Checking in daily to maintain focus #27

70 day’s today!!,


I took the day off from social media yesterday to be with my family so we could celebrate what would be my beautiful sisters 35th birthday.image|307x500, 75%
My parents always have such a hard time on her Birthday so I sent my Mom flowers from me and siblings and got my Dad a card with some lotto tickets. I thought why not give my parents a gift since the pain of loosing a child is so tremendous. I had lunch with my older sister and we talked about all the memories we had with my little sister. It was a good day. Even though I miss my sister terribly I didn’t pick up and that is something to be proud of. Her birthday is usually the kick off to my binges because I would numb myself through the end of March because the anniversary my husbands death is the 26th of February and my daughters the 25th of March. I am so grateful that I no longer have to use drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of their losses. Have a good night. :purple_heart:

  1. Ms. Monkey finally showed me how to make her chocolate cake from scratch. Its THE best thing I have ever tasted. How good? I may have shoved her out of the way to get a piece of cake…lol

Day number 205 has been one of the harder days for the last few months, had a depression episode hit me all of a sudden, been under a lot of stress but not drinking helps me control that and understand its normal to be down sometimes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? Moving into a better evening with a smile :metal:


Glad to see you checking in :blush:

Going on day 3. Feels good. Very tired, though. No more pain in my chest or lungs, so that’s cool :slight_smile: Was pretty nauseous this morning and last night. Hopefully that goes away. Other than that, today wasnt bad! Had a tiny craving after work, but it’s been a few hours & nothing!

Blessings to everyone :purple_heart:


Checking in…another sober day in the books. Had a decent enough day, kind of standard really. Nothing particularly great or bad…hope everyone is having a great one!


Checking in Day 8. Difficult day. Feeling a little tired and run down. Although still putting my self care as priority by waking up at 6 to do my yoga and meditation and prayer.

Just feeling the feelings good and bad. Cried a lot today. My youngest isa cting out as he hasn’t seen his father in a while as the police were called by my daughter since I had a black eye and was being verbally abused. This was the last weekend that I used/ drank hopefully forever.

Thankful im getting supports and counseling for the children and myself. Although lonely I know after 18 years of this Its time to move on in hopes that there has to be peace in our /my life. Hope everyone’s doing well Blessings. Good Evening all!


God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. Believe in yourself. Ya you!!


Great job your doing great


Great job on your 8 days Des. One day at a time. I’m glad your taking care of yourself. You’re worth all the benefits sobriety has to offer. And being sober you will find that peace. There will always be problems but being sober there will be a little bit of peace to go with them. Stick with us. Lots of great support here.

  1. Today. Been a very good day. Temperature hit 71… beautiful outside

Day 239.
A good day. And better even when I check in here!

Always something and someone to celebrate on this thread. @Charlie_C on triple digits! (I’m soo late, but hey – it just spreads out the festivities!) and @Gonefishin on double digits!

Of course, no day is complete without hugs on offer too for any and all who may need 'em. @Olivia, @Rockstar24777 - I’m glad you’re checking in, big bro, and glad you are feeling better, and @Complicatedmama - that’s a lot of loss. You honour them all with your sobriety. @Dazercat - oof, yuck. But hey, you’re sober! So that’s amazing :wink:

Quite a day. But, we did it. The dog girl snores now, and soon so must I.
G’night all - let’s go get another day tomorrow. :orange_heart:


Much love @M-be-free49 thank you


Still pushing forward, still here, still sober. Thank God for that. GN TS…


I’m sorry for your loss Thomas, she’ll be your angel looking out for you. Congrats on your days, great job.
Blessings and sobriety!

Hopefully in the coming months more things will be opening and reopening, so maybe some time in your schedule for new things will turn out to be a good thing :crossed_fingers::pray:

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Recipe please!

I gave up trying to maintain sobriety and had not made any new attempts for over a year. Can’t even blame it on the pandemic. I just stopped caring.
This past January I was sober (alcohol) for a week and it felt great. I told myself I wanted to keep it up, but I cave so easily. Since then I’ve been drinking a lot more and my depression has been overwhelming. I know if I quit drinking I’ll feel so much happier, be more productive, more in control.
So here we go again. I know it’s possible for me. I just have to stay focused and be honest with myself. Writing here helps, too. Thanks to everyone on here for the support. Appreciate the power of this community!

  1. Coffee. My weekend just started. My upstairs neighbour decided to start some renovation project. Ships. Well, it’s unseasonably warm outside, I’m fairly well rested, I’m sober and clean. I’ll go for a ride :biking_man:. I’ll make it a longish one and that will be all for today. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam.

    @Clarity Sorry for your financial losses but huge congrats for the gains in your life Sarah! Seven months of sobriety is awesome lady. Whatever happens living sober is always better. Big hugs.
    @hit_the_switch Welcome back here and welcome back to your sobriety! Let’s do this! Together!