Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

80 days here too! Nice work @Charlie_C!

Bye for now…


I’m so proud of you, Charlie! :hugs:


Checking in. 121 days since my last drink. It has got a lot easer and I rarely think about it. Winter blues have set in, and I have training away from home coming up. I was worried about the temptation, isolation and boredom of being away from home in COVID. I think I’ll be fine, just not looking forward to it.



@anon60334405 one year! I am so, so happy for you! You’ve been a constant source of inspiration for me to keep going in my sobriety.

@Singtone and @MagicMama, congratulations on your first month!

@Charlie_C, 80 days! I’m so glad you’re sober and able to spend time with your grandson and help your daughter out!

@Briella, I’m glad you’re here with us. Just keep moving forward. We all make mistakes. Now’s the part where you pick yourself up and start moving forward again. I look forward to your check-ins, so I hope I get to read more of them!

Day 129. I find that I’m letting myself get more and more involved at work, which is one of my age old coping mechanisms for avoiding stuff I don’t want to deal with. “I’m too busy” has been a truly effective way for me to not deal with things. I got home late again, but I’ve left my work phone in the other room and won’t go check it until morning. Tonight I just need to read a bit of the big book, snuggle with my dog, and get a good night’s sleep. Work will still be there in the morning.


I can relate - it’s almost 3:30 am and I’m still working.
I enjoy reading your check-ins. I hope you’ll find some peace and quite after these eventful weeks.
And btw congrats to your blog, I like it a lot!


Thank you and enjoy the puppy snuggles, you deserve it!


72 days no alcohol. My mind started playing tricks on me when my favorite pizza place announced they were having $1 beers. Like…serious?? I’m honestly surprised this stupid thing made me crave… but I didn’t give in to temptation.

I just thought I was stronger than that by now. Proof this struggle is going to come and go and it is something that I can’t ever sleep on.


I felt that before when my beer was on sale at cvs, lol


How long have you been sober, Freckles? I have found that as time has gone by, I have had a lot more energy and much more motivation to do things. That may be because my sleep is much better, so it has given me more energy over time. It may be that my systems function a bit better without the poison in them. It may be that the repairs that my system was constantly trying to make to itself are now being allowed to happen. Who knows?!
What I’m saying is, hang in there. You will have more energy and be more inclined to do the things that you want to do as long as you stay sober.
I honestly thought that my general lethargy was because of my age - but with only one month without alcohol, I’ve had a new lease of life. Even my wife has noticed the difference. :joy:


I appreciate the vulnerability and honesty you showed us describing the voice of feeling like a failure. But I hope you also know that voice is wrong. You are going through a big transformation and the growth that comes with that can bring challenges. You are not a failure. Just take things one step at a time. And I think you’re on to something by shifting your focus to progress rather than perfection. As it’s said, “perfect is the enemy of the good.” Sometimes that progress does not look like how we think it will.


Day 67. It was a successful day and I continue to feel steady. Onward to the next one!


Congratulations Mike on your first year and many more to come…you inspire me what you have done this past year. keep up the good fight :call_me_hand::partying_face:


Day 218.
I hear you completely, @TSan. Quitting wine was an all-or-nothing thing. But work? Food? Exercise? Arg. Not so easy. I can’t swear off any of these, and nor should I take them to excessive limits. And so I must still learn moderation, keep tabs and make sure I don’t use these instead of wine as my DoC. (But at least its better this way – I used to use them all as DoCs, in some way or another, along with the wine! Not recommended. Not one bit!)

Lots to learn. Happy to be sober to learn it. And with all of you as my peers.

The day winds down. We did another one. What do you say… let’s go for it again tomorrow :wink:
G’night all – we done good. :orange_heart:


While I might be late to the party…I’ll say these anyway.

@kaeo amazing! Congrats…so great to have been here for your journey…

@siand congrats on quadruple digits! Your insight and compassion always blow me away. Now more than ever, it is so helpful hearing your words. Sending you love :yellow_heart:

@anon60334405 congrats on a year! That’s huge. Your yo eat attitude and candor are always welcomed. Thank you for being here.


Day 860 something… it really doesn’t matter at this point. I’m completely overwhelmed at work, I’m 4 months behind and no way to catch up. Home life is frustrating and overwhelming. Makes me want to give up, on everything.


Checking in. Day 397.
Had a good day sober. Got my 3 and half mile walk in after walking the dogs for 45 minutes. It’s great the roads are clear and I can get my walks in again.

When I was drinking, I was living an unnatural life physically and mentally. I was punishing my body by loading it with poison. I was ruining myself physically and mentally.
Fuck that shit :crazy_face:
Sober on.


“At least you’re not on fire”
Credit to one of you old timers on here. I don’t remember who.
And you’re sober.
So you’ll figure it out right?


Sorry you’re struggling, D. I know all of those feelings intimately. Hang tight and hug that little peanut of yours extra hard tomorrow.

  1. It felt like a productive day at work followed by a decent evening. My son made me a necklace. It was Taco Tuesday. The train was rolling.

And then a dog turd on top. :poop:

I’d liken it to a kid with covid sneezing on the Bavarian chocolate cake I worked pretty hard on. Time to call the sponsor. Being that I’m three weeks clean probably means I had some stupid part to play in it. :clown_face: Oh well, I can’t change it but I can bake another fuckin cake.


Big congratulations @anon60334405. You are open and we can see how hard you work on your sobriety and how much you deserve this.

@Dejavu Don’t give up. You got this. Put out the biggest fire first.