Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Checking in Day 56 clean from Meth. A few intrusive thoughts but nothing too much to bear. The days are flying by atm, which I believe is a good sign


@Draynewe Incredible job, Kevin!! Wow! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

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Thinking of you :grinning::pray::heart: the surgery will go well Iā€™m sureā€¦ Txt faith I say. I feel like you need more closure or more proper conversation with her about it all ā€¦ Stay strong :pray:

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b8a91b03a91172fbb753af2fdd9540f8bc63cbff7416a2b81199a38ba9364060.0 nice work :tada::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand:


My favorite girl is back! :heart::heart: good to ā€œseeā€ you April Iā€™ve missed you!


Best wishes for your surgery :+1:. Text Faith. If you get a hurtful reply you will know it comes from Sage. :pray:

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26df6a75131f63a98f090932912c5fb28b8d9fafd4d9f184e46e83ee23bc0a89.0 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::kissing_heart::tada:

:green_heart: Iā€™m so happy you chose to turn your life around, no matter your motivation. Youā€™re a miracle to your daughter and us TS folks. Excellent work on 6 months of self love!


D. 993
D. 9 tobacco. Nicotine fits seem to have subsided. Using less of the nicotine pouch. Starting to believe I can do this. That is a crazy thought to have. I am a recovering alcoholic, ofcourse I can be stronger than my addiction to tobacco!


Congrats and felicidades :partying_face: well done on 2 months!!! Youā€™re doing it!

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Best wishes and weā€™ll be thinking of you! Please trust your feelings and continue to take care of YOU. You know that youā€™re in an especially vulnerable position now. Sending love.


Day 27. Busy day. Sober I will power through and enjoy the fact I do NOT have a hangover. I really hate those!


Itā€™s so crazy to me that itā€™s been 19 days. 19 days ago I drank nearly 750ml of vodka in less than two hours. I put myself and my wife in a very precarious situation. In the middle of my drunken state, I realized that I hated this life and it wasnā€™t worth all the damage I was doing. For three years, Iā€™ve been wrecking my body, my relationships, my marriage, and my faith. Alcohol didnā€™t bring me anything I thought it would. I canā€™t undo the trail of destruction behind me, but I sure as hell can make sure it doesnā€™t continue. F*** alcohol forever. I will never forget what it did to me.


Hey guys, checking in on day 179. Super busy again today so I probably wonā€™t be around TS much unless maybe I get a chance to check back in later.

@Rockstar24777 keeping you in my thoughts, youā€™re gonna do great!

Have a great one everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


@Rockstar24777 thinking of you this morning. You are in good hands!

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: you made me bust out laughing. I wish I could whip her a$$!

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YAY!!! Good on you gurl!!!

Ps. You have such beautiful eyes!! :star_struck:


@CapriciousCapricorn Congratulations on 6 months. You are truly an inspiration. Early in my journey I was told to keep my eyes out for people I wanted to be like and pay attention to things they say. You are one of those people and I canā€™t thank you enough for your shares & support.
@apes2020 I LOVE how the presence of the bird allowed you to refocus. I believe it was a blessing in disguise.
@Tomek Sometimes a change in perspective is all we need. Iā€™m impressed how this change has been reflected in your new outlook.
@anon27760155 You are kicking ass girl. You continue to crush obstacles with your strength.
@Draynewe Congratulations on 60 days.

177 days. Iā€™m feeling much better today thanks to a lengthy chat with my partner last night. Although we both admitted we have to heal from our past relationships we have chosen to continue with ours. We talked about talking through uncomfortable times and neither running nor pushing the other one away. We are a work in progress and will take baby steps forward. He is back to the graveyard shift for 5 days and although Iā€™m not looking forward to it I will get through it.


All the best for your surgery. I hope itā€™s successful with speedy recovery.

Regarding Faith. Youā€™ll get different sorts of advice here. Thatā€™s ok. I wouldnā€™t text her. As you ended the relationship that would be giving mixed signals. Iā€™d be sad to see you putting yourself thru that again. But thatā€™s just my opinion :slight_smile:


Good luck, Rob! Stay positive. Just think of you for today, sweetie. :kissing_heart: