Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

@Dolse71 congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Croke congrats on your week :tada:

192 days no alcohol.
160 days no cocaine.

Someday, sobriety doesn’t seem real. Like I can’t believe I did actually break free from the hell I felt so trapped in, I genuinely thought I was going to die there. No matter how dark this depression gets, I’ll still be grateful I’m sober. I may not know what’s next for me in life, but I can pray for tomorrow and keep focused on Spring and the brighter days it will surely bring, and for that I will keep going :pray:t2:


I did not use porn today!



Goodnight everyone


been reading your posts and following your journey for a long time now and Money is always the recurring factor, not sure about any specific advice but somehow you need to find a way to view money differently. If you can afford to waste it on drugs maybe put what you can afford into a savings account that you can’t withdraw from for say 5 years and save up for that dream you’ve always had.


I got my first covid vaccine yesterday and my arm is killing me today. Thankfully it snowed so I was able to work remote and take it easy today.


I’m still in transitional living. I’m three weeks short of 90 days sober. I’m just more happy with my last 24 hours of sobriety than any of the days prior to it. I’ve landed a job that is providing me with more than I’d imagined for myself at this juncture in my recovery. I’m on my way to finding housing to establish myself by attaining my own unshared residence. This is a far cry from salvaging empty bottles and beer cans from the dumpsters behind bars to drink the remaining backwash so that I could stave off the withdrawal.


@Conor689908 @Dazercat Thank you! Yesterday was also a long day- unable to get a solid nap in before work. Felt better after getting that off my chest, so thank you. The snow is melting quickly and looking forward to getting the kids back on track Monday.


Thanks @Dolse71 checking in sober. Tired atm! Nervous and anxious, thinking about wine but finding cold showers helpful and hugging myself on my yoga mat. Finding peanut butter the helpful sugar aid. Stressful long work days but im treating myself to actual skin care stuff on payday so I can make my skin feel good, building better reward systems :slight_smile: ones that align!


Ps how are you @Dolse71?

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I’m doing what needs to be done :+1:, told ya you had another sober day in ya, now we just do one more. Its so simple yet so rewarding. :grin: well done!!


Thanks @Dolse71! Yup, one at a time I’m ok with. These are hard times in lockdown. Xx

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Day 236, been feeling good! I took Monday off just because I wanted a little break. Sometimes when you steal a little day for yourself like that it is better than the whole weekend! I will say it is nice to not be worried about calling out hungover like I used to be. It gives me a lot more flexibility with the time off I do have. I have been crazy focused at work and it is nice to be considered reliable again. Having a clear head has helped me process a TON of stuff both in my personal and professional life since I quit. Some days I still have thoughts, but I am always deterred by the idea of resetting that counter and of course the idea of having to tell yall that I reset my counter. This forum has definitely helped me fight some of the rougher days. I hope everyone is doing well, both old timers and newcomers to the journey. Happy Thursday!


When I feel the walls are closing in I meditate and expand my own horizons. You can be anywhere in the world when you close your eyes and are present for that one breath. :relieved:


First daily check in for me. Day 11. Today is a massive anniversary to the catalyst of my severe self destruction. I’m happy to be here with you all on the road to sobriety.


Congratulations :blush:

Day 15 Sober. My choice as always.

I quit smoking 8-1/2 years ago. I know how an addiction(s) love to pack onto other addictions (known or unknown) when you quit one addiction so I’m not surprised smoking is “bulging” up again. Giving up alcohol has brought smoking memories/craves to the surface again. Not other things like over eating or over spending, etc.

I won’t drink. I won’t smoke. I’m healing & recovering myself once again and know I will eventually settle into new (hopefully healthy!) behavior patterns besides smoking & drinking. I’m on my way.


Ha. Ok. Cool. I know Harbourfront Place. Small world.

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Finishing up a successful day 96 at a meeting. Crappy day at work that still isn’t over. Heading back home to work after the meeting. Didn’t drink today, so it was successful after all. Have a great evening!


Day 145. I spent the day in our freezing cold office in Lafayette. I love wearing four layers and my winter coat and a hat indoors all day! Max got to run all over in the warehouse, though, so he was ecstatic. Tomorrow, the plumber will hopefully be out to fix the pipes in the Baton Rouge office. I’m looking forward to a peaceful weekend, and I hope y’all are as well!