Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

You can do it, Franzi. The gov of my region has done the same - ignored until too late, and now here we are. Heading into massive restrictions for one month - announced today.

Already my friends’ kids are joking that “Auntie M” (yes, that’s me) is going to have Mr. Bean’s Christmas - all alone! (No, I am not getting a turkey stuck on my head, kids :roll_eyes: :joy:) I will be painting part of my ceiling though, where the upstairs neighbours had a small leak. Your wallpaper will work out, and your move will too. Somehow, someway. And we’ll probably have a story or two once the holidays are over!

Breathe in and out and take it one day at a time. You can do this. :orange_heart:


To my sober twin. What else could I say besides let’s keep going forward in life. Isn’t life different today. Keep doing what your doing and congratulations on 500. Your amazing.


18 months is truly fantastic. But, the fact that you are on the planet is what’s worth celebrating. You’re a gem and your presence is a gift to us all. :orange_heart:


@Mno @Desire2ChangeToday

You’ve showed me so much through your words on this forum…with your continued attitudes of carrying on in recovery. Thank you and so honored to see that recovery is possible x


Checking in, I’ve now not had any alcohol for 526 days! Never thought in my wildest dreams I could do this, to have the courage to say No to drinking and stand on my own two feet confident in who I am, without the need for alcohol. I have my work Xmas party tonight, everyone will be drinking. I won’t be. I am a non-drinker, so I won’t drink because I don’t drink. I will say No to the drink that matters, the first one. I will be confident and proud of who I am, my choices and I will enjoy the night with my colleagues, with no fear of “missing out” because I’m not. Tomorrow, I will be even more proud!! I will awake and rise without a hangover nor any anxiety and depression that comes with drinking alcohol. I look forward to that feeling when I wake up. :blush::raised_hands:


Wow! Sooooó many milestones up here!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:
@Desire2ChangeToday, Shay! :facepunch:
@Will3 :+1:
@MrsOdh, Sophia! :ok_hand:
@mno, Menno! :tada:
@Briella, Brielle! :1st_place_medal:
@EarnIt, Jené! :facepunch:
@Drave :confetti_ball:
@Francisco1, Francisco :boom:

And a big applause to all of us, Day 1 ore Day 1000: we are doing it!

PS. nice to see you again @ifs, James :heart:🙋



1 Like

  1. I might have taken it a bit to far with my hike yesterday as my body is aching some this morning. The parts going through the soggy fields were tough. I’ll be OK though. Just one late shift to go till a 4 day weekend. I’m sober and clean. I’m working on myself and getting better one day at a time. Progress is slow and irregular but it’s progress nonetheless. Like plodding through the polder yesterday. Happy I got good shoes, just as I’m happy I got all of you to go this road together. Have a good day all. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam and the polder.

Checking in, day 34. I’m fine, the gloomy mist I had recently on my mood seems to vanish away. Revealing my feelings to my best friend helped to aim my focus to my real life. Yet I know it will be hard, because she was a great support as a friend and now I’m left alone. But it will be fine.


As I venture into my seminar and blast a load of verbal diaherroa out my mouth… I want to thank you for the support of all of you guys gives… You opinions, thoughts and even your struggles show me I’m never alone on this journey.

Here’s to doing this clean!


49ddb096462c95c7f5f08194e98e6fc35806baf120944e60444b8b9c412c09ae.0 cute outfit😜

You’re doing so great! Keep fighting, girl!

Day 11, just checking in. It feels good to be back in double digits again!


A hot bath is in need! Also because I am awake too early and it’s freezing here in FL!! :kissing_heart::smile:


Chdcking in Dec 9
Feel. Like i got no sleep lastnight feel like shit thank god for coffee LETS GOOOO !!!
Have a good one everyone .


18 days. My mind is flooded with thoughts of my early drinking days and all the “fun” I was having. That shit ruined my life and yet I’m still sitting here wanting it back. Not necessarily the drinking, but all the social pleasures associated with it. The emotions and the thoughts on this journey are so much to deal with. So much of it doesn’t make sense. Why do I long for things that only bring pain and destruction into my world? It literally feels like I’m grieving someone’s death. :cry::confounded:


Just checking in, hope everyone’s doing well :slight_smile:


Day 12 sober. A good momentum. Today I will have another online meeting. Day by day.


That resonated deeply with me. I grew up in a house like that. Even now, I find myself trying to find acceptance from my alcoholic father. Learning these patterns can only help us break them.