Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Congrats on quadruple digits! That’s some amazing work right there


eeek…feel better! Random unsolicisted advice:) I have found that tumeric ( I make a tumeric milk with macadamia nut milk) has helped my joint pain over time and doing gentle hand exercises. Good luck girl!!

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Day 465… it’s all good… where’s @anon60334405. Congratulations on 365 days my brother!


Soooo happy you came back. We want to see you here everyday!


Day 30!! Hitting my one month, longest I have ever been sober and this time around it feels amazing; like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Doing my happy dance this am, having some tea, and just going to enjoy the heck out of today!

Shout out to all the milestones, day ones, and everyday check ins, you all are my heros.


Congratulations on your 30 days yay!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thirty is most excellent! Dance away! :smiley:

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I have found so much inspiration here!!! Thank you all for the check ins!!! Day 4 and feeling better about things!!!


Day 234 clean and sober today. Ordered a candle making kit last night. Something to help pass the time and that I think will be fun. Congratulations on all of the milestones and HAPPY 1 YEAR SOBER @anon60334405 YOU ROCK!!!:sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations on 30 days @MagicMama!!!
That’s still my favorite milestone. Everything became so much clearer and I started to really see the benefits of sobriety.


Checking in as day 30 draws to a close here. Much better today. Slept well last night, so no cravings. Had a game of football with some friends this evening. 4 v 4. Old boys. I was one of the youngest at 50. I’ll be in a great mood tomorrow with all of that activity juice coursing around my system.
Have a great Tuesday/Wednesday wherever you are. Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Thank you! Gonna go to a session tomorrow night on zoom.

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Checking in, another night sober. Another packet of chocolate buttons. I miss normal world, sun! But at least. We. Are. Sober. :sunglasses:


@alexnm I feel you, that’s a great shout. I’ll try that. Tonight I’m listening to true crime podcast on Robert Maxwell WHILE I do yoga… we are all contradictions…:see_no_evil::laughing:


Well done, first weekend feels so hard and you did great!


Hey Freckles. Sorry your struggling. I’m glad you’re still here. I haven’t seen you much on here. I guess we are just on different paths on different threads. TS is a pretty big place. Anyway. I’m finding strength in being in isolation with Covid. I’m so grateful to be sober. As I’ve mentioned being grateful is my strongest tool. Now to look at things in reverse. If I was still drinking while stuck in isolation?? Well holy shit. I’d be drunk all day. The place would be a mess. I’d be dirty. Nothing to stop me. Hungover. Headachey. Sic and a complete mess. No. I don’t think we want that again. A zoom AA meeting sounds like a great idea you got there. Just for today. Don’t pick up that drink. Your worth it.


Thanks @Dazercat. You are so right. I am practicing daily gratitude and I have written a journal since I was 6 years old so that habit I can’t unstick! Pretty useful for times like this. I’ve been checking in here everyday almost, this community keeps me going until the end of the day :slight_smile: I am feeling okay, like us all this is exacerbated by lockdown. But I also try to imagine my cells renewing and loving that im alcohol free! Stay strong and thanks for you support. Hopefully meet you soon! Spring is coming, one day we inch a bit closer. Also let’s remember that our ENVIRONMENT IS ILL. So if we are struggling that is a natural response. We just need to not pick up the bottle. I also love hobbies - this week I bought tarot cards :joy:


Day 148: I’ve got that Joe Cocker song stuck in my head since yesterday…“Feeling Alright, wo ho!” I’m going to ride this wave as long as possible.

@siand Quad digits! Congrats. Thanks as always for keeping it real and being honest and vulnerable with us newbies. I enjoy reading your posts, even when it’s about life being hard. It’s life.
@MagicMama and @Singtone WAY TO GO!!! I agree with @Lisa07, it’s also my favorite milestone. I’ve been there a few times, but it was when I felt like being sober was real and possible, and my focus could shift to what recovery looks like more long term.
@Briella always good to see you back. I agree with @MagicMama, we want to see you everyday!
@Tryingtogetitright Awesome numbers! I’m glad you check in here so consistently.
@Jennajen Sorry you’re in pain. I can relate. My chest ALSO pops when I stretch, and my husband always says, “Good one!”

Sending big loving vibes to all you TS folks today for strength in sobriety and recovery. :heartpulse:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 156

And I’m tired of shoveling snow. :joy:
Besides that everything is pretty much like normal. A constant chaos.

The Ex (my husband’s ex wife, tweenies Ma) ain’t coming. So that’s one less thing to worry about, at least.
I’m going to wait and see how things play out this week, after tomorrow’s meeting at the kids psychiatric hospital, and Friday’s meeting at the social service. Court had tried to contact tweenies Ma about the custody but she hasn’t been answering their calls since October according to them. I’m giving it another month, if she still refuses and we’re still in this total chaos, she’s going to have to come and pick up tweenie and have her staying with her again. We tried again, and we went overboard trying but we can’t work in a constant upwind. It’s impossible and I’m sick and tired of it. Good thing is that my husband is taking his full responsibility and is working with me. For a while I never thought he would. So that’s positive.

Wishing y’all a wonderful Tuesday. :cherry_blossom:


Checking in on another day!
Not much to say today. Trying hard to show my reliability with my job tho. When I use I usually end up staying up till the early morning and then calling in bcuz I’m so tired. I’ve been able to attend my job everyday lately but am usually late getting there. I’m working on it lol :laughing: physically I feel good and mentally alright. Just trying to get through another day