Checking in daily to maintain focus #24

Thanks Dan.
You’ve just made my day :slight_smile:

Bro. A big huge congratulations, you’re killing it man. And trust me your dad sees you and is so proud of you brother



I’m so proud of you @jjcarson92 Congratulations on this 1 year win! Wishing you many more. :pray:t5:


Kiss that sweet puppy snout for me! :heartpulse:

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Day 342. I’m feeling pretty good, I can feel this medicine is starting to finally work. I’m not as tired, I’m not irritable I’m calm with my girls, I’m not getting mad at little things. And I’m pumped my uncle Corey said I got you, I gave him some ideas of what I wanted and I’m sure he is gonna come up with something kick ass.

this is a painting he did


Dude congratulations on 365 days thats amazing ! Your dad would be so proud so happy to see you accomplishing 365 days of sobriety :pray: you deserve the best of this world and happiness blessings your way proud of you man !!
Those are victory tears ! Sending you a virtual La Croix for this incredible moment !!!


Congratulations on your 1 year man.
I’m glad you know you worth it.
Enjoy those emotions they might be around for a few days.


This is HUGE!!


162 days

Today dear people, I have struggled… I woke up thinking I’d had oxi, the dream was so intense.

I woke up sobbing, sobbing because I’d took the drug but I hadn’t, my addictive brain had been playing games on me.
So I’m sober but can feel that dull sensation of depression getting hold of me…
My appetite has gone again, the fact I sat on the couch for two hours doing nothing but crying. These are the days I avoid talking to anyone but right now I need a connection to carry on.

Being on you own all the time is so quiet and cruel to a person.
I can’t remember the last time I was hugged or even touched lovingly.
I know I won’t give in but just today I admit I’m struggling with even wanting to be here.


Congratulations!! You are a true role model. Amazing job on all your hard work and thanks for all your contributions around the forum :100:

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Big huge congrats to you on your year. Your raw emotion is beautiful and a testament to the progress you have made in becoming more whole. Felicidades!


Yay! Congrats on a whole month!!! Way to go, keep it going.

@Benroth congrats on your week :tada:
@Jonachav123 congrats on your soberversary :tada:
@zzz congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Olivia congrats on triple-digits :100::tada:
@manuk3r congrats on your week :tada:
@manishc congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Salty congrats on triple-digits :100::tada: so sorry to hear of your losses and now more illness, sending strength :blue_heart:
@apes2020 congrats on 40 days :tada:
@Misokatsu congrats on 5 months :tada:
@RosaCanDo sending hugs and strength :hugs::pray:t2:


Day 125: Last night was horrible. But we all made it through. The time has come to say goodbye to my buddy Chucho and my heart is breaking but it will be such a relief to end his profound suffering. We will be calling the vet first thing in the morning tomorrow. I find myself dealing with some swirling thoughts of drinking and the thoughts feel intrusive and obsessive. I just keep telling myself I choose sobriety. Nothing will be made better by drinking. It is a simple choice. I was looking back at my old topics and found my post from 4 months ago at the start of this sober stretch. It was good to read and remember, and I decided to start putting more thoughts down there. I might keep that up, but I still will be checking in here everyday. It’s an essential part of my recovery and helps me stay on track. I am so so so filled with gratitude for my TS community. Those of you who have been so generous with your love and support…I wouldn’t be here and handling things as well as I am without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Chucho has felt your love through me, too.

If you want to read more Rosa musings, visit me here:

Sending love your way, folks. :heartpulse:


Oops didn’t mean to respond to one specific person. Day 12 :joy:


Sending you a massive hug, you bright, beautiful, strong woman. There is so much strength in vulnerability, and you continue to teach me how to find it within myself in every post. Hang in there, your friends are here.


Really happy to see you here Danni. Wish I could give you a hug in person even though I’m nott a natural hugger at all in fact I might be the worst hugger in history, always scared of physical contact unless it is in some contact sport… I hereby promise to be a better one once this whole mess is over and hugging is once again possible and allowed. In fact it should be obligatory. Love you girl.


Congratulations my friend! The feelings of hitting a year are amazing. I’m sure your dad is proud of you, the accomplishment is amazing. Celebrate your enormous accomplishment.


We’re all with you Rosa. Thinking of you and Chucho. Big hugs, big love.