Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Congratulations to you that’s awsome


Just a quick check in on 25 months clean today… I hope everyone has a blessed day/night :call_me_hand:


Congratulations on your 400 days today…I’m always late cause of the time difference… I know its rough living in Hawaii lol :call_me_hand:


Checking in on another day of sobriety. My morning started out rough by waking up late for work. But I made it and am having a good day. Looking forward to tonights supper. A benefit of not wasting our money on drugs is being able to treat ourselves to food (in this case). Ordering from a delicious Italian Restaurant. Gonna get a beautiful med rare steak with veg, some lemon tiger prawns, maybe a pasta of some sort, possibly some crab legs (if we can afford it), and MAYBE some esacargot. I’ve never eaten snail but I’m feeling adventurous tonight lmao. So we shall see!


@CapriciousCapricorn did you say 400 days?

@Kaeo did you 25 months (approx.9 trillion days by my math)?

Yep, yippeeeeee!!! You are the stuff that inspires me to greater heights of recovery every day… :orange_heart:


It’s more like 65,879,900 seconds as of right now if my math is correct lol


Goodnight all


Checking in. Day 1. Hopefully for the last time :slight_smile:


4 liters of water every day, detox tea, and reading this forum helped me get through my first week sober! Thank you!


yeah I did day one! Thanks @Dolse71 it felt like blue monday today - I think cause it was full moon this weekend! hope you’re well and enjoying sober monday eve


oh yes, the evening is the best part of the day, it’s good to have that sense of pride and achievement on a daily basis and always be grateful for it. Second best time of the day is not waking up feeling like shit. :grin:


Woo hoo! Congrats @Kaeo!! 25 months is a whole lot of 24’s. :tada: :partying_face:


Good luck with the interview @CATMANCAM - if you feel like your purpose will be filled by that job, then that’ll shine through! be authentic, be engaging, you got this! Let us know how it goes- when will you find out?

@anon60334405 - I think staying sober was really my only success today! woohoo. But I definitely made up for it in the amount of sweet treats I ate after my run!

@Mbwoman - thank you. This reminded me why I quit, and I really really really needed to see this today, when I was just about to plan my breaking my sobriety on Friday with just one glass of wine. And then I saw this and I really dont want to feel that ILL again. Also we might be getting a cat!

@MagicMama what you reading?

Checking in day 31. Weird. Its real now. Now it gets hard, and I start to question. But one day at a time hey folks. Kept up connections today after a long hard day at work. Managed a 5km and then a chat to my parents to tell them I love them and that i’m finding it hard (life, rather than sobriety which they don’t know about). It feels good to just be open about other things and know that from that place, this can all flow if its right to.

And for any of you who had a blue day - the moon was wild, and so you might be feeling out of sorts. Tomorrow you will land. You will wake up sober, you will be able to feel your body and you won’t feel like vomiting everywhere. How glorious to KNOW you can wake up without the poison.


Thanks @littlemisschatterbox <3 yup, 2021 is the sober year! There was an article in the guardian today about peoples reflections on dry jan. Was interesting to read whether people found it harder or easier in the pandemic. But now I’ve got to keep remembering why I’m here, amidst the stress, I need to keep remembering that hangover feeling, and what it does to me!


Thank you :slight_smile: that is helpful. My family LIKED me drinking though becuase they’ve never seen me drunk. I think maybe a picture of my friends will be the best thing. They have probably seen me at my worst. And maybe a picture of my boyfriend, who (although he likes sharing a bottle of wine with me) also is something that I could risk losing if I blackout and accidentally do something stupid when I’m unconscious

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@Freckles… this is what I am reading


@Freckles. It is hard when you start planning ahead. Glad my post helped. It helped me writing it. Yeah…get the cat instead of the wine.


That’s no fun!! You just end up wasting so many days before they even begin.


I think that was a lot of us!

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@CapriciousCapricorn Whoo hoo! Great job! You really are an inspiration!

Day 174 (I think) (why can’t you check your day on the website? or can you and I am just being a dumbass)
Got a load of admin stuff to do today, including tax, which is a barrel of laughs in your native language never mind your second. Feeling inspired to try and get something published to decorate my resume (in a very small publication). Also going to make something a little different for dinner, which my children probably won’t eat because it is not one of the 5 dishes on rotation that they will eat, but tough shit kiddos. I used to dread days with no work, how lovely to be thinking of all the different productive things I can do with my time.