Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Wow… thats alot of 24 hours… I congratulate u good Sir. It’ll be 1000 before u know it. Keep doing what your doing, Its obviously working 4 u. :heart_decoration:

2 years and 4 months sober today. Totally surreal. Since the beginning fo this month I have completely done an overhaul of my health and wellness and I feel amazing. Meditating daily, finishing up the last few days of the whole30 which was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself, working out consistently, focusing on getting enough sleep and getting into a stable morning and evening routine have done absolute wonders for me. I hope everyone is having a good morning so far. Despite the snow/rain storm currently happening in my area, I’m feeling really at peace today.


Congrats hun. That is awesome :rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:

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I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 155

This week started to give me anxiety last week. Still waiting for information about if my husbands ex (tweenies Ma) is coming tomorrow to stay until Wednesday or Thursday when they are going to the child psychiatric hospital.

And the socal service has booked a meeting Friday morning, because they say they’ve got a plan.

I’ve read all the course Litteratur I’m supposed to read for the seminar on Friday, and I’m aiming to finish the podcasts we’re supposed to listen to tonight. So if this week ends up in the chaos I’m worried about, then at least I don’t have to worry about school.

Wishing y’all a wonderful start of the week :cherry_blossom:


Congrats Stella for rocking 400 days sober! Keeping on sobering! :confetti_ball: :tada:
Blessings and sobriety!


Go Stella!! 400 days is amazing! @CapriciousCapricorn
Good luck Sophia! I am rooting for you and your family! @MrsOdh


Thanks bro. And same to you man, much love

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Try to find exit plans to remain resilient while you are there. Do not worry about looking rude or crazy if you get up and run outside, if you have to.

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@Freckles congrats on 30 days :tada:
@StayStrong congrats on 4 months :tada:
@CapriciousCapricorn congrats on 400 days :tada:
@Rockstar24777 hoping that it’s good news :pray:t2:

175 days no alcohol.
132 days no cocaine.

Today didn’t begin well, there was unnecessary drama in one of the support groups WhatsApp chats again. Now I’m already anxious about the next Zoom group which is 10 days away, because I’m thinking there will be more drama there as I’m sure today’s issue will resurface. I really don’t like conflict, it makes me feel so ill.

I finally managed to get back into the fiction series and was making my way through book 3, when my friend msged me asking for a lift to the hospital, so I took him there then came home and came on here, now I’ll get back to the reading :blush:

I really do hope I get this job I’m interviewing for, it’s becoming more obvious every day that that’s what’s missing from my daily existence :pray:t2:


Boom! There it is! I was waiting for that 400 post.
Huge Congratulations “D”. Love ya sista!! :heart:

congrats fireworks


400 days!!! A Stella performance! Well done.


Atta girl Stella.
I don’t know how many times you can think or call someone “Amazing!” But you always are amazing. We all learn so much more each day you are here.


Yay!!! 400 DAYS :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:




reality is setting in that summer is in its finally weeks. Less than 4 weeks of summer left :cry: its getting darker already in the mornings everyday the sun is rising later. This means when I wake at 5.30am the sun is not up for a while so il be investing in some new luxe candles to light for the mornings now. I can’t handle harsh light in the mornings… I feel good this morning. Had a flat day yesterday. 3 more days left till I go away on my two week break. Really looking forward to having time away from my apartment.


always remember this.


3:00 a.m. used to be the time I woke up after drinking too much. Same thing every time. Just like the movie Groundhog Day.

  1. 3:00 a.m. my eyes open
  2. I realize I feel like sh#t
  3. Say “Oh no. Not again”
  4. Say “I wish it were tomorrow. This is gonna be a long day”
  5. Realize no more sleep will come
  6. Lay in bed thinking terrible things or get up way earlier than I need to
  7. Put my bleary eyed self together and go to work

Now when I wake up at 3:00 I’m so happy when it is because I have to use the bathroom or the cat walked on me!!


I’ve been sober for 17 days!


Jumping in swiftly on day 255 … just bouncing along…hope your all doing good, have a lovely day, evening, night morning wherever you are :smiley::facepunch:


Just about the same story here - except mine was 2am and sweaty