Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

There’s vegan cheese, unfortunately the vegan cheese I had that tasted anything like the real deal is vegan parmesan or vegan pepper jack. Not vegan but milk protein allergy.

233 days. Well, I did get on the road and went to visit a friend. Thoughts of home and my relationship have been heavy on my mind but somehow today I feel the weight has been lifted. Not too sure yet when I’m heading home but it’s looking like it will be as early as tomorrow. Some ugly weather is on its way and I would rather be home than on the highway. Also, coincidence I think not, another friend’s daughter needs a ride home less than half an hour from where I live and is being dropped off tomorrow close to where I currently am. I just reached out to both my friend and her daughter offering to help with a ride. I believe this may be my sign to get home sooner than anticipated. Going to enjoy one more day here with my friend and just stay in the moment as often as I can today.


It’s been a while since my last check in so I just wanted to pop in and say high and read how everyone’s doing. I’m on day 76! :partying_face:
I feel good, of course some days are still hard, but overall I feel good. Sleep is getting a little better and I think the counseling, yoga, meditation, and light therapy routine I’ve got going on right now is really working on improving my mental health and keeping me motivated in my sobriety.


Day 367. Man I can stop looking at my tattoo lol, I keep going around and saying just goofing, new tattoo goofing. I really love it. I still haven’t really had the chance to sit and reflect on this year, it’s been an amazing first year of sobriety I know that. Alot of ups and downs, alot of days where I just felt I couldn’t do this anymore. And I pulled through and while no i haven’t accomplished everything that I really expected to, the biggest thing is I stayed sober that’s all that matters . I love you all, keep killing it and keep reaching out and killing those milestones never give up


Checking in. I can’t keep up with all the posts here, but what a great thing that there are so many people working on better lives.


So happy for you man!!



Awesome! Congratulations @RosaCanDo!!

happy dance


75 days today. For the most part, cravings are gone and it’s not really a daily struggle. I also understand that this could just be temporary and the cravings could come back full-force one day. But I’m enjoying it at the moment. The greatest struggle continues to be emotions, regrets, and self-forgiveness … honestly overcoming these things has been much more difficult than staying away from alcohol. I heard this statement on a podcast: “you can’t get healthy in the same environment you got sick.” This seems to be extraordinarily true for me. To stop needing alcohol, you have to get out of the environments that drive you to drinking. It’s difficult and painful, but absolutely necessary.



Day :one::seven::zero: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I swear I’m addicted to blue cheese


I’m feeling better each day. I was able to work for 2 days, now I have to focus on getting all of my homework turned in by 11:59 tonight. After the physical trauma of having covid I am not tempted to start smoking again…at least not at the present. However, I am having a difficult time not resetting my porn timer. I have to chakra balance or pray the rosary or something…get my mind off of this.
Although, tbh, that has never actually worked in the past.

  1. Feeling physically better this morning. Was able to get a workout in, which always boosts my mood (I’ve gained so much weight since Covid hit :confused:) . My kids are with their dad for the rest of the week and tonight the hubby and I have a dessert :ice_cream: date. I told him I need something to look forward to as I’m not really a fan of sit-in restaurants anymore. Takeout: yes, the waiting and poor customer service: no. Anywho. Hope everyone is doing and feeling well this sober Thursday :call_me_hand:

Day 20 complete. I stayed sober!


I’ve got social skills like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.


But yeah cheese is nice, if it’s dairy free.


Oh man, I agree that the emotions, regrets, and self forgiveness become harder than the drinking itself. Which is why we drank in the first place. But in dealing with these issues with a clear mind, we learn so much about ourselves.
It’s really incredible isn’t it? Its like we make leaps and bounds in our lives by choosing sobriety. You couldn’t have said it better about the environment being so important too. Great work on your 75 days!



OMFG! The number AND the $ savings. WOW.

Congratulations (and a special thank you for making me smile)! :pray::+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Great numbers! You should play lottery tonight!



So Happy for ya Rosa. You’ve worked so hard to get here. It keeps getting better.