Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

ARRRRRGGGG! This database restore that I’ve been working on at work, since Sunday finally completed late last night and there were some catch-up steps that were going to run through the night while I slept. When I woke up, I discovered that there was an issue in one of those steps. Thankfully, my genius teammate in Singapore noticed the issue and worked on a solution for me to apply when I came on. This is a huge headache we’ve been trying to get past all week and I was hoping to not still be dealing with it. Work work work…
I’m not going to drink any alcohol, but several cups of strong coffee are in my near future.
Have a great day!


Day 251 clean and sober today. Spent yesterday with a childhood friend of mine who is dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease, a disease that there is no cure for. He’s not sure how many months he has left to live and it was a really big reality check for what I’ve been going through. He told me to find my passion, whatever it is that brings me joy and happiness and to do that with all of my heart and I’ll be ok. Really humbling and made me very grateful to have him in my life after 35 years of not seeing each other. Have a great day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Where does your friend work/live in Singapore, Charlie? It isn’t a huge place. I’m not saying I’ll know him, but it’d be interesting to try to pin down a location.

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Checking in at the end of day 46.
Not much to report again. Nice day in work teaching some great kids. Played football with some colleagues after work, but didn’t have a lot of energy. Struggled a bit. Getting old. Really ready for a good sleep now.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping:


Day 96! T minus 4 days. Spring is setting in here in Holland… I feel grateful and am proud that I have managed it this far already. Wishing everyone a great day !


Hey all. Checking in on day 249. I think… the app counter says today is 248 but I’m 99% sure that’s what it said yesterday. I double checked my check-in post from yesterday morning and I also wrote 248 in that one.

So maybe the redesign of the app stalled the counter? Not sure. Either way, I’ll go with today being 249. Not much going on just trudging through winter and excited for spring to come (hopefully) soon.

I hope everyone has a good and safe day!


Same thing happened to me and I had to edit my counter time for some reason.


We work for Bank of America. He might be working from home like the rest of us, but their offices are on Harbourfront Place.

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Day 164: I’m taking a bit of a break today. Rather than stay in bed (like I was sorely tempted to this morning) I’m going to hang out in the cozy basement doing laundry while I knit and watch my shows. I’ll take Lupe out for her walk when it warms up a bit, and it’s a nice sunny day so far, so it will be good to get out and move around some. Feeling tired but content. Sending good vibes out to you today. :heartpulse:


You are such a good brother to him and your sisters. Your recovery is still going to be priority, I think its a good plan to be selfish and let him move forward because he wants to. If I have learned anything, it is that nothing will happen unless I truly want it. He has to want it to make it happen.


Day 46! How the heck did I get to day 46?


Please feel free to unload away. I’m not in Texas but my kids are. They are ok. I’m so grateful for that. They are a bit cold and definitely have issues too. I hope y’all warm up and it gets better soon. Sending many prayers to Texas this week.



OMG!!! I’m so happy my feet are actually dancing (the rest of me is sitting down)!! :joy::kissing_heart:


Not as good as @Conor689908 - but it’s the best combo I’ve had for a while :+1::kissing_heart:


Very true!!

… but I do like pretty combo numbers too :sweat_smile::joy:

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Checking in day 8. Officially been sober for a week.


:rofl: Your numbers are awesome!!!

Thank you for the other ones too. :sweat_smile::kissing_heart:

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Checking in mid day… today I am getting my recertification for CPR/First Aid so I can keep my job. It’s been pretty good. I like attending training and relearning things… makes me feel more in control. Today I received a few hundred dollars in my account. My mind initially went to “how can I manipulate my money and the things I need to pay, so that I can get high later”. Well I FORCED myself to pay the things I needed to pay. Feels good but I have some anxiety or something going on right now. Going to try and deep breathe and live in the moment. I want money to = freedom and not money = a way to get high and stay in debt. Anyway, I’m pushing through. Glad you all are here and thank you all for being a big support in my life :rose: