Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

I totally get it Franzi
It really is hard dealing with this pandemic shit. At least we are sober. What bothers me the most is the countless thoughtless people that still don’t believe there’s a pandemic. And how it’s been politicized over here. I’m blessed to be retired and hunkered in where I live in the mountains and I really don’t care about visiting people over the Holidays. But I do miss my kids. I haven’t seen them in a year almost. I’m not use to that. Let’s just hang in there sober, one day at a time. We will figure this out. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately it’s a long tunnel through the winter.


That’s why those that pray, pray for acceptance of things they cannot change Franzi. Numbers are bad on the other side of your border too. All we can do is wait and see. And hope the vaccins are available soon and that they work. Our government is doing another press conference tonight, the news is probably not good. Except for me personal maybe, they are expected to pronounce people working with old people to get vaccinated the very first. Which means me too probably. I guess you mean wallpaper btw. Hang in there friend.


500 days Shay! Yay! Huge! Congrats! Hugs! Happy for you Lady.

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Thanks Eric. Yeah, what a pain would it be if I still handle this walking to the supermarket and get myself some wine. Instead I had a good kettlebell workout. I love it. Can kill within minutes.

Thank you all so much. :heart::pray::sunflower:


This cluster fuck of a year is a great year to be sober. I cannot imagine if I was still drinking.


Yeah, you are right. But on the other side I don’t think that this is sth to pray for. It’s no miracle to wait for. Shutdown. Exclamation Mark. Get the contacts limited. I am nowhere afraid to get it on from the health side but from the consequences. But I think overthinking doesn’t lead me anywhere. My consequences will be: load the fridge before the holidays and prepare some good food, read and watch All that amazon prime has to offer :crazy_face:


Right on! You rock with your 200!!! :partying_face:

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I’m here I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 100.
I did it guys, this time I did it to my 100 days.
Kitchen renovation is done, last school weeks before Christmas Holiday.
Tweenie is creating chaos like usual, and I’ve started to eat in the kitchen, together with ny boys,so I at least gets my dinner in peace and calm.

I have no idea where this is actually heading, but at least the kitchen looks beautiful after the renovation.
I hope y’all are feeling good. :heart:


Thank you @Mno for all your support!

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Congratulations on your :100:
Glad you popped in to tell us.
Great job :clap:

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Thank you Olivia I appreciate it. She was going to therapy but quit around 5 months ago. She’s definitely in my prayers for sure.


Thank you very much @Mno that means a lot. Unfortunately she quit therapy about 5 months ago and hasn’t done anything to work on her challenges. Like I told Olivia she’s so in my prayers I hope she can be ok someday. Have a great day and thank you again.


Congratulations @MrsOdh that’s AWESOME!

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Yay Sophia! You got this lady. Triple digits and a beautiful kitchen, what more could anyone ask? I’m truly glad for you my friend. You work so hard for everything. Big hugs.


Grattis Sophia!
You’ve put in hard work for sobriety and it pays off! So happy for you! Wow, the teen sounds like a handful! Does the social and health care help you at all to manage with her?

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Way to go on 100 days. Triple digits!

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175 days. I’m feeling cabin fevered and need to go somewhere, anywhere and do something away from here. Not too sure what this day is going to look like but I’ll figure something out :wink:. Talked to an ex last night and was complimented on my sobriety. Felt good to hear someone acknowledge positive changes in me. Still struggling with overthinking my relationship with my man. Am trying hard each day to address these thoughts and move forward. Am getting quite excited to celebrate my 6 months sobriety. It just feels different this time and dam it feels good :blush:
@Rockstar24777 I am so proud of you and the way you are handling all of the things going on. I felt the love, in your posts, that you have for Faith. Imo you have made the right choice and have shown that your love for yourself is the most important. You have not failed anyone. She needs to help herself, you can’t do that for her. We are all here for you through this and your upcoming surgery.
@MrsOdh congratulations on triple digits :tada:
@Desire2ChangeToday fanfrickentabulous. Your 500 days are truly an inspiration.
@EVERYONE big thanks from the bottom of my heart for being here along my journey.


Thank you.
They don’t, as soon as she moved in they ended the case and now she’s our problem. But to bw fair they haven’t been able to help her at all for about 7 years, and I’m sure it’ll be alright eventually. Like when she turns 18.

How’s everything with you?

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Thank you.
It feels really good.
I’m really happy about it all.
I hope you are doing well too :cherry_blossom:

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@MrsOdh Triple digits! Well done you!

@Will3 Congratulations!

@Desire2ChangeToday Bloody amazing stuff

@Rockstar24777 Lord, that sounds more than one person can deal with, especially if she is no longer getting professional help. I am sorry you are hurting tho.