Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Hey there…I’m sorry to hear that you’re overwhelmed. While I do understand that desire to escape when life gets stressful…I also know that the kind of escaping we do when we drink/use etc. is the kind that at the best, takes us out of the seat of control and leaves us incapable of dealing with our lives and at worst…could kill us.

Is there a healthy way for you to de stress? Hot bubble bath? A good tv show? A favorite meal you could cook? Conversation with a great friend?

Then you can revisit work stuff with a rested and fresh brain?

Work does not deserve to derail your life…your life is worth more than that :yellow_heart:


what time zone you in, is it 6 yet?

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I’m glad you wrote this bc it was going to be my reply and the fact you put meditation in there tells me your making all the right moves, it’s early in your recovery so take things easy, your a beautiful person who is learning to heal on the inside, over time our minds find peace and only then will everything else fall into place.
To be a failure is to quit at the first sign of trouble never to try again, I don’t see this in you so no you can’t be a failure.


Mike’s in upstate New York. 4:33 am there atm.

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wake him up :rofl:


Congrats girl, that’s big! And that on day 222! Very happy for you Jenna.
@Dejavu Now way you’re giving up D. It would only add to your problems and you know it. Back to basics. One day at a time. One problem at a time. Manageable chunks. You got this. We got you. Keep going friend.
@siand I’m late with congratulating you on your beautiful quadruple digits lady. But no less heartfelt. Awesome. Thanks for all you do.
@everybody Keep going friends. Thanks you all for fighting the good fight and sharing it here. We’re in it together. It helps. Love.

  1. Very strange to bike home through a deserted town last night. We’ll know in the weekend if our curfew will last till March or it’s finished next Tuesday. Whatever happens I’ll be sober and clean. Because live is much much better like this. Have as good a day as you all can. Love from Amsterdam.

Checking in, day 90. I feel like a fraud, as I still smoke, although just in the evenings, but still, I don’t feel myself sober as it has the same pattern as the booze had. I know, I have to stop, but I don’t feel neither the power nor the motivation.
On the other hand I feel more balanced nowadays, trying to live in the present, to be grateful. I’m truly grateful for TS, that’s for sure.


Day 163.

Had a really bad anxiety attack last week and really thought about drinking, it was horrible. I went to the chemist and got some nurofen plus as I knew there was codeine in it to calm me down. When you’re that anxious and don’t want to drink you’d do anything for some relief. It’s how my drinking was…drink for relief, worse anxiety and drink more, we all know the vicious circle :slightly_smiling_face:

Week off this week, new tv arrived yesterday, pulled a muscle in my neck lugging it up the stairs :joy: ffs

Decided to do something for the anxiety, it is meds but better than drinking, picked up a prescription for sertraline and xanax for the interim while the anti ds kick in in a few weeks.

If you’ve made it this far well done :joy:

Hope everyone is well and always know someone is thinking about you :slightly_smiling_face:


Way to go on 1 year Mike!

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I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.

The child psychiatric hospital, said on the meeting that they won’t help us. They don’t want to do a thing for at least six months. They said it’s the social services problems. And I got a feeling that the social service will say that it’s the hospitals problem on Friday. I can’t do this for another six months, I had so much hope for at least some kind of help today. But we got nothing, I can’t even breathe. Tweenies mother didn’t come to the meeting, and she still refuses to sign the papers. I’m getting more and more into tge idea that she is going to have to take tweenie home. As I said I can’t do this anymore.


Congratulations :confetti_ball::cherry_blossom: You Rock!

Huge congratulations on your one year Mike!

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Day 390.
Okay ley’s be honest for a minute… I’ve had cravings every day since last friday…
It’s scaring me a lot! I don’t want to give in to those thoughts…

Yes all caps. Cause I feel like it’s getting way to serious and scary in my mind. I’m negociating with myself again on wheter I should try ‘moderation’ agian or not…

Fuck I hate this.


You recognize what’s going on and you are taking appropriate action Jonathan. Good on you! And good to see you here, it’s what we’re all here for. So don’t feel bad about ‘having to’ come here. Feel good. You got friends here. We know the deal. We got you and you got this. One day at a time it remains.



@anon60334405 it’s official now! One full jump year! HUGE congrats Mike. One of the most original real honest guys here. So glad for you! Party time!


Congrats, 90 days is no small feat. I’m sure you’ll get rid of the nicotine demon when the time is right. Keep on keeping on ODAAT!:tada::confetti_ball:
Blessings and sobriety!


Moderation when it comes to alcohol just isn’t possible for me. Neither is pressing 200 pounds at the gym. Just these things we need to accept. Day 390!!! Absolutely fantastic!! Hold on to it. Hold on to the you that you have become in the past year.


Day 90!!! That is great!!! Keep it up. Sorry about the smokes. When the time is right you will toss 'em!


I’m so sorry for your troubles. You’re in Sweden right? I thought your health care was way up there. I’m praying you get a solution soonest.
Blessings and sobriety!