Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

I adulted last night and did a huge online supermarket haul and got a few hundred bucks worth of pantry groceries, so I’ll be less tempted to spend $20 a pop , sometimes twice a day on uber eats lol… I even beat my system where I would only order from free delivery places, but then coz I was saving bucks that way, my ridiculous monkey mind would just add more food to the order lol :joy:. Ive def put back on the 5kgs I just lost in my slight relapse lol…I’m now on my way to the mall to go shopping for swim wear accessories, goggles, swim cap, one piece race swim suit, so I can now begin my new fad experiment of the month lol- swimming laps to get fit and loose weight lol… Its summer here in Australia so out door Pools are open… Last few months I was experimenting with my indoor stationary exercise bike, over that lol. Now begins lap swimming :joy:… Anything to keep me distracted and I’m game ha! :joy:


Boy oh boy, day 500! I love milestones, but it’s true when they say no good deed goes unpunished. Haha…

For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m a real estate agent but not in the traditional sense where I’m selling homes. I specialize in rental apartments which has it’s rewards but I’m definitely growing tired of the sense of entitlement some people have and how disrespectful some clients can be. I had this client who was just ungrateful and condescending despite the amount of effort I put in to make sure I can smoothly accommodate her 7PM tour to view 3 properties. I’ve already shown her 2 on Sunday morning. She wanted to see the 3 I was going to show her tonight, on Sunday but due to lack of access issues (not having the keys for the properties yet or no permission from the current tenants who occupied one 1 loft apartment) I simply couldn’t show what I couldn’t show. Apparently she was upset about this, despite the fact that it was out of my control, but she didn’t mention this until today. Anyway, she calls me around 5PM, 2 hours before our tour to let me know that she saw a couple of other properties on our website that she’d also like to see and I politely told her that I’d love to show them to her but I didn’t have any time outside of the allotted time scheduled due to other commitments. I offered to show them tomorrow or another day this week. Well, she didn’t like that and started telling me how inconvenient it was to make multiple trips up to the city I work in and she just wants 1 grand tour of every property under the sun. I told her that could be more easily accommodated during a day where she can tour properties earlier on so I could make the time and I’ll know ahead of schedule. It’s impractical for her to spring extra properties on to me 2 hours before our appointment and assume I’ll easily accommodate. The appointment already starts late and she expects me to show 2 or 3 more properties to her that are barely within close proximity to each other. She then tells me that I should be the one to do the apartment searches for her and just decide all of the inventory I will show her lol… I said, now, wouldn’t it be easier for you to review our inventory and and just let me know what you’d like to see? She then becomes very patronizing in her tone and makes the assertion that she “has to do every little thing, and spell every little thing out in order for me to do my job correctly” She goes on to say “I work hours on end in a medical research laboratory I don’t have time to do your job for you”. LOL – She just starts going on a condescending rant, and to keep from cussing her out I just chuckle a little bit, which really means “Bitch, I don’t know wtf you think you’re talking to”… Because she was irritated by the prospect of having to come back to view other properties outside of today, she began to insinuate that she’d prefer to tour all units in one fell swoop so I asked her (despite her disrespect), to let me know if she’d prefer that and as I was getting ready to tell her to confirm whether or not she is still planning on coming to our 7PM appointment tonight, because the apartment is occupied with a tenant and I would like to give him notice that I will no longer be showing up…She begins to interject with “I will… I will… I will spell everything little thing out for you, I will spell out if I’m coming at 7 or not, I will tell you every little thing that needs to be done” … I just hang up on her before I say something I’d regret … She texts me like 40 minutes later telling me that she will still be attending our 7PM appointment. I responded back to her telling her that “After giving it some thought, I’m not comfortable working with you any further. The manner in which you spoke to me is unacceptable. Good luck on your search.”

It felt good to stand up for myself and not allow myself to be abused by people who have entitlement issues. She has no clue what I went through to secure those appointments, chasing after the property manager for keys, badgering that tenant for access into his property, so late at night. Fuck her. I’ll say this… Without 500 days of sobriety, I wouldn’t have had the balance of emotions that allowed me to brush it off, not take it personal, and use it as an excuse to result to unhealthy coping mechanisms. I didn’t really let it get to me the way I could have let it. There was another minor issue I dealt with after dealing with her, as well as another annoyance (all bad things come in 3’s), but you know what…Fuck it. I came home, went to my home office and followed up on some other leads in my email as though none of that shit even happened. I responded instead of reacted and that’s what I call growth!

Everyone, thank you for the milestone well wishes! I appreciate you.


Hit 10 days today. Feels good to get double digits. Calling it a night. Hope everyone is doing well!


25 days done. Been pretty edgy lately, but sticking it out. Lots going on with remotely closing on a home purchase. Lord, the requirements! Anyway, normally my husband takes the dog out for the last evening pee, but he is uploading paperwork so I got to see the a-MAZ-ing stars tonight! Instant peace. That is all.


Day 3. The medication that the doc gave me is helping a lot. My head feels clearer. Feeling much better.


Super congratulations on 500 days @Desire2ChangeToday!!
Wow! What a f**king bitch! I’m glad you were able to “chuckle” and tell her nicely to eff off in the end. Now she CAN do all the work. lol
Your growth has been amazing, especially when it comes to boundaries and patience.


Thank you Lisa! I’m trying sis. 1 day as a time as they say it! :laughing: :woozy_face:


Great job @Mno! I really value your consistency and authenticity here. :pray:t2:


I’m sorry to read that you struggle. This season is always difficult, especially during pandemic. And depression and anxiety just sucks. I wish I could write something uplifting, but I’m not good at being on the positive side myself. But please know that we care for you and here to listen anytime - just reach out!

(Sorry for my English, I’m also in bed and cannot check the phrases I’m not sure of.)


Great big congratulations on your 500 days.
And great job firing that bitch. No one needs customers or clients like that. I’m sure it was a tough decision with your commission and all. But you don’t need that shit. Our piece of mind is more important.


Great job on your 17 days. :clap:
And even better, realizing drinking isn’t the answer to any of our issues.
Keep up the good work.

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Aw thanks for the compliment.
We miss you too on here. But I do remember you had a lot of things going on and it sounds like you been really busy. I’d rather have my pack rats under my house :scream: (you might have missed that) Problem solved by the way. Than your water leak. Water leaks are the worst. I hope that issue is resolved.
I hope it slows down for you and you too can do some relaxing by your tree. :christmas_tree:
And enjoying cooking in your newly remodeled kitchen.


I’m very proud of your achievements.
Congratulations on 18 months @Mno!!
Your presence on this forum every day is such an inspiration.


We do recover. Thank God for my life today. Good Night TS.


I missed this! Well done @Mno. Super proud of your accomplishments. :green_heart:

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Congratulations on your 18 months Menno.
I always love your check ins. Your pics. About your sobriety and about your little corner of the world in Amsterdam. Keep inspiring us.


Thank you Stella! :kissing_heart:

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Day 162.
A big full happy grateful heart, some happy-sad tears, and lots of smiles throughout the day, going through Mom’s things. A visit with her at the end of the day too, in her new little room - me with the required mask and shield on, and her with a big smile and lots of questions. So many gaps in her memory, but so much of her essence remains, simply in who she is - not what she knows or remembers.

Going to have to rush this task along, as the gov in my area realized they don’t have a handle on the covid situation and we are heading into one month of increased restrictions - over the holidays. I’m relieved, to be honest, as the situation is out of hand.

I’m even more relieved that I’m not drinking. Not today or this week, with this heartfelt task of paring down my Mom’s life in her belongings, and not this holidays either. If i were drinking, it wouldn’t be good - I’d be trying to find unattainable peace poured into a glass. And then when hungover, I’d mask the shame with more. Much better to indulge in coffee, attempted sleep-ins, phone chats, snow hikes, cheese, and books galore. And all of your fine company. :orange_heart:

I did buy a $24 bottle of bath salts tonight from the natural foods market… lavender and cedarwood, can you blame me? :wink:


Menno congratulations to God on your 18 months. Thank you for your kind words and inspiration. Thank you for your consistency, showing up here as much as you do. Thank you for being a part of our recovery.


Sometimes it helps not to look at the number, but to look at the collection of life experiences behind the number, and consider that every one of those happened sober.