Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Only in ten days but who’s counting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Glad you’re still with us then. Even if just in spirit. I hope you can sit back and enjoy some down time soon.


@apes2020 congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@nick_1985 congrats on 900! :tada:
@Heidi1984 welcome and congrats on 37 days :tada:
@Beastmode congrats on your week :tada:

102 days.

So I’ve kept myself fairly distracted today to not.get too sad about my Mum not being alive to celebrate her 60th birthday, but I met my brother at the cemetery to take some roses down, we even had visibility at the late hour :raised_hands:t2:

Then I tried to attend the CA meeting again but when I arrived the building was in darkness and the door was locked, even though our government website says groups such as these can.still meet up to 15 people, so I’m confused. I was really looking forward to it too.

I’ve got.2 friends who want to stop drinking helping them as much as I can.

Going to do that job application tomorrow :pray:t2:


So glad you were able to have a commemoration for your mother, Tyler. It sounds beautiful. :heartpulse:

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My heart goes out to you, may your mum continue to Rest in Everlasting Peace.
Blessings and sobriety!

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I love watching heavy rain and snow. So relaxing. :green_heart:

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I resonate to this so much.

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Excellent work Dolse! 3 months is q pretty big deal. :smile:

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Great job on 47 days

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Thinking of you. I’m sure your mom would be so proud!

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@MrsOdh She sounds like she has many behavior problems. Do the social services offer advice on how to deal with her?

@marcusmaximus2000 Congratulations! Great number!

@RosaCanDo Keep on keeping on, glad the dog is keeping ok

@Jennajen This time of year can be hard. Use your tools to get thru the cravings.

@CATMANCAM That’s hard but good to be with family.


Day 134

Was looking at my summary (15 days read time! better than drinking I suppose) and noticed a thread I started saying how I was struggling at that time, and read all the lovely supportive replies. Then noticed the date and it was my current sober date. Reading the post I could really remember how low and hopeless I felt. I didn’t know it yet, but it was actually the start of what is becoming my longest sober stretch. So no matter how low anyone feels at one moment, it could be the start of a new beginning.


Day 626. I started writing a book, and am reading more. Still clean, still sober.


Terrific news! We just found out that we are expecting our 2nd grandchild - Summer of 2021! David’s mom, our youngest, is going to have her second baby and she is so thrilled. Especially because Michael, her husband, leaves for a 6-7 month deployment with the Navy, starting the day after Christmas. She didn’t want her kids to be too far apart in age, so she was stressing about it. Now we’ll have extra excitement and activity to help with over the next several months.
About to head out to my meeting - finishing up a successful day 38! Have a great evening!


That’s awesome!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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Checking in day 99

I am half way through the longest stretch of sobriety I ever had, 198 days. That was in 2018 and I had fallen on a December 15th. I’ve passed my mental barrier of that date, which is a birthday of one of my closest friend. This time around I have a much more peaceful and comprehensive approach to sobriety. I have accumulated a lot from past attempts, but now it is the active help and the active using of a toolbox that is keeping me sober. This community is in my top 5 tools for sobriety. I thank you all for that.

I wish you all a good sober evening :v:t2:


Sounds like a baby on the way! I missed that… congrats!! :grinning: :baby_bottle:


Congratulations on both baby and 38 days


Nice to see you checking in! I was thinking about you. Sorry to hear you’re struggling. This time of year can be especially challenging. Hang on tight, we’re here.


You know what ive been enjoying, on you tube there is 10 hour long videos of heavy rain in new york city. Some one is walking with the camera so its like your there in nyc in it. There is also a good one in Boston. I will screen shot it for you to see. I leave it on at night while I’m chilling in bed before sleep :innocent: