Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

33 days no PMO
585 days no drugs
671 days no alcohol


Hiā€¦Iā€™m joining in againā€¦done 24 hours and 3 online meetings.i think the meetings are gonna be really helpful.have been today!..detoxing. not funā€¦ usual sweatsā€¦not too anxious. Have a friend making sure Iā€™m okay everyday which has been pivotal. Isolation is pretty pretty crap.


Feeling better today, 123 days down.


hello stranger, Iā€™m not going to say good to see you bc I would rather you were out there living a sober life but if your not this is as good a place as any. I will say congrats on your day though, I know how hard it feels to get back into the swing of things. :+1:


Well, having gotten a negative result on my Covid test, it looks as though I have a green light to go to Egypt on Sunday for some scuba diving in the Red Sea. Looking forward to what will hopefully be my first real holiday since February of 2000.
Goodnight all.


Love them numbers :+1:


Thanks you!.:pray:ā€¦well I gotta do the rooms innit. Nothing else is working. Or ever works to keep me sober.


I have never scuba dived and imagine its an amazing experience. Enjoy your trip!

@C_8 I focus on this daily one (which as u say, is a task to keep up with), and just randomly check the others. Maybe I should start checking another slower thread more regularly.

@MrsOdh I know she has had her part to play, but moving from place to place like that must have a toll. It is easy for me to feel sympathy when I am not dealing with the daily troubles, tho.

@RosaCanDo Congratulations! :confetti_ball::tada:

@anon60334405 Does goofing mean enjoying a new thing in US? For me a goof is a mistake or goofy is silly. Glad ur tattoo is NOT a goof and u love it.

@Charlie_C Spooky!


Huge immense enormous congrats on 150 glorious days of sobriety @RosaCanDo! All your hard work is paying of Rosa. Hugs and love.


itā€™s the last place we go and the first place that works. Like you I tried everything sane so eventually I had to try something crazy. I still didnā€™t stay sober though until I got a sponsor and started to work the steps.


Day 229

Got my access back to TS yesterday, those who didnā€™t know i broke my old phone so I locked myself out of everything, 0 out of 5 stars do not recommend, itā€™s a nightmare to get back in, took a week of fighting with google and required everything except a DNA sample and my first born.

However, I was asked by the alumni coordinator of my treatment center to share my story, tonight in a zoom meeting, to say Iā€™m kinda nervous is a understatement, but I feel honored that people want to hear my story.

I am gathering the courage to share it on TS as well, maybe this will be what it takes to get me over the hump. Those of you that know me from posting or chatting or in zoom, know Iā€™m outspoken, but thereā€™s still parts of me that I can be uncomfortable talking about.

Wish me luck, and look forward to my novel thread here I guess


So kind @Dolse71 thanks for being an amazing support. Hope youā€™ve had a good Thursday. Think I read your message half asleep at 6am and need to reread again. I love checking in sober here each night. Feeling so much better. I worked late today and did a little stretching and yoga. Felt pleased I didnā€™t beat myself up for no major exercise I just breathed and loved. Sending the same feeling and love out to you all x


Wow, that is some serious hard work! Congrats!!

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Iā€™ve got to do my first 20 - 25 minute main share at the end of the month so I know how much your shitting it :rofl: good luck :+1:

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Good Luck! Its pretty awesome to be able to help others the way you will be doing!

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Ah so good! Iā€™m on a Buddhism course atm called Life with Full Attention which is about bringing Buddhist practice into our life.will let you know if any good book recos come out of there. Iā€™m also enjoying WOUNDED WOMAN which is on history of womenā€™s treatment during their menstruation and generally about womenā€™s bodyā€™s :drop_of_blood: it is so HEALING to read and think about how itā€™s a feminist issue that I appreciate and love my body. (Whenever I struggle with something I tell myself itā€™s a feminist issue and Iā€™m doing it for women everywhere!) (And men who also suffer under the patriarchy!)


I hear that is some of the best scuba diving! Enjoy and congrats on being negative!

Iā€™m feeling different this past week. I feel more open to living in the present at home with my wife, and at work, with my colleagues (and my tasks). This differs from before when I would get distracted or think really grandiose that I had to be and do everything - and in the end I did nothing.

Iā€™m not sure where this will go but I feel food about it. Iā€™m also walking more regularly. An evening walk, every few days. This started last week. I like it. Audiobook. Itā€™s peaceful.

Wish me luck friends. About to head out on my walk. :innocent:


Checking in. Second night/last night away from home. Drove by a nice looking Mexican restaurant. My addict mind went right to the drink menu. So I grabbed a wood fired pizza instead. Now bored watching tv in the hotel. Cant wait to go home tomorrow. Stay strong, stay sober everyone