Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Day 380. Hey everyone, so some good news that girl I was talking to finally messaged me back. With the help from a fellow ts member I was able to string up the right words and actually got her phone number and planning on a hike in the future.
I finally figured out my deadlifts, I’m setting up way to close to my bar and it was throwing everything off. So did a few sets again yesterday along with some squats and felt really good. Idk life is just beautiful man. None of this was me a year ago, it just feels amazing. So remember you are worth sobriety, you are amazing, you are healing even if you don’t feel it. You are, and you’re going to be so awesome. I love you all


Good morning friends - day 95! Slept fine last night - busy day ahead at work. I’m feeling a lot better after being sick on Saturday. All things looking up. Have a great day!


Double-dipping here… I figured out that the last time I had 95 days of sobriety was Dec 18, 2009! That was the start of my only long period of sobriety (5+ yrs)… I have been starting things over from scratch with my sponsor this time and trying to remain teachable. I have too much to lose if I screw this one up again.
Have a great day!


Checking in on day 9. I have been trying to take a break from my phone so that’s why I have not checked in. I’m feeling good just sluggish due to terrible eating and the winter blues. I have been working on building healthy daily habits. I’m going to introduce 3 small habits a week. This week I was working on drinking water, intermittent fasting and cutting back on screen time. I’ve actually done very well with it all. I was not able to catch up on everything I missed here but I did notice some big milestones and people like me who are back yet again. No matter what day we are on I do believe that we are a brave and determined group of people. I appreciate this place so much, and all of you give me so much hope and strength through your personal journies. Much love TS friends. Have a wonderful Wednesday. :+1::muscle::grinning::purple_heart:


Day 250 clean and sober today. Really had a horribly rough day yesterday but made it through with all of your help. Thank you so much for everyone who reached out to me, it made a world of difference. Have a great day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 16 sober and starting Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. I believe this special time is going to be a great boost to my recovery


Checking in on day 248, nothing much to report. I hope everyone has a great one!


It’s always a great day when @Nordique is around :slight_smile:


Checking in before work, day 45! Never thought I could get this far. That’s all I’ve got to report today! Have a great day everyone.


You’re making me blush! :joy:

I’m glad that girl messaged you back, keep us posted!

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Day 163: Dreading scraping the ice off my car to drive a quarter mile to my physical therapy appointment. Hubby says I should just walk there, but it’s still really cold out. Looking forward to learning what I can do to help my shoulder, finally! I will try anything at this point. Feeling more and more secure in sobriety because I’m working my recovery plan, not just avoiding booze. Hubby was complaining about having to pee so often at night and I told him if he laid off the beer before bed he probably wouldn’t have that problem. He usually has a couple around dinner time, but they’re high ABV. He said, “Good point.” I’d prefer if he didn’t drink during the week, as the smell of it turns my stomach, especially smelling it on him. If he ever wants to be intimate with me during the week then he cuts down his chances drinking before bed! Maybe that’s what I should tell him…:thinking::rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Sending loving sober energy to the TS sphere today :green_heart:


Wow did your app just change to a brand new layout???

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So do I, but they’re all ‘creative’ ventures. I need the headspace for that tho which my brain isn’t currently allowing me. If I could just throw myself into a practical project i’d love that right now. I go on long walks most days right about now and when i’m on the walks I don’t crave…soon as i’m home tho.


carry the puppy for now :smiley:

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Gotcha thank you!

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Day 45! Feeling really good, in a gorgeous head space, and just enjoying today.

Crossfit is going well, I feel stronger and can lift more! I actually ran a full 2 miles yesterday (dont laugh thats huge for me), and drinking hasn’t cross my brain, I have better things to think about. PLUS…PLUS. down 15 pounds since my sober date!

Happy Wednesday!


Checking in at the end of day 45.
Not a lot to report - other than the fact that I am stone cold sober. :boom::muscle:t2:
Had a great day in work today. Taught 4 classes of brilliant kids some great maths. I often do a guided meditation as a starter activity, but today I went for a bit of conscious gratitude. It really went down well and the mood lifted every time. Loved it.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Math…Oh Man, where have you been my whole distance learning life… I have youtubed so many videos to help my kids get through lessons.

And congrats on 45, I am just starting my day 45!


And I’m back to day 0 ugh I’m so disappointed in myself I was doing so well and then I couldn’t do it anymore ): I’m so sorry to myself and the people that told me to keep going honestly, I feel like I let them down


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 171

Haven’t been checking in for a while, I’m in the middle of writing an exam.
Talked to my best friend yesterday, you know the American lady who had a massive heart attacks. She’s feeling well, and it was wonderful to be able to see and talk to her again. Even if it was via Facetime.

We had social services for a home visit today. It all went fine. They asked tweenie what she wanted, and she said she doesn’t want to live here, because we especially me ain’t fair to her and she hates me. She could maybe imagine coming to visit sometime in the future.

We called social services this Monday without talking to tweenie and without she hearing about it, asking them to move her to either another family or a youth facility home after we’ve found several notes she has placed in obvious places for us to find, where she had written that she wanted to kill us all.

We have a new meeting next week, but they are starting to look for somewhere to place her immediately.