Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

25 months !!

I knew you were a sober super star but I didn’t know it was 25 months. Or maybe I forgot :grimacing:
Either way. You’re a superstar. Glad your here.


Yes indeed! Or looking like shit. They go hand in hand.


Thank you… I’m glad you are here also. I may not post a lot but I do read a lot on here and I love the support you give to everyone :call_me_hand:


Finishing up my 1000th Day 6. And each one feels good. What doesn’t feel as good (for me, no judging) is 1000 Day 1s.


Day 128. It was a ridiculously long day at work. I was so glad to get home, but then I couldn’t figure out what to eat for dinner, and I finally just decided to head for bed. I am the “tired” part of HALT tonight.

@CapriciousCapricorn congratulations on 400 days!

@Kaeo 25 months? You’re awesome!

@Freckles, 30 days down! Way to go!


Also going to make something a little different for dinner, which my children probably won’t eat because it is not one of the 5 dishes on rotation that they will eat, but tough shit kiddos.

:joy: This really made me laugh! So true!

  1. I didn’t hit it out of the park today but I did follow through on most of the things that popped up in meditation this morning. And I will be going to bed not kicking myself for wasted time and energy. I’m feeling like I am finding some sort of stride with this sobriety thing. But I also don’t feel like there’s many bumps in the road either. But if I did dissect it I could probably find a hundred reasons to act out. I used to put so much stock in my intelligence. I sure was arrogant about some broken-ass thinking and terminal uniqueness.

Congrats on a month!! 31 days is awesome :sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles:


Checking in on Day 66! Feeling steady. My desire to drink has really decreased a lot. My boyfriend was picking up something for himself but checked with me to make sure it was ok to have at home since it was something I’d usually want to drink. I really didn’t feel any desire, which was interesting…and pretty awesome! I know it might not necessarily be like that all the time but it does feel like I’ve reached a new level of comfort with not drinking. A certain amount of contentment with alcohol in my glass.

I also really appreciated waking up this Monday morning and feeling ready to go, not dragging from the weekend and dehydrated from drinking. A good start to the week.


Day 217.
I/we may be logging close to a year of going-nowhere-much-of-anywhere, working-from-home, staying-at-home with all of these restrictions…
…but we are so not in a rut. Nope. We are mapping new territory every day, sailing new waters, showing up to each day clean and sober. But, I always did like adventures - near and far - and now, in recovery too :relaxed:

We did another day today. Let’s go exploring these sober woods tomorrow and see what adventure awaits us!
G’night all. Big love. :orange_heart:

  1. Coffee. Late shift later but getting my second Pfizer vaccination first. Seeing the (lack of) speed of the vaccinations here I feel blessed to get it now. Anyway. I’m pretty good. I’m sober and clean. I’m with you all. Happy and grateful for that. It helps so much knowing I’m not alone. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam. The pic is from the ferry I took yesterday to bike north to get my bestie’s daughter a birthday gift.

    @Kaeo Huge congrats on 25 months friend. feel blessed to have followed your sober journey. Thanks for sharing it here.
    @Freckles yay Freckles! One full moth is big!
    @M-be-free49 Thanks so much for the perspective Emm. So true. We’re all so blessed we can work on our recovery. One day at a time. Hugs.

Day 388. Been a while again. I’m doing pretty good. I did had a big urge to drink a ton of wine this weekend… I really missed being drunk.
But those feelings passed after a while.

Life goes on and every day I’m trying to better myself!

Stay strong!!


I did the 4 litres a day for the last month and the amount of times I go to the bathroom is insane :joy: 12 plus times at least lol​:joy: it was doing my head in, so I just cut it down to 3 litres and my skin is still glowing with 3 litres so I’m happy with that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Checking in on day 1,003 - weird writing out quadruple digits!

While I am so pleased about achieving this milestone, it is a good reminder that sobriety doesn’t automatically make everything good. I am feeling stuck and overwhelmed and unsure. But, I am only human. At least I am sober. As someone said at a meditation class I was at on Sunday:

There’s no handbrake on the wheel of enlightenment

Just got to roll with it :woman_cartwheeling::sparkles:


I just hit reset yet again on my timer. I was going on day 4yesterday and then I came across 2 pills in my purse I did not know I had. I struggled with whether to flush them or take them. I know what I SHOULD have done but what I did was a different story. I have to do better, I have to get back into my daily routine and make sobriety number 1 again. I know I can do it, I just have to stop living everyday like it’s a party. Don’t get me wrong everyday is worth celebrating, just not the way I have been doing it. @TSan I’m still here, even though I wasn’t sober I was still reading on here. I’m gonna keep myself busy with simple things and not get overwhelmed. Have a terrific Tuesday all you wonderful sober people. :grinning::muscle:


200.11 Days


What’s Important is that your here now.
One day at a time :black_heart:


@Tryingtogetitright Congratulations! Amazing stuff.


Thanks! I had a great Monday. Now I’m heading into Tuesday feeling quite excellent.


Hey all, day 233. Finally getting back into my usual morning workout routine that I fell out of for about a week and it feels great.

Hope everyone has a great one!