Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Right on Brooke that’s AWESOME!!!

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Day 15 - after 4 mornings, finally woke without a headache!

In my sober time - i might have an online shopping problem though. To many boxes i have to return. In all honesty though i order several things, then only keep 1 or 2. It just looks bad to my husband. All those black friday/cyber week sales are showing up :flushed: and i need some real shoes / attire for my pending career transition. :star_struck: And i have to spend time returning things at the store after work :joy:
And it’s keeping me from drinking with my neighbor after work 🤷
They all wanted to go out last night to a local restaurant where we always get these very potent blue beverages with dinner -didn’t want to risk that. So chicken, veggies & peppermint tea last night, but my husband thinks I’m a party- pooper.


Way to go on half a month!!! And same to you @Beachy! You’re on your way to a whole month!

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Amazing job @Brookiemonster618!!

@Rockstar24777 Keep your head up man! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and looking forward to hearing about how the surgery goes. You got this :+1: :+1:


Checking in sober, Day 337. Missed check-in yesterday which was my 48 Week milestone - in 4 weeks it’ll be a full year.

I missed yesterday because my brother is in the hospital for testing and observation. He is learning disabled and on the autistic spectrum, and for the past week+ he hasn’t been fully lucid and has been uncoordinated. He has many symptoms like alzheimer’s - no short term memory, repeating himself, losing his thought mid-sentence. And he is very uncoordinated - it took him 15 minutes to figure out how to put on socks. They’re thinking it is some chemical imbalance in the brain, possibly related to meds for diabetes or seizure. In any case, lots of stress right now. But I’m still sober and dealing with this without drinking!


Well done on 4 months - glad you’re here. I appreciate your comments on the forum.

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Thank you @Nordique I will for sure!

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Huge congrats and felicidades to you, lady! You’re rockin’ sobriety and the benefits show. I appreciate you and your contributions here. Thanks for being so authentically YOU.

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It didn’t take long scrolling through the’ check-ins to find the motivation I need for the day!! Congrats to:
@Brookiemonster618 on 800 Days!!!
@anon28001181 on 120 Days!!!
@Francisco1 on 500 Days!!!
@Dragonflygirl82 on 300 Days!!!
@Charlie_C on 25 Days!!!


Having a hard time keeping up with the kudos today, aren’t we?!? I’ll echo you here, well done @Brookiemonster618 and @Rockstar24777. Best wishes for a successful surgery and quick recovery, Rob.


Wow 800 days!!! Well done Brooke. I hope the days will get a little easier for you and your bf… you guys are in my thoughts.


Killing it man. Congrats bro

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Checking in day 86.

Note to futur self:

Just drop the ego you think you’re protecting. Change, adapt and growth. You’ll build a stronger one. One day at a time, one action at a time.

Hope everyone have a good day!


Checking in on my second day #12 on track to meet up with my previous 90. @anon79808082’s tough love on another post made me think - as Donna always does. Sometimes we can’t prevaricate, whine or wring our hands over “cravings.” Sometimes we just have to kick ourselves in the butts and move forward with resolve. It’s as simple as that.
Actually, not dealing with cravings, just adjusting to a “new normal.” As a result, I’ve noticed, my house is extremely decorated and there’s a lot of Xmas cookies on the schedule. It’s fun! Have a happy, sober day or, as we say in church, go in peace to love and serve…Thank you all for your wisdom and patience.


e9e1c6182366ef27a870e9ecc76bffe5ca2409f59e809afed6fdcaa565452ef1.0 your a #1 number one dad Charlie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Dragonflygirl82 96a77006019339ef2fa177c6cc9975e2c0d37df1babd8a51cc288775295b5ea2.0 congrats girl on 300 :tada: almost at a year… Now you have a whole selection of ice cream to treat your self with ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: i say 12 scoops is ideal, one for every single month you have kicked ass this past year and then some :kissing_heart:


Thank you so much for reaching out to me. It’s uplifting just to hear from you and to know that I’m not alone as I struggle through this bit of time. Also, your English is much better than I’ve ever been able to struggle along in any foreign language I’ve studied, so you shouldn’t apologize! I hope you have a great Wednesday!


Thank you very much Rosa I appreciate that!

Kickin ass and taking names!

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Congrats! @Dragonflygirl82! @Francisco1! @Desire2ChangeToday! @Brookiemonster618! @anon28001181! @ifs! @MrsOdh! @Will3!

And anyone I’m forgetting… Congrats to all of you - really, all of us :orange_heart:

@Dragonflygirl82 how are you feeling?