Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

That’s totally awesome StellaLuna!!! So happy for you. You are a miracle. Buig big hugs.

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Glad to see you here James. Keep going. What else can we do friend?

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Four now Flo! Huge congrats friend.

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Good on you Shay. You whipped that bitch’s ass and I don’t just mean addiction! :grin:

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That’s so incredible. Well done!!! :heart::pray:

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My niece read this out at my mother’s funeral yesterday. I thought it was really nice!


146.1 Days


Glad to see you here ! You C A N do this.


Checking in on day 16. Have a great day TS peeps!! :grinning:


131… I said no, I declined booze and drugs last night. I rang my drug worker this morning… I’ve cried with happiness !

I really thought I wouldnt have the strength but I did it… I went to the hotel and slept from 9pm!!!

This morning a few of them look rough x


Day 12 just checking in


Who’s got 2 thumbs and 60 days sober?

This guy!

  1. Took an early train to check out the town my therapy group is in. Very pretty old centre. Never been before. Nice day out like this. Have a good day all! Sober and clean. Love from Amersfoort.

    @M-be-free49 Thinking of you friend. Hugs.
    @anon27760155 Yay Danni! Powerrrrr. X

Congratulations @CapriciousCapricorn that’s amazing!!!

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Day 181 clean and sober today. They rescheduled my surgery for this morning at 7:20am I’m just waiting for my ride to take me to the hospital. Woke up feeling better but then the thoughts kick in. I’m wondering if I should text Faith that I love her and let her know that I still care? I’m just scared that her response may be very hurtful and I don’t want to wake up from surgery to that. Have a great day everyone and thank you for all of the support you’ve been giving me. Couldn’t of made it without you!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Success Rob! Thinking of you friend.

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Congrats on the clean time, that’s amazing. Very glad you turned your life around :slight_smile:

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Thank you Menno have a great day!!!

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@Tryingtogetitright YES! Incredible work, Brandi!

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@anon27760155 Just wonderful, Danni!! You’re doing so well and it is inspiring others! :grinning::muscle:t3: