Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Day 22

Today I went to the future primary school of my son to meet the teacher. When he turns 4 in January, he is going to go there. For me, it’s a huge thing, and there were a few issues to get him on this school. Signed in for 7 schools and all of them rejected him.

But now it’s going to happen. And I feel a some tension in my body and mind.
Wanted to share this so much with my family members, share stories how it was for my mom and dad. But they all past away, so are my sisters. To experience this emptiness is a trigger for me. I got used to the idea to not celebrate holidays with family, but those milestones as starting to go to school is one of them I really wanted to share with my core family.

Have to be strong, stay sober, be grateful for what I do have.

Love you all, dear wonderful people. Everything is gonna be alright!


Second check in today. I’m not into celebrating my annies and milestones, but I’ll try and change that behaviour right here and right now. Got to be proud of my achievements and proud of where I am right now which is 100 times better than 18 months ago today. This is a very good thing I did and am doing for myself, a thing that wasn’t easy at times, and a thing that I’m building a beter life for myself on right now. So I’m proud and I’m happy for my achievement! As all of us should be, whether you’re on day one or on day 10,000. We’re all in the same boat . We all fight the same fight. And we can all do this. One day at a time. Sober and clean love from the soggy polder where I had a nice celebratory hike today.


And I’m so glad you did celebrate and share it with us! You’re a treasure here on TS. What a wonderful achievement for such a kind soul.





Getting ready for a dental appointment. Oh happy happy Joy Joy (sarcasm).


Day 92: Just hanging in there. Feeling a bit helpless at times with my pup. But here he is, standing in the middle of the yard, worphing at the dogs barking in the distance as if to say, “I’m still here, guys!” I keep thinking of that old animated kids movie favorite of mine, All Dogs Go To Heaven. Gosh, I loved and still love that movie! And what a cast of voice actors. Wonder if I should watch it, or wait…The sky looks like snow, but we won’t be seeing any for now. I am looking forward to the black bean and roasted poblano soup that is waiting for me in the crock pot for dinner tonight! It’s been a two-day affair to get these beans cooked to soft. They must have been sitting in my pantry for over a year, and who knows how long at the store before that. Another day sober. Glad to be here with you, TS family. Thanks for putting up with my rambles.


Congratulations Mno I’m so happy for you. Thank you for being you and keep being amazing. :muscle:t3::partying_face::tada::blush:


Thank you so much Michelle that makes me feel better today. I really appreciate the support it means a lot.

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Thank you @Misokatsu I have her in my prayers. I appreciate that thank you :pray:t2:

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Thank you.
I have to be honest here, I really miss you guys when I’m not hanging around.
But when shit hits the fan there’s actually no time left surfing around on internet. I’ve been totally exhausted from everything lately, water leak, kitchen renovations, exams, group projects, tweenies that causes trouble. So when the kid’s have gone to sleep so have I.

Hopefully things will calm down soon and I’ll get some more time hanging around with y’all again.

I hope everything is good with you, and that you relax as much as you can by that amazing Christmas tree :heart:


I thought of you yesterday and looked to see if you’d been on lately. You have a young family and that’s a lot of work! I’m old and alone so I’ve outgrown that part of life. I’d have to say it was the best time though, when they’re still young enough to want to be with you.:kissing_heart::heart:


@Desire2ChangeToday congrats on 500! :star2::tada:
@Rockstar24777 hugs heart-break is the worst.
@Will3 congrats on 200! :tada:
@MrsOdh woohoo congrats on :100: :star2::tada::partying_face:
@Mno wow congrats on 18 months! :star2::tada::star_struck:
And everyone else who hit milestones on the previous thread #22 that my memory isn’t strong enough for! There were a lot of you though.

88 days, for the 2nd time. When I check in tomorrow it will be a PB.

Late checking in tonight because my friend invited me over for homemade soup and sourdough bread, it was lovely, and so nice to spend a bit of time with him and his family.

I sent an application for council housing and I’ve been accepted, completed a medical questionnaire today and was put in Band 2+, I can now bid on 1 bedroom properties each week, until I get somewhere. It’s going to take a while as there are thousands of people waiting to be housed, but it’s a step in the right direction, and council rent is half that of renting privately, so I’ll be able to afford it without so much stress and struggle.

I haven’t been for a walk since Friday, and over the weekend my foot pain was minimal, but it has flared right back up again out of nowhere, I received my Podiatrist appointment letter though, it’s a video consultation on 14th January.

I received a text from my GP surgery today saying I’ve got to go in on Friday for a fasting.blood test, I’ve got no.idea what that’s about so a little worried, going to call tomorrow to ask as it would also be better if they could do it either a different day or time because it’s booked for when my DBT group is.

See you all tomorrow :blue_heart::blush:


Wow man i couldn’t even imagine. Sorry you’re having a rough go. Hang in there

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Congratulations on the 500 club! Wowzers, nice job

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@Mno congratulations on 18 months, you’re killing it man.

@Will3. Congratulations on hitting the 200 club.

@MrsOdh. Congratulations on hitting the triple D’s!

So many people doing amazing things here, you’re all wonderful.


Oh wow, that sounds like a tricky situation. I really hope she would find peace and help somehow.

I’m good. I got an extension for my therapy (which I really need) so I’m happy :slightly_smiling_face:

Checking in Dec 8
Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad
Prospero Años y Felizidad i wana wish you a merry christmas i wana wish you a merry christmas happy sober day !!!


Just got home from work and I’m finishing up the day. 17 behind me. Just seems like a normal day. Worked out, did my job, really every normal thing except get totally blitzed. Learning that I have to be way more intentional about my free time. Working out early in the morning is helping me to go to bed early, which is good. Keeps me from sitting around wanting to get drunk. Alcohol sucks.


Checking in late on day 14. Hit the ground running this morning so just now got done catching up on everyone’s posts. I feel so normal in sobriety now, I finally feel free. Hope everyone is having or had a wonderful day!!! :grinning: