Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

@Jenni congratulations :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::facepunch:t4:

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Wow that sounded exciting lol. Congrats on 500 days.

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Day 310. Good meeting last night, doin my steps pretty soon I’ll be doing step 8. It’s crazy I didn’t have a thought of getting drunk, but how it doesn’t feel like I’m 310 days without a drink, it seriously feels like just yesterday I was getting wasted. For me that shows me that’s how easy it would be for me to pick right back up where I started if I were to drink, there would be no moderation. Been playing alot of chess lately, pretty fun even tho I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. I’ve won once out of like probably 1000 games lmao. Have a good day


Checking in on day 15. Just typing that feels good. I’ve been sleeping a little later the last couple mornings, feels nice to get up at 6 instead of 4. 5:00 a.m. is the ideal time for me to get up so I’m gonna work on getting back on that schedule. Going through this thread is so inspirational. It doesn’t matter the number of days, although watching them add up feels great to me, what matters is we’re all here and staying strong in sobriety. :muscle: This app has been so great and a huge part of my sober journey. I am grateful for this app and all of you wonderfully, strong, caring people. :grinning: Have a great day everyone!!


That’s a great way to look at the real accomplishments.

Hope you’re doing well @ifs


This counts as 4 months, right?

This forum has been a huge factor in my recovery. Thank you all for being here. :pray:t2:


Congrats Sober Twin. :pray:t5: We’re doing it!!

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Congrats on 120 beardy! You sure have come a long way and I’ve really enjoyed watching the process and growth. Well done.

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Well done Beardy!!

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@Francisco1. Congratulations on hitting the 500 club my friend, I’m sorry this is a day late.

@Dragonflygirl82. Is it your 300th today or did i miss it Courtney? I apologize if i missed it, welcome to the 300 club.

@Drave congratulations on hitting double digits, that is an amazing accomplishment, be proud my friend.


Thank you @CapriciousCapricorn I appreciate that. I need all the strength I can get for sure.

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Day 300~ Hell ya!! 300 club here I come! What a wild ride it’s been. I’ve got so much to say but some how it all just comes back to I’m just so thankful I chose to get my shit together. Yes there are still struggles and stresses but overall my life is a million times better now. I’m beyond grateful for my family sticking by my side. I’m blessed for this community you’ve helped me stay on track and remain accountable. Even in our darkest days there is a light to be found. Never count yourself out. Always keep trying. Much love.



Absolutely true about breaking patterns. I’m glad you could relate to it too, makes us feel we’re not so alone. Thank you @TSan have a great day today.

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Thanks Dan!! :pray:t3: Today is the day! :tada:

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Congrats and felicidades on your 500 days. That’s an inspiring accomplishment.

@anon28001181 Congratulations! You deserve it, you have been putting the work in!

@Dragonflygirl82 Oooh! You go girl!


@anon28001181 congrats on 120 days and @Dragonflygirl82 congrats on 300!! You guys are killing it and I’m so glad both of you are here. I’ve learned a lot from each of you.


800 days today. I cannot believe it. I’ve been feeling pretty rough mentally recently but seeing that number makes me feel great.


Congratulations @Dragonflygirl82, @Drave, @Desire2ChangeToday, @Mno, @Jenni, @Beardy_McTallmann!!! I’m sorry if I’m missing some people, it’s amazing that we’re all here doing the deal and I’m glad to be here with you all. Day 180 clean and sober today. I have one more appointment today before surgery tomorrow. I woke up this morning thinking that if I didn’t make it out of surgery and I pass away I wouldn’t know about it and I’d be ok with that. Reading all of your check ins gave me my spirit a lift and I’m really grateful for you all. Broken heart is still broken and I second guessed myself all night whether made the right decision. The facts and the truth was that I wasn’t be cared for or loved or respected like I should’ve been and there were no efforts from the other side or any interest in talking and listening to my feelings period. I checked my old email this morning to see if she had written me and there was nothing there. In my crazy mind I think that maybe she’ll write me and say that she was sorry and that she loves me but then I realize if she didn’t do that or care while we were together why would I think she would do it now? Anyway, I hope you all have a great day today, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


You’re a rock star, Brooke! So proud of you. :green_heart: