Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Proud of you my friend :trophy: :yellow_heart:

@Truckinmonster21 (tobacco) @Dazercat Congratulations



Happy Friday to those already in it and those about to begin it. Make it the best it can be. Here’s to saying no to your DOC one more day. Stay strong, we can do this.


Sounds great, I may join, I’ve put it in my calendar.

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Checking in.

My boyfriend told me recently that he has a box in the basement of whisky and wine that people at work gave him. It might be better not to know it’s there. It’s old and nasty. I’m not drinking it.


Yes, I’ve run a few. I neglected running during winter but this race would give me motivation to go out more consistently.


Does anyone else’s phone automatically open the YouTube app when clicking on this thread? I’m using an iPhone.

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Yup. Anytime a thread has a link to a YouTube video mine automatically opens YT when I go to the thread. Sucks and I’m not sure how to stop it but I’m looking at settings. iPhone also.

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So far the only solution I’m finding is to delete the YouTube app.

@moderators Is there a way to solve this problem, by any chance? :pray:t3:

Almost through day 5! I was worried today was going to be really hard but I got through it with only having one moment where I wanted to run to the bottle O :joy:


@zzz I will check out the NYC Virtual! Thank you for sharing


I don’t think it’s a problem with this app, but rather an iPhone/YouTube setting. I’m looking into it and will send you a message or post a thread when I figure it out, if I do.

I’ve registered! Would you mind open a thread for this race? We could discuss the trainings and stuff with everyone who may also join.


Day 4 sober @littlemisschatterbox thank you for all your support lately. I see how you care about people. God bless you always :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5:


Happy Friday, all! Checking in sober, Day 395. Feeling a bit rough this morning, didn’t sleep well. Woke at 4 am by a drinking dream. I was at work and for some reason there were bottles of alcohol in my office on the floor by the door. They were nice single malt scotch to boot. I didn’t drink in the dream, but in it I struggled because I knew I was tempted but knew also that in no way could I drink. Woke to lingering images from the dream and tossed and turned for an hour before I was able to drift off again. Gonna ponder this in my meditation during Recovery Dharma later today. Clearly something is bothering me that I need to address. The good news is that it was only a dream and my counter still is ticking! Have a great day, all!!!


Day 1191 or something. I’ll see all my lounge friends in 100 days or so lolol


First checkin and I’m feeling hopeful today. Today is day 117 from alcohol and I’ve just reset my cannabis counter this morning. Cheers to a new day.


I second that idea!

@RyanSA…Ryan! I am sorry to hear this! I know this was bringing you hope for your brother and family.

You carry so much responsibility on your shoulders regarding your siblings and they are so lucky to have a brother who is cleaning up his own life and can be there for them.

You have tried so very hard with him, I hope you know that. You are working hard on being strong for yourself while taking care of everyone else at the same time. That can wear a person down. I hope that today you and your sisters can find the calm you need and pick yourselves up.

Also, proud of you. 35 days, seeing the truth in what using does, and choosing to continue strong on your path of sobriety.