Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Fantastic on the 400 days!

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Day 230,

Went to visit my friend his first day in his new place, heā€™s doing well we even hit a meeting together,

Found out some sad news and some interesting news, but overall itā€™s good to see that heā€™s sober and doing well,

Now to get together for the night shift bleh :neutral_face:



That is so true, addiction wants to kill you, but first it wants you to suffer miserably take everything from you. Then let you die alone and miserable


Day 132. Itā€™s raining and cold, but itā€™s Friday, and I got my weekend chores done after work, so I can just relax this weekend.

@littlemisschatterbox, congratulations on 500 days!

@Dazercat, I am super impressed by your 400 days. Thanks for always being so supportive and awesome!

@NeverJust1 80 days! Youā€™re closing in on three months and doing great!

@zzz and @Tomek, reading about yā€™all running makes me think that itā€™s time for me to start the ā€œCouch to 5kā€ program again and get moving.



Day 221.
Iā€™ll say it - this week had some turbulence. Mostly work, some life. At some point in the week, without any intent to do so, I opened the frig while walking past and cast my eyes down to the lowest shelf on the door, where the prosecco (and its friends) would be chilling, say 8 months ago.

Out of nowhere. I did that.
I wasnā€™t even craving.

A quick scan, and my stress had been mounting, unchecked really.
Silly urge. Chuckle. You think Iā€™m gonna fold so easily?

Guess again. I play on the winning team.
We won another day. And no matter what comes our way - I know we can do another day tomorrow.
Gā€™night all - big love. :orange_heart:


Checking in at the end of day 385.
Slept in today, at first I thought that was bad now in hindsight thank God cause itā€™s been a busy day. Did my chores, had a house meeting. Said my prayers, did my readings. Answered the front door to a random knock and it was bell Canada about the hydro pole that got hit two weeks ago. So then I had to make some calls to get the truck moved from the back so they can come in and fix the pole tomorrow. My housemate that owns the truck is still at the treatment centre so had to reach out and let him know we need the truck moved. He came and moved it. Made a few meals. It was an extremely crazy day as far as my phone goes. Iā€™ts ringing again still at 11 p.m. I get that I have friends and family that appreciate what iā€™m doing. I am getting my shit together and am willing to help. An average day I talk to five people on the phone. Today its been close to twenty and some pretty heavy conversations to boot. A minute to breathe to do some of the things I like just didnā€™t happen today {until nowā€¦wait for it i sense a text or something Lol) . These are good problems to have, I am aware of that, it is still a problem though. I canā€™t even say this falls into my people pleasing trap cause it really didnā€™t. Just so happened that it seems like everyone reached out today, almost all are struggling and now iā€™m exhausted. I actually think I helped most them, a lot of times itā€™s just about listening. I had a good laugh or chat with others. My sister and I squeezed a video chat in and she does not look good that has me concerned she is very stressed and refuses to admit it. Like I mentioned I am stressed too, so I choose to write it out here, to get it out since is surprisingly therapeutic for me, which is why you see me ramble here from time to time. What else. Laundry got cleaned so I made the bed up fresh so thatā€™s calming . I went to check in and read on here at maybe three this afternoon and finally now at eleven I have gotten to write my stuff. Itā€™s now 11:30 just got another text LOL Have barely read any bodies posts today. I truly pray that you are all doing well especially since I Know this is a long post to read and appreciate you guys for giving a crap and reading it. I did read about my fellow gratidudes as that I have a boundry on I refuse to not do that. @Dazercatā€¦ four hundred days thatā€™s my friendā€¦ I know him ā€¦awesome :innocent:
It really helps like I mentioned to get this out. Visited with five of my housemates in person today somehow. Two of them are struggling and it makes it hard to maintain a sense of my own happiness when people around me are down. I get it ,the world is off kilter right now. I canā€™t change that. We donā€™t always get what we want. I canā€™t change that but through all this I truly try to be and find the good and the happy, so if someone has something good to say I could use it thanks. I am able to find happiness just so damn tired of really having to search for it somedays. Even my Mom today was sending bleak messages which isnā€™t like her.

Dear God,
Please help fill me with light and goodness, like I know you have before. It helps guide me through these days. It keeps my darkness at bay. With some of the stuff I have done or even just hear about. I need all the light you can spare. Help me, my friends and family and the wonderful people hear on TS to accept that we are who we need to be, and are where we should be. In your name I pray and remain your humble, loyal and loving servant. Amen

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. there goes my phone again at 1145 now. iā€™m ignoring it for a minute, leave a message iā€™ll get back to you promise. By the way did you know you are capable of anything cause your fun and smart and your here trying to be better. Ya you!!


ahhh M it is good to see you my friend bless your heart. glad your week is over :grinning:


Checking in after 12 weeks sober.
Tinnitus SUCKS! Just sayinā€™.
Confessing that I read about all of your milestones and successes and challenges and insights, and I am simply horrible at congratulating and celebrating and supporting and responding. Sorryā€¦ :confused:


and you! I was just gonna power things down but I see you posted. This is ā€œstay up lateā€ worthy!
Iā€™m gonna brew up some sleepy-time tea and get this reading party started! :smile: :orange_heart:

EDIT: I just read it. Big exhale! Some days - despite trying to not people please, or cater to perfectionist-gotta-do-it-all, etc - some days, the world just seems to want everything we got. Itā€™s hard to remember, but we have to put our own oxygen mask on first. And get a good sleep. And have a decent cup of uninterrupted coffee in the morning!
All these I wish for you, @I.cant.We.can! Sound sleep :sleeping::orange_heart:


Gosh Brian you are a selfless loving workhorse. With all thatā€™s going on in your day you still made time for a shout out to me. Your an awesome dude my friend. That means so much to me. I wish you could shut your phone down at 9 pm at least. Iā€™d be smashing against the wall. Please make sure you spend some time rescuing Brian. I here he could use a break. Even though he gets to sleep in. :rofl:

Letā€™s Go GOAT !! I hope you have some time on Sunday to watch history in the making :joy:

Oh I got something for ya that might put a smile on ya face. Itā€™ll be waiting in the sports room when you have a moment. It wonā€™t spoil so get to it when you can.
Congrats to you rockin that 385. And your still not smoking. :raised_hands:


Day 70! Happy Friday everyone :blush:


Day 873 :coffee:
Goodmorning TS friends! Another day has started here in the south of the Netherlands. Early out of bed (6 oā€™clock) without using my alarm clock.
My clear early mornings are one of the rewards Iā€™ve got by living sober. No more fuzzy hangover mornings trying not to vomid. No more black outs.
Just me, my cat, black coffee and TS and a whole day in front of me waiting to be filled.

Picture is from my morning walk before work yesterday.
Have a great day all! šŸ™‹


Almost missed this one! :flushed:
Congratulations Eric! Well done for the 400 days!!

Letā€™s eat some chocolat to celebrate! :tada::tada::tada:


Oh I just love chocolate. Thank you so much.

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And as you can see this is a healthy bar! At least you can say you eat your daily fruit! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thank you dear, you have no idea how much I needed that :heart:

I hope youā€™re having a wonderful weekend, you deserve the best.


Thatā€™s true, everyone does have dips. Hopefully that changes soon. Thanks for the encouragement :heart:

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Just have to share for any other BSS fans

Day 825. I wish you all a good and sober weekend!