Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Day 4. Tired! I quit my job and my non-driving teen takes a 6am shift! I am glad they are both hard workers but I am going to need that kid to get a drivers’ license. :slight_smile:


Checking in, day 2.

I’m feeling lousy today, but I know that the day after tomorrow I’ll feel better.
It’s always, that the first 3 days after relapse are the worst.
Need to endure them through :innocent::sweat_smile:


Day 6 sober. Glad to be sober in this difficult season of the year. Going to the Church and meeting with Good friends is saving the day


@Charlie_C so glad to see your numbers . Congratulations :pray:t5::raised_hands:t5::star_struck:

Morning, all! Checking in sober, Day 356. It is great to see a new people starting their sober lives here, and to see people with huge numbers of sober days (years!) offering advice and hope to us. TS is such a great place!!! Have a great Monday, everyone!!!


Checking in on day 197, another productive weekend in the books. I hope everyone has a great (and safe) start to their New Years week!


Donna, prayers for your mom. I know COVID affects everyone differently, but my 85 year old Mom who lives in a nursing home got it, as did her roommate, and they both survived and have no residual effects. There is hope! ((Hugs))


Checking in on Day 45. Feeling great. Will go to the gym and do some housekeeping. My SO and I are going for a short getaway tomorrow., so need to prep for that. Have a great day everyone.


I do really like that book But be careful as it does say you can continue to drink while reading it… have you read This Naked Mind yet?

Congratulations on a sober Chrismas weekend!


Oh, thank you for that. It’s so surreal…


We all know the risk is a real thing, but to hear that a loved one has it…just :sob:!!

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What is your sponsor saying to you? I don’t think anyone other than your sponsor should be saying anything about your attendance.

You’re doing just fine… 329 days and working on the deeper issues… Hell id say you’re father along in your recovery than i am. Keep doing you.


Be honest with them, Mike, tell them. You’re doing fine. :kissing_heart:


Hey Mike! Congrats on 329 days! I always enjoy hearing about your sober journey. I don’t currently attend AA, but have always stayed open to the idea of going. Reading Your posts and hearing how it has been beneficial to you have been part of piqueing my interest in it! It sounds like you’re dealing with some people who have their own issues that they are dealing with. I dated a guy that had a very similar issues. This isn’t an AA thing though…it’s a personal failing on their part. I hope if the program is working for you, that you are able to separate yourself from their negativity enough to keep this really important tool in your toolbox! :yellow_heart:


Day 199 clean and sober today. I think I’m starting to feel better physically because my mental health bullshit is kicking back in with a fucking vengeance lol. What the fuck just happened??? Anyway I wouldn’t be me without some kind of shit show going on upstairs between my ears so hopefully it’s a sign that I’m on the mend. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and I’m proud of you all for staying sober. Have a great day, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Holy crap CONGRATULATIONS D!!! FUCK YEAH!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations Stella!!
It’s been an awesome pleasure knowing you on here and following your recovery.


Congrats on ONE YEAR!! I love you to pieces!! You have been so helpful to me… I am so thankful for you!! Congrats!! :tada::tada:


Way to go D!!


@MagicILY congrats on 30 days :tada:
@CapriciousCapricorn That must have ticked over to 365 by now, huge congrats on your year! (Seen today’s post now, well done :star_struck:) :star2::tada:
@TSan That sounds scary, I’m sorry you were threatened, well done for challenging the situation, I hope you’re okay.
@RosaCanDo I’m sorry the migraine is still testing you, sending strength to keep facing things with Chucho :blue_heart:
@Classix congrats on your week :tada:

140 days no alcohol
108 days no cocaine.

Been reading some more of the Recovery Dharma book, it really resonates with how I try to partake in the world.

Finished the first Bourne movie, I’ve now started the 2nd one, it’s been a while since I’ve watched any movies so it’s actually enjoyable for a different way to pass some time.

I emailed the council to follow up my email from the 11th that I haven’t received a response from, but the auto-reply says they are closed until Jan 4th, which is also when the deadline is for the job I applied for, so that may be an interesting week.

For now I just have to follow the guidance in the serenity prayer, and stay present. :pray:t2: