Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Not feeling so great. The parental alienation has become too much and I waved the white flag today. They win. I have therapy tomorrow, thank God, and thank God I’m sober. This would have killed me.


Day 4.
Starting to feel like myself again.
Did yoga and meditation this morning and just finished my workout.
Drank more than enough water.
Homeschooled, watched harry potter 6, and cooked some bomb ass food.
Happy Thursday


Day 131. Worked another 12 hour day today, so now all I want to do is sleep. Before I do, though, a few shout outs:

Congratulations on 90 days, @Tomek! I’m glad that things seem to be evening out for you a bit. Also, thank you for checking out the baking blog!

FIVE MONTHS, @RosaCanDo! Way to go! I know that a ton of things have happened in these past five months, but you’re still sober, and you’re here with us, which makes me so happy!

@Fury, I’m glad you’re back, and I know you’re going to do so well when you give your talk. You’ve got this, and I’m looking forward to your novel of a share here!

@apes2020, enjoy your retreat! I hope you have a lovely, peaceful time.


I’ll miss you girl! Enjoy your time. I’m interested to hear all about it when you get back. :yellow_heart:

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Wow, that’s intricate :sunglasses::+1:

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Day 69. Been a great week so far. Today I was a guest speaker in my friends high school classes he teaches (virtually), and it was so awesome. Took most of the day and I volunteered my time, but it was worth it. Really inspiring to talk with these students. And I should still be able to wrap up my regular work tomorrow and be free to enjoy the weekend. Amazing how when I’m not drinking and smoking weed I have the energy to do these things…



Thanks Stella. I’ll definitely take those recipes. It really was fuckin sad. They have never once in this year tried to get ahold of me and say hey u owe us 40 bucks and I’m like 100 positive I didn’t owe him shit. Usually he doesn’t deliver and I’ve ordered from them in this year before. Not sure what the fuck this was actually about, my girls were here for a reason because it would of went different, autumn was standing right next to me as this scum bag is asking if I have that 40 for the SHIT with his chest all puffed. He’s fat and lucky I didn’t punch in the jaw, I almost told him to take the food back but I was hungry. They definitely lost my business.


Hope you all are doing well. Woke up and said my prayers did my daily readings and grati-dudes. Cleaned up and got on the bus to go to Wayside for lunch. Ate lunch there with about 25 others and relaxed for maybe an hour. It was nice I have barely been there over the last week and change. Then I got to work in their kitchen and made two lasagnas and some Greek salad for dinner. It took a few hours to do that. Played some cribbage while it cooked and did some dishes. After dinner I chaired the NA meeting, my first in person meeting in over a week. That was really good for me I’ve missed like 3 of my usual meetings while I’ve been sick so I ended up sharing for almost 15 mins at the end to fill the hour. Hung out some more and then my housemate Dylan that was at Wayside for the day as well and I did the 35 minute walk home. Signed in there today at 11:30a.m. and out at 9:30p.m. It was a good full day. Met some new clients and got to see some of my friends, ate some good food, got excersise and a twelve step meeting. Now its prayers, gratitude Netflix and sleep.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s.You are awesome, never forget. Ya you!!


Your trip or retreat sounds pretty cool April. Have fun. We’ll hold down the fort while your gone.



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Day 188. Pouring rain outside this afternoon. I’m off to the library then showing up at the local wetlands for my daily wander. 3 laps takes about an hour an a half… I’m going to be soaked when this is over, but it will be worth it. Happy sober Friday :slightly_smiling_face::yellow_heart:


I absolutely feel for her, and like that wasn’t enough her Ma has been moved around from place to place too. She’s a gold digger (The Ma I mean). But yes tweenie definitely gives us all a hard time. It’s insane that she has had the opportunity to choose where she wants to live, and has made herself impossible everywhere. A big part of that is why I’m mostly the only one pushing that she should stay here, no matter what. And cries out for help where she is. Even if I most days realize that it would be nice and calm if she lived somewhere else. No matter what I do, it’s not fair to anyone involved. Deep inside I still think that with the right help and one place to call home she might get on the right track eventually. Her mental health is worrying me a lot though. If she doesn’t get help I’m afraid she’ll hurt someone or herself seriously. It’s just a matter of time.

  1. Finished my coffee. Day shift. Late! Have as good a day as you can all. Sober and clean.I am and very grateful for that as well as for you all here. Love from Amsterdam and Mackay ID.

Day 392

Finaly friday! Feeling pretty good.
I guess everything will be okay someday.

Keep up the fight guys!

Have a great sober friday


@RyanSA That is very hard. If only u could make people accept the help they need. Alas, people must make their own way.

Spitting distance from 6 months and nearly threw in the towel today. Incremental resentments and then a big (to me anyway) rejection. I got through it with the help of this forum. Glad to be on the other side. I hope I have learned something from this.


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.

Had social service meeting this morning.
They’re sending us to behavioral therapy, if the unit is willing to take us in. We’ve got a full on investigation and they’re coming for a home visit in two weeks. I invited them so they could speed the investigation up. They said they’ll do what they can but they don’t have enough staff to manage all in need of help.

And they wanted to make it the child psychiatric hospitals problem.

They started the meeting not talking to me, because I’m neither a parent or in custody of tweenie. I talked a lot anyway, and then in the middle of the meeting. When she asked what I do for a living I told her I’m studying without csn, and I’m out of csn money to apply for. Because I’ve got a social workers degree and have been working with family counciling and behavioral therapy, and teens in need. Needless to say they changed their tone immediately after that. And they offered us to send the Case to the behavioral therapy unit.

After that they booked like six new meetings with us, and two with tweenie. And offered a later sip meeting (that means a collaboration meeting with psychiatry, school socal services, behavioral therapy and Healthcare)

I’m not impressed, but at least we might be on our way to make it better.

Have a good day everyone :cherry_blossom:


Do you see the pizza box half empty or half full? :roll_eyes:

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