Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

I know, I’m terrible at posting :see_no_evil:

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Makes it more special when u do.


Seems like ages since we talked about this number, but it clicked over at 6pm my time :pray:



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@Harold…great post. Well said. I look forward to that moment. I’ve had periods of being clean and even thought I was sober. But the demon lurked and here I am! Always lessons to be learned. Always!!

That is QUITE the tally! Simply awesome!! :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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That’s rough but I see why you did what you did. My first thought was to ask you if you called him on it. Then I thought…why bother? We addicts lie. Then I thought…turn your phone off at night. But, not a great suggestion. So all I’ll offer is empathy. I was there with my son s few years ago. Sucks!!

I will indeed!! :pray::pray:

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Hello everyone, new to the group, ironically saw Nikki Sixx post something like this on instagram and discovered something to help motivate myself. Sober for 185.6 days and feeling fackin great :metal:


Welcome @anon83587935! I moved your first post to this checking in thread!!

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Thank you I was like hmm which one do I post at :blush: happy to be here, each day becomes easier


Checking in at the end of day 32. Feeling like I’ve got over the little hump of starting a new month after dry January. Far enough into February now to stick with it. Start a week off work tomorrow. That would usually mean beers at 4pm and then being battered for nine days straight. It’s going to be only my second sober holiday in 26 years of teaching. Anticipating some cravings tomorrow, so will have an early night tonight.
Have a great sober day/evening wherever you are.
Goodnight :sleeping::zzz:


Thank you so much, I found the hardest part was the first 90 days then around 120 days it became easier and easier :blush: happy to have found this thread


You can do it it gets easier and easier great job :blush: one month is a huge milestone!


Day 32: Hard to sleep last and I had a crazy music concert of randomness whipping through my brain. Its snowing again (cue foot stomp) and apparently the wind chill this weekend is classified as a “polar vortex”.

BUT, I am sober, I am laughing more, I am in love again with me…and I can always go on line and see pictures of warm sunny places:-)


I would struggle too if it was my sister. I hope you can get some rest and that he ultimately ends up in rehab. Take care of your self too today Ryan!

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@anon83587935! Welcome and glad you are here!


Day 6 and feeling so good!!! Thank you for all this inspiration! Love seeing everyone’s Days!:smiley::+1:


Checking in day 194.3
I haven’t been feeling my best mentally and physically. Maybe today is the day I pick myself up again. When I finally do get it together, I am going to move mountains. I just need to be patient with myself.
Congrats on 400 days @CapriciousCapricorn!!:sparkling_heart:
Congrats on 300 days @Harold🎉
365 is amazing @anon60334405 so proud of all your hard work! :tada:
@nwags Congrats on your month! Thats amazing!!! :heart_eyes:
@MagicMama Congrats on 30 days!! :heart:
And any other milestones I missed!! I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Yessss. Yes Yes you are!!!

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