah, somehow I will do it. But uncertainty is slowly breaking my nerves.
Yes, we will do this. :heart::sunflower::pray:

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OK, I had an okay day. Writing here, although it’s not centered around being sober helps me to stay first of all: grateful, centred.

Life gives me each day new things to learn from. Today at work. Someone has to remind me: shut up at work. Shut up at work. Keep a clear line between work and personal life. Definitely a working field for me for 2021. As I changed from life sciences, physical therapy to now Pharma industry. Yeah, clear for most people, hard for me.

As I decided to stay home alone for the Christmas holidays, I ordered ox tail. Don’t know what I have with oxes. Anyways. Ordered one. She told me it’ll be 1to 1.5 kg, lots of bones. :rofl: Should be enough for Xmas eve.


So sweet… you have a lucky grandson, daughter & wife :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I am super spaced out today… I am finding myself wanting a cigarette, yet repulsed by the thought of smoking again. I am not physically craving one, I am not even emotionally wanting one…perhaps I am just bored…or need to chakra balance.


Checking in day 69 :laughing:
Had a vacation day today, so I stopped and picked up some soups/bone broth, protein powder, stuff for smoothies, etc… things I can have after my dental surgery this weekend. And made a stew and might make some homemade soups too. A bit of tidying. Sneaky drinking thoughts/romanticizing popped into my head but I happen to join in on a Zoom meeting on my commute. I don’t always, as it uses a bit of data, but it was just what I needed, yet again. So I was grateful for that community, as I am here and some sober friends formed on TS. I even rowed today after a hiatus after some wrist issues! Jello legs now.
Have a great day all, off to get little man soon. :anchor:


@Mno somehow I missed you 18 months. That is fanfrickentabulous. I look forward to your posts and your pics. Hope you treated yourself.
@emc2018 I absolutely LOVE your outlook and attitude for your party. The transformation in comfort and confidence is inspiring.
@anon28001181 Congratulations on your 4 months. Your growth on your journey is awesome & you have got to be proud.
@Dragonflygirl82 WHOOP!!!WHOOP!!! Look at you go girl . . .your positivity is truly appreciated and admired.
@marcusmaximus2000 Thoughts & prayers are with you and your brother through this difficult time.
@Rockstar24777 Prayers for a flawless surgery & speedy recovery.
@CATMANCAM Your PB is an amazing milestone & you’re kicking it. It’s been my pleasure reading your shares.
@RosaCanDo That is such awesome news about Chucho.

176 days. I am learning about and working on myself a lot through different relationships and lack thereof in my life. I want to grow through these moments and experiences and not run anymore. Yesterday and today my heart feels like it’s breaking. I am starting to believe that neither my partner nor I are ready to be in a relationship. I know we love each other very much and that’s what make these thoughts so difficult. We both have components that are in need of repair and rebuilding and I’m not sure if I have the strength to get through this together. I have by no means made any decisions but am sitting uncomfortably in these feelings right now. Some words cut really deep last night and I’m still in a lot of pain. I have been distracting my mind with both FB and TS since waking this morning. We haven’t really had the opportunity to talk today as his dog has unbelievably got loose. He is on a chain that is hooked securely to our camper and it’s like someone has unclipped him. It’s frightening to think he is out there caught up on something due to his 20’+ chain dragging along with him. My man has been out looking for him for over 3 hours to no avail. Many people have been notified in town and are keeping an eye out. I don’t want to drink right now but would be lying if I said I don’t want to feel my feelings. Think it’s best if I just try to shut my brain down. A lil catchup on other threads and then a nap.


Thank you Michelle I’m sorry you’re going through so much. Lots of prayers heading your way.


Checking in Dec 9th
Keep kicking ass everyone we got this !!!


Sorry to hear about your dog, Michelle. I hope you find him soon. Thinking of you. Xxx

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