Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Today I am going to notice the small pleasures in my life and not the small annoyances. Pema recommended that!

Happy Wednesday!

Small (actually large) pleasure 1. My Baby Yoda wax warmer.


Thank you for your support! And congrats on your year bro!!

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Thank you!!

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  1. It is getting really hard to accept the things that I cannot change at work. Over the past week I have chanted the serenity prayer so many times in my head, itā€™s almost automatic now. Maybe itā€™s time to move on, or maybe this is just a speed bump in the road that will provide growth. Anywayā€¦another day sober.

Day 149: Lots to do today, Miss Lupe needs a bath and the dremel tool taken to her nails (the ā€œhard as nailsā€ analogy is her literally EDIT: or is it tough as nails? Whatever :joy:), and mama needs a shower, too. It sounds so simple, but it turns into an ordeal. My doctorā€™s appointment is tomorrow so today will be spent getting notes organized and using all my healthy coping skills to manage the dread and anxiety. But I feel pretty good first thing this morning. You know, I am getting so many reminders lately of how clean and sober time is just one element in recovery. Itā€™s vital, of course, because there is no recovery without abstinence from the substance, but that whole ā€œit works if you work itā€ thing is really true. We are all human and have issues to work through and make mistakes and have stressors that sometimes bring out our weak points. Itā€™s what we do everyday to learn how to do and be better through those challenges that makes our recovery stronger over time. Just my thought, anyway.

Sending big billowy loving energy to all of my TS gang today. I could use some back atm, if you have some to spare! :heartpulse:


So thatā€™s what it looks like. :thinking:

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Lots of it! Have a good productive day Rosa!


Checking in. 1 month!! Canā€™t believe Iā€™m here already. Feels good. Wishing everyone a wonderful day :blush:


Well done! One month is so great, keep at it!!!


You did good coming back! Go back to your beginning posts and re read. Remind yourself what you have to lose and if you really want to have to start the fuck over. The disapointment when you realize you have to start over againā€¦because while you may be able to ā€œmoderateā€ at firstā€¦it never stays that way and you are back to the end of the line. IMO.


Thatā€™s so trueā€¦ it tried to moderate 2 times before going completely sober. Failed twice. I need my sobriety!


390 daysā€¦ man you are amazing! I am impressed, its a huge acomplishment!


Thank you!! Sending you my loving energy your way as well! :hugs:

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Thanks, Menno! I love your cowboy hat, btw :heart_eyes:
Thank you, too, @nwags Natasha :heartpulse:


Thank you!! :blush::blush: If we can stay sober during lockdown, just think of what else we can accomplish. :wink:

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Congratulations @anon60334405. :+1::pray::kissing_heart:


we can never let our guard down my sober friend, congrats on your days and your strength. Stay sober if you really want a pizza the good life :+1:

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Checking in on day 234, hope everyone is doing well.

@anon60334405 HUGE congrats on your 1 year mark today. You have been a true inspiration and I have followed your posts since my first day on TS. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re doing so well and I canā€™t wait to see what the future holds for you.

@cwak Iā€™m a little late to respond because Iā€™m just now catching up with the check-ins from yesterday but man, that post about your wifeā€™s birthday really hit home for me. That is exactly something I would do, and have done on many occasions. Like literally that exact same thing. Drunk before anyone else even wakes up and then it just continued all day.

You arenā€™t alone, Iā€™ve been there and done that more times than I can count. I am with @SassyRocks when she says that itā€™s important to remember these reasons why we stopped drinking and keep them as motivation for never going back. Stay strong friend, the past is the past and we are working every day to be better. Weā€™re all in this together.

Have a great day everyone.


860 days??? You know the drill, itā€™s not going to end like this not today. You got this :+1:if your having a bad day flip the switch, take control and choose to have a good day. You got the same 24 hours as all of us so do what you can today, work ainā€™t going nowhere, tommorow ainā€™t going nowhere so take it easy and just do what you can do.


congrats on your 3 weeks :+1:nice!!!