Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

I’m so happy to see this, Bears! :clap::smiley:

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Day 365. Hey everyone, feeling pretty good. My one year won’t be till tomorrow At 6 in the morning. But I’ll celebrate twice why not lmao. You all rock, thank you so much for all the support it means the world to me. I tell yah I am tired as fuck, I slept all day. They tat was kind of like a high that I crashed off I felt crazy hungover. But thank you all again for the love. Life is really good, I never thought I’d be here and it feels good.


Day 13 and still getting use to not going to the store everyday


Dang guys. The memories. The emotions. It’s too damn much. 73 days of sobriety and still going. I will stay sober.

Today is my wife’s birthday. A year ago, I got completely drunk at 6am on this day. She had to drive us to her birthday breakfast. I spent the entire day drunk/hungover. We ordered pizza for dinner and watched the super bowl. One of the shittiest, most embarrassing days. I hate that memory. I hate how many days I completely screwed up because of my addiction. I hate how selfish I’ve been. I hate the things I’ve done. What a fuck up man.


Bookmark that post. Next time you think ah, just one…read it. Maybe copy it to your phone homepage. Make it your inspiration.


Goodnight everyone

  1. Got hit with another cold yesterday and this one feels different. Lots of sinus pressure, drainage (or congestion) and fatigue. Feeling super emotional too and I don’t know why exactly. Anywho- I hope everyone is doing well- didn’t get a chance to read here yesterday. Hope everyone enjoys their sober Tuesday :v:

Congratulations on one year!! :partying_face:

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Glad you checked in Brian. It’s always nice to see your smiling face under that Bills hat. I am sure I’m not the only one who knows this but: while I’m sitting at my comfortable house. And some of the rest of us at our office or home offices etc… you’re in the trenches man, probably working your ass of for your sobriety and other people’s sobriety. I imagine you’re doing more than a handful of us put together: what with you working 2 houses. Volunteering to cook at Wayside. Running meetings at the church. I cannot keep up. I’m surprised you have any time for us. I’m happy and honored when you have a chance to check in. And Wayside and the other house or whatever it is, is bless to have such a thoughtful caring guy working his ass off for them.
You just keep being you man.
Glad you’re feeling better. I hope you’re feeling better. And make sure you always have time for Brian.
God Bless You.


And today you get a re-do!!

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Thanks @CapriciousCapricorn! Trying slowly.

Thanks @MagicILY sounds like amazing development. I can see that scene in my head too so it’s good to hear where you are :slight_smile:


congratulations on the year Mike. keep at it!!!

Checking in sober. I’m finding that I’m calling myself a failure a lot. My boyfriend asked what I meant on text and I replied:

Everyday failure- failure to exercise, failure to be the best person, failure to always be super clever and smart, and re exercise - as patriarchal as it is, and as sad as I am by that- the truth is also that it feels that if I don’t exercise, it will affect our sex life and his attraction towards me. Failure to stretch every day when I literally KNOW and have taught it’s importance. Failure to practice what I know to be true and what I tell my friends and therefore feeling insincere. Failure to accept what I am. Failure to even dress the way I can to make myself feel good or take pride in cooking what I can to also make myself feel good. I’m excited about life, but sometimes I fail to remember. That’s why I get so excited about learning new things. It’s transformative.

But I suppose what I did do today, is that I woke up. I worked until 7.30pm and I stayed sober tonight. Some days are unremarkable and I’m punishing my usually active body for how sedentary it has become. But, I need to accept that I’m not who I was before covid. I don’t know if she will come back, or if I can again. I need to accept that just because I’m the “overweight” one in the family, and the unfit one, I am, on usual comparisons I think healthier when I’m taking self care steps and maybe that means resting today totally after work and dinner finishes.

Anyway WE ALL STAYED SOBER. Thanks y’all. Let me know how any of y’all deal with thoughts of being a failure.

Maybe it’s “progress , not perfection” I should meditate on x


Congrats Mike!! 1 fucking year!! Clean and soba!!
Don’t know if you know tennis super star Rafael Nadal. I pick this special for you because like Nadal you’re a grinder. Some of his clay court matches last up to 4 and a half to 5 hours. No matter what shit is thrown your way you dig in like Rafa, and you always go the distance and you overcome all obstacles in your way. Whether it be a lob, a slam, or a little dink, or a 140 mph serve. It’s not always easy, but you dig deep and you always have a great return or put back. I’m honored to be on this journey with a super star like you. I want you on my team, just grinding this thing call sobriety out, every day no matter who the opponent is.
You got the luckiest little girls in the world to have a Dad like you.


Huge Congratulations @anon60334405!! That tattoo is killer and you worked hard for it. Thank you for being so open and honest about your journey. You inspire quite a few of us. Much love to you. :tada: :partying_face: :heart:


Hey Freckles.
Your being pretty harsh on yourself in that first part of your share. I’m so sorry you feel that way. That’s a terrible feeling to have about yourself. When I feel like that I turn to my old friend John McAndrew and put this song of his on. John travels around to rehabs and talks and sings and plays piano. It’s called.
“You Will Always Stumble”

Sometimes I stumble. Sometimes I fall.
Sometimes head first into the wall.
Sometimes I want to scream about it all.
Sometimes I stumble. Sometimes I fall.
Heard an angle whisper in my ear
He said, Now don’t you worry about it all.
Heard an angle whisper in my ear.
He said, you’re good enough anyhow.
Then I heard the angle laugh a little right out loud. He said
You will always stumble.
And you will always fall.
I’m only human after all.
I’m only human I guess that’s all.
There’s more if your interested.

I always picture that little angle sitting on my shoulder telling me “I’m good enough”. And laughing at me cuz he knows I’m going to stumble.
I was feeling pretty down on myself yesterday. After sharing on a different thread yesterday I did feel better today. Not sure if that’s why. But I’ll take a good day today.

And this COVID stuff really sucks.
Take a listen to John McAndrew if your willing. He generally makes my cry a bit. But it’s a great way to let it out. And he’s got some other wonderful recovery songs too.

I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
Your worth it.


Awww, this is awesome to see! It’s been really inspiring watching you move thru your sobriety. You have so very much to be proud of. TS is the better for having you here. Congrats on your big 365!!!:heart::heart:


:boom: you the man Mike!! :partying_face: it’s be an amazing to be on this journey together and with everyone else. Congratulations :confetti_ball::tada:

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Great Job Charlie!!!

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