Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

One of my favs about to hit a year!! You go!


Good for you on your recent three months and extra good job on stepping up for your neighbor and yourself.


Very brave and admirable of you. Domestic violence can be a very scary situation. And deadly. Did the officer tell you what one should do if encountering a situation like that? Iā€™d be real interested to know. Be safe.
God bless you.


@anon60334405 Kids are perfect little consumers, they always want want want. As parents it is part of our job to teach them the value of quality time together. When they get older, that is what they will remember not how many Barbies u got them.

@TSan You were brave to step in, and I am happy u could help the situation and make no trouble for yourself.


Very cool. NFL is actually really good for napping. Cool you caught this just in time.
And congratulations on all those numbers you keep racking up.


That poor woman, I wouldā€™ve done the same.


Hi :wave:t3: Iā€™m good :slightly_smiling_face: thank you for asking. :yellow_heart: Iā€™ve been super busy lately and havenā€™t had as much time to come on. Sorry to hear about your neighbor situation. That sounded scary. Iā€™m glad you were there to intervene.


You just get to celebrate your soberversary twice thatā€™s allšŸ˜‰ā€¦ lord knows we deserve it, that first year sure isnā€™t easy.


Thank you for asking. It is easing up and Iā€™m feeling better finally. Still giving screen time a break mostly, as I can feel it stressing my eyes. But itā€™s hard for me to stay away from the forum for long right now!

Iā€™m glad your police officer neighbor gave you the lecture. 911, right away. Keep yourself safe. This is a scary story and Iā€™m hoping for the best for your neighbor.


Itā€™s still day 111, and Iā€™m struggling a bit. Iā€™m here more than the migraine says is acceptable but itā€™s better Iā€™m here right now. Pain is a pain, isnā€™t it? This headache has been a big trigger despite all knowledge that drinking would make it worse. So I just keep on. Iā€™m endlessly grateful that Iā€™ve been sober through some harrowing sick doggo moments, fully present to deal with that situation. Sigh. But the pull to escape is there, I have to admit. Sending my love out to you all. Oh! And I chatted with my mom to congratulate her on 40 years with my dad and like my awkward self I said ā€œlet me be the first to say I am grateful to be the first fruit of your union.ā€ Because I am awkward.


ā€œfruit of your unionā€ LOL! I am sorry you are in pain. Migraines really suck.


36 days sober today. Donā€™t really have much to say besides that. Taking the family on a vacation tomorrow. Just bleh today. Was oddly triggered by the scent of hand santizer today. Got over it quickly, but it was very strange. Anyone else experience that?


I am so grateful it made her laugh, too!


omg I needed that laugh tyvm and weā€™re all awkward sometimes


I just got home from a meeting that I guess I really needed cause I didnā€™t shut up for almost two hours. It was me and two other people Lol oh well the whole two of them said they enjoyed it and so did I. On another note. Had my coffee date which went horribly it was awkward @RosaCanDo we talked about our exes :anguished: All things considered I had a good day. Got keys to the church so I can be of service and open and close the meeting moving forward. Talked with family and friends. Prayed and did readings. Read through here btw friends congratulations on all your achievements. I believe in us, we are doing this. God bless you all. :v:&:heart:


God, yeah, smells like cheap vodka I would put in Coke shudder


Day 139
Lord, ditzy af today! (I am alcohol free but that af is the other one). Donā€™t know if it better or worse I canā€™t blame alcohol/hangover brain fog.
Butā€¦ .


So, so, so coooool! Yes!!!

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Checking in, day 29. Iā€™m on here multiple times a day reading and know itā€™s a huge part of why Iā€™m staying sober. I donā€™t really post that much unless itā€™s to welcome new members or congratulate milestones. I canā€™t help but feel like Iā€™m not giving back to the group as much as Iā€™m getting from it. I donā€™t feel like I have much to offer considering 99% of what Iā€™m doing I got from what people have already said here. I donā€™t know, I guess this is a good share. I just want to make sure Iā€™m giving back some and not just taking. I hope everyone has had a good sober weekend and has a good Monday.


Congrats on 29 days. When your ready to give back, give back. Maybe right now you just got one job. Not drinking. I wouldnā€™t worry about. Oh and checking in with increasing days is showing people it can be done. Youā€™re doing great.