Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Hiya Fleur :raising_hand_woman: Whatā€™s your favorite thread to post on, other than the daily checkin one, as that moves to fast for me?

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Checking in on day 235. Nothing special to report just chugging alongā€¦Have a great one everybody!

  1. I have an interview Monday at a cheese factory. Not sure if I want it, or I am just running away from this job. Lots of thinking to do in the next few days

Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 158
Tweenie stays here, the authorities hasnā€™t got the doctors note,and tweenies motherā€™s husband refused to let her move back to them.

New meeting with the social service tomorrow, and hopefully some kind of help from them.

Just baked healthy oatmeal cookies to cheer us all up. Unfortunately I might have bought a pair of Lilly Pulitzer shorts thatā€™s a size to small, but Iā€™m determined to have them to fit before summer. ( To my defense I bought them really really cheap from the Swedish version of eBay, couldnā€™t resist, I meant itā€™s Lilly)

Hope yā€™all are having a great day. :cherry_blossom:


Weā€™re having a lont of snow, and cold weather here to. I follow an account of NOLA pictures on Instagram, hoping to go there next time weā€™re in US. And every time I log on and see Palm trees and sun, I regret that I looked. Iā€™m so tired of this weather and snow now, and itā€™s probably years before we can travel like normal again. But if it works for you to look at pictures from warm places. Go for it, we can always dream away. :cherry_blossom:


Welcome, this place has helped me a lot staying sober. I hope youā€™ll like it here.


I love this picture, Iā€™ve seen Ice skating pictures like this on Instagram but I thought they where fake. It looks so amazing to go Ice skating in the mid of the city like that. Iā€™m putting that on my travel bucket list. I canā€™t Ice skate though but thereā€™s time to learn :blush: Wishing you a lovely day.


Just so you know, cleaning absolutely count as workout. Iā€™ve been working as a cleaning lady so I can assure you that it does :blush:


Such a difficult situation for you. I have been following your story to an extent. Curiousā€¦where does Tweenie (great name BTW) want to be? Or does she even know??

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Welcome! Happy and clear headed in sunny, but cold South Carolina.

Cheese is the main reason I havenā€™t gone vegan. I just :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: cheese too much! I tend to be squeamish about certain things, so maybe seeing it processed would end my love affair.


Sheā€™s been choosing her way all along for what I know, she didnā€™t want to stay at her Maā€™s house years ago, her Ma couldnā€™t handle her. We took her in, she didnā€™t want to stay here, because unfortunately weā€™ve got some house rules. So she moved back to her Ma. After that she was in two different foster care homes, she didnā€™t want to stay in the first one so they got her another, they didnā€™t want to keep her. And she didnā€™t want to go back to her Ma. So here she is. This time however sheā€™s not going to get the choice of moving because the rules doesnā€™t fit her,and her Ma doesnā€™t get the choice of taking her back again because she could make money doing so. She needs some stability. But again in terms of the law weā€™ve got nothing until we get the custody. Her ma can legally take her home in the day if she wish. And itā€™s been like that all along. Unfortunately her Ma have like two moods, cooperative/manipulative or quick fuse to total fury.

Iā€™m not a psychologist but in my opinion tweenie wants to be at a place where she can do whatever she wants, and where everyone rolls out the red carpet for her, like most teens I guess. She clearly needs help with a lot of stuff weā€™re not capable of helping her with. But she ainā€™t willing to even try getting that help and the authorities doesnā€™t really seems willing to offer any help to her because she doesnā€™t want to.

So itā€™s like a dead end. However when she moved in here I promised her that weā€™re going to make all we can so she doesnā€™t have to move again. Thereā€™s a risk I canā€™t keep that promise, and the custody issue is still a huge one. But hopefully weā€™ll get some help tomorrow.

Somedays it feels like I donā€™t have the energy to care, but I canā€™t just not care either. I still think thereā€™s a chance that sheā€™ll feel better if she has a family and a ā€œrealā€ home. But I can be wrong to, no matter the day she still hates me though :joy:


Day 150: Got my mile hike in with Lupe in time before the weather hits, and we only got a little damp. Because of this icy/snow storm, my doctorā€™s appointment had to be rescheduled to next Thursday. I can wait another week, no problem. Feeling pretty darn good at 5 months! Still blows me away that Iā€™m doing this sober thang. Gonna deep dive into some home organizing today and stay off the screens for a bit. I ended the day with a headache and and bit of heartache, too, so a quick break is in order.

Sending my loving vibes out to the TS-sphere today :heartpulse:


5 months!! :raised_hands: AMAZING!!!


LOL, I too thought while drifting in my MUCH smaller 4wheel drive SUV how I appreciated not being hungover while aimed for the ditch! Nice Video!


Who cares what you wantā€¦Youā€™ve struck gold, man! I trust that when you are offered the position, the whole of TS will be welcomed for a Willy Wonka-esque tour of said factory??
tenor (3)


Iā€™m next in line!

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Day 4.
Still feeling a little down about giving in, but i have shifted back into my routine and i know that in time I will feel so good again.


460 Days No Alcohol
795 Days No Marijuana
400 Days No Tobacco
30 pounds down out of 79 im trying to smash !

Ive never made it this far in sobriety its seems so unreal is this real ? Am i dreaming ? :laughing: cant beileve ive made it this far it shows that inner strength when awoke its powerful and when you adapt a healthier sober lifestyle the benefeits are amazing hardworl does pay off.


True, I do love Cheese. I will be back to working weekends and Holidays, for the same amount of money, probably a little less. Grass isnt always greener. However, I wouldnt be a managerā€¦so that is a plus.