11 days! Feels so good and I’ve already written myself a 20 page acceptance letter, spent all of yesterday doing it… its long and intense.
but I really recommend anyone doing this. Its been so helpful for me to expunge the guilt and shame. To view my 20s with curiosity and not damnation. To commit to values.
Get you nailing it this morning hope it’s set you in a great mood for the day. Dont be too harsh on yourself, lockdown is tough.
I am on Day 60, so have 59 days. Had a drinking dream, or should I say “plan to drink” dream. I kept moving a little bottle to different places so the person I was with wouldn’t know I had it. Woke up with that “dread” feeling that I haven’t had in months. Realized all was well, but still feel glum. Coffee and shower and off to work. But I’m sober. Yay that.
Checking in January 12th 2021
Proud of everyone hitting milestones and checking in with there awesome numbers you guys ROCK !! Just reading your guys check ins really motivates me or inspires me to push that extra mile that no matter what life throws at us we will remain strong .
I woke up soar from my work out but im conditioning my mind to LOVE the pain and love the progress to achieving my weightloss goal NO PAIN NO GAIN to understand that success comes to those who understand HARDSHIP comes before the SUNSHINE anything with pleasure upfront does not last and pain upfront will create lasting progress and success ! LETS GOOO
Sorry to hear this, you seemed pretty gel on zoom, but I can’t say much I’m good at hiding depression as well.
I wish you all the best man
The month prior I was a little anxious to hit it. The morning of it though I felt extremely grateful.
The month before I was anxious about hitting my anniversary. But the morning I hit it, I woke up extremely grateful. I hit my normal Sunday morning meeting and shared the joy of my anniversary with fellow AA members.
If you’ll forgive the “one-upping”, I’ve been working 7 days a week, often up to 10 or 12 hours, since about 1997. It’s all that I know how to do anymore. I don’t take time off, I don’t have friends, my last full week off of work (i.e. without working at all) was in February of 2000. I was supposed to go to Egypt next week for a quasi-holiday… cancelled due to work, again.
One of the joys of being self-employed…
Eh wouldn’t call it one upping,
I would do that if I worked days, but nights it was already too much. Plus it was alot of my demise, I would be working so much that I didn’t do anything else, and to unwind alcohol, so I understand where your coming from when you say you dont have a life, but addiction is a lonely disease,
And I wanted to be financially free, work cause I wanted to. Needless to say it blew up in my face
Checking in day 12 and this morning is starting to feel like my new normal. But I don’t want to get too comfortable or complacent, so definitely need to reinforce and dedicate time to reading TA today when I can.
Work has been extremely stressful, threats of firing people for poor sales performance last year… in a global pandemic… but it’s all about money for the board members. Trying to not let that get me down, the best piece of advice I’ve ever received from my husband (and that’s saying a lot…) is the one thing you can always get more of is money. So trying not to stress if I lose my job in 6 months.
So proud of everyone who has hit some major milestones and everyone who continues to take it one day at a time - you are all rockstars and the strongest people!!!
@AllyP he’s right you can always make more money, but it’s always never enough, forever chasing that paper.
Physically & Mentally exhausted this morning ahh the joys of working nights, I just got a text from a colleague, about another location opening up with better pay, better hours. SCOP PPO duties, I might have to dig into it
Yes I agree, it blew up in my face a long time ago. I discovered a long time ago that work is really all that I’m good for, so that’s what I do.
Alcohol was absolutely (and could easily be again, I fear) about my only crutch.
I have the kind of job (self-employed) where if you say NO to often to your customers, they find someone else… so you get used to never saying no.
Now, as I said, it’s all that I know how to do… I’m seemingly not cut out for relationships, not that that is much of a surprise.
But the alcohol was getting out of hand… so now I’m not drinking and feeling better about that… but now I just have more sober time for more work.
Work is my life, it’s all that I have.
Checking in on day 212, hope everybody has a great one
I try not to think about even the concept of being happy… I gave up on that idea a long time ago.
So sorry Rosa.