Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Day 163.
A good day, but a sad heavy heart. Still sober, and glad about that. Glad to feel my feelings and know I’ll still be okay. Grateful for all the support here.
G’night, dear pals - love to all. :orange_heart:

@Rockstar24777 congrats on 180! sending my best for a super successful surgery and speedy recovery.

@CapriciousCapricorn 6 months of getting further and further away from the shambles of 4 years ago. You don’t stop inspiring me. :heart:

@EarnIt Yer killin’ it. Keep posting - funk or no funk. Hope you get some good sleep and enjoy the spicy leftovers :wink:

@Salty enjoy some good yummy chewy food before the dentist! i hope it’s a great success and goes just fine. And post some of your liquid-y delights on the foodie thread!


Things haven’t been great lately, and I’m tired of waiting for things to turn around, but… one day at a time, right?


Oh Stella God Bless you. You are doing so amazing. I am so happy for you. You and your daughter are so worth it. You are a lovely miracle.


Big giant hugs your way.

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Almost at your 2 week mark “again.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good catch on the numbers. I’m really happy for ya. Keep up the good work.

Truly remarkable, and I am so dang happy for you and your hard fought achievement of some peace. Thank you for sharing.


Oooo I love 13’s!!!

Way to go Fleur :boom::boom::boom::boom:
4 months is awesome :star_struck:


Wow :star_struck:. Look at you go. ODAAT ! And I think that is a very wise decision to quit smoking pot too. I feel, that for me, any substance that would lower my inhibitions would be very detrimental to my sobriety. Keep up the great work and you’ll be counting weeks in no time. ODAAT

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Hey Rob. I been scrolling around for your 6 months milestone but I can’t find it. All I see is everyone else congratulating you for your 6 months.
Sorry I’m late to the party. You are doing an amazing job with your sobriety especially with all the shit you got going on. I can’t keep up. You are doing amazingly great!! Keep up the great work cuz you’re so worth it. And good luck with your surgery.


Samesies :+1:t2:

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Your smile speaks volumes! “In yer face, gremlins!!!” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::metal:t2:

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Cool, almost sober buddy. I am just one day ahead. :sunny::sunflower:

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Close enough, I say. We’re both Nov. 4, after all! It’s just different time zones and time of day.


Good morning TS. Here is my attempt no.4, so “let the fourth be with me”. I slip off on december 5th at 5 am, just before the end of my nightshift.
To cut a long story short…checking in sober day 5.
Have a nice day, be kind and stay calm.


So many milestones! Congratulations @Brookiemonster618, @Rockstar24777, @anon28001181, @CapriciousCapricorn, @Misokatsu and whoever else I probably have missed, LOL! A great thing about this community is that everyday there is someone who reached a goal and we all get to take part! And then there’s the day when you reach a goal you never even dared to dream of… :star_struck: Wow!

@Charlie_C What a lovely little story of your family life! I absolutely love it how affectionately you speak of your family members :sparkling_heart: I’m sure they’re blessed and grateful to see the unveiling of true you as you keep fighting your addiction ODAAT.

@Salty Ugh, all the best for your dental surgery! Makes sure to have cold packs too!

@Squirt That’s a tough spot in your relationship. There seems to be lots of emotional turmoil. Pls don’t make rushed decisions when you’re hurting :heart:

@ifs Nice to see you checking in James! I keep hearing wonderful things about you from ppl (like Conor, LOL). Hope to get to “meet” you someday :slightly_smiling_face:


Good mornin all its been some time busy living life of recovery

Wanted to wish everyone a very merry Xmas

Our gift to our families this year is our sobriety stay safe and enjoy the holidays. Love you all from the bottom of my heart without ts I wouldn’t be here


craziest thing just happened…a myna bird flew into my apartment and would not leave. He/she just hung out for like ten mintues all super chilled, not flying around all crazy trying to find an exit. It just walked around and explored it was so random… I have been feeding myna birds out my wimdow garden for a few weeks now and the are talking back to me in the voice tone I talk to them in, so they are super smart and are now apparently very comfortable with me… Or just super greedy and was walking around my apartment looking for food other than bread lol !.. But you know what, birds are very spiritual animals, and I had alot of anxiety today and was very irritated this afternoon after a difficult conversation with my building management. And I think this beautiful little visitor has completly re balanced and all the bad vibes I was experiencing are now completely gone. No anxiety no tenseness. Its like ive been washed over with love… . cant explain it any other way than that… A very touching experience.


@Misokatsu 63584c1a232a72633e7ffa18b1f69285c40c9f03fae87418bba4c115aa9131da.0 yay 4 months :grinning:… Four months feels good. It feels like you have passed a corner you know!?!


Checking in, day 35. After focusing on my problems for so long I try to turn it around and see them in a different light. There are so many things I can be grateful for even in the midst of troubles.

Being an addict and sobering up made me strong, it gave me a bunch of tools I can use in all the different fights of my life, and it keeps challenging me so I cannot let myself down for any minute, it keeps me on standby. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an adventurer to experience, fight with elements, being brave and overcome struggle. It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but still being an addict is also a tough and yet beautiful journey inward.

I’m incredibly grateful for my spouse who loves me along with the constant shitstorm that keeps following me on my way. The troubles we went through together made our relationship deeper than ever.

I’m grateful for my friend who would need me as her best and closest friend but let me go and let me take a break in our relationship so that I can heal.

I’m incredibly grateful to be able to live in a democracy, grateful for all the people who created this accepting environment I live in. I have freedom and it is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) value in my life.

I’ve come to terms with being trans, because it gave me a broad perspective, taught me a great deal of things about life and myself and made me stronger than I ever was. It made me put myself back together from zero and what I have built up happened to be much more stable and solid than it was before. The problems caused by being trans were the reason I almost killed myself, but now I know, that I can turn it into my superpower. It really is true, that you cannot change the facts, but you can always change your approach.