Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Day 178 alcohol/ day 52 smoking. It poured rain all day today, and the toilets backed up at work because the office started to flood a bit, and one of my male coworkers decided to say something gross to me. Not a great day. But I’m curled up in bed with Max snoring his tiny dog snores as I read about everyone’s milestones and struggles here, and I’m glad to be here sober at the end of another day.

@littlemisschatterbox woohoo! 18 months! That’s awesome!

@Jonachav123 belated congratulations on 120 days!

@CATMANCAM thank you for sharing about how you’re feeling. Moving is one of the most stressful things people ever do. If the “relapsy” feelings start getting too strong, please dm me. I’ll give you my contact info so we can talk. You’re doing great, and I’d hate to see that wrecked by one moment of overwhelming stress.

@anon60334405, I can really relate to your issues with your friends. When I moved a couple years ago, I realized how much of my socializing was alcohol based. Since I’ve gotten sober, I haven’t seen any of my “friends.” Only a couple of them have even called or texted. It turns out, I’ve changed to the point where we aren’t friends any more. I feel a little awkward, and a little lonely at times, but it’s better to be this way than to try to keep in contact with people who have such different priorities from my own.


Awsome job I think of you often. I also pray for you too brother.

1 Like

Porn 67
Masturbation 32
I’ve been on Bumble, a dating app since yesterday. And I’m really pleased at how it has and hasn’t affected me. In my brain the general consensus is that it’s a silly idea. But there is a minority sector that expects something wonderful to happen. Let them have their fun, I guess.




Day 11.
My daughter has an eating disorder. Now I’ve gotta be the strong one and figure how to make meals with calories and the stress is unreal.
You’ll never guess what that stress makes me want to do. Hint : it rhymes with sink and involves alcohol.
I’m trying to hang in there.


Guess who sucks and couldn’t catch up again :raised_hand:… Hopefully life will slow down a bit when I’m done with classes next week.

…and :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Off to bed so I can be up at 4am to do it all over again :star_struck:


Holy crap at @Girlinterrupted just a tiny bit more until 300! SO proud of you!


Congrats on 200 days sober, keep on keeping on ODAAT!:confetti_ball::tada:
Blessings and sobriety!


Woo hoo!!! Congrats on 300 days sober, keep sobering on ODAAT! :confetti_ball: :tada:
Blessings and sobriety!



Congrats on your 300 Days Beth. Good for you!!


Catch up when you can. Don’t catch up!!
Just keep doing what your doing. And that’s being sober.
Proud of you.


Congratulations on your 11 days. That’s great.
I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter. That is so hard. My had daughter anorexia nervosa a long long time ago. It’s so hard to deal with. But being sober is going to make it easier to deal with. And you know this. You’re so close to getting over the beginning humps of quitting drinking. Try to hang in there. Just for today. Is there a meeting you can go to tomorrow? Or someone you can talk to? Play it through. If you drink there will be a lot more drama. And unclear thought process. Breathe. You can get through this. Pray. Drinking as you well know will not make the problem better or go away. Never ever does.


Made it to day #17 :grin: feel like I’ve lost weight already, not consuming a whole lot of empty calories. Feeling great today. Have a good day everybody x


Day 267
The day that threatened to never end is gonna end in about 3 seconds! Yay!
I celebrate all of your milestones, and all of the just-another-day days too. Because all we really have is today - and we just did another one.
Proud of us. Grateful for you.
Let’s go see what sober fun lurks tomorrow!
G’night all - big love. :orange_heart:


I feel bad. Terrible.
Tired of all this covid crap! I want to drink. And drink. And pass out. Numb myself.
Yeah it’s one of those days…
Don’t know what to do.


Day 5 is over with for being nicotine free. I am a janitor and usually smoke between accounts we clean. I bought some tic tacs to keep in purse. I’m at work and finishing off with a big account that usually takes over 2 hours to clean for two of us and after mopping for 45 minutes I usually want a cigarette…so instead tonight I have tic tacs. Knowing that it’s very well doable just like maintaining my sobriety. Knowing that when I want a cigarette I remember the feeling of waking up from surgery and not being able to breathe because my lungs were getting real oxygen. So knowing I can do it just like many others has been keeping me going, even thru a bank levy and car issues I continued my day being cigarette free. Hoping after we get done with this account I canake it home without wanting a smoke.


We just passed a year since the first lockdown in the UK yesterday. It’s been such a long year!

What can you do today instead of drinking to take care of yourself? What do you like doing?

Take a walk/ run/ bike ride, have a cup of hot chocolate, cook your favourite meal, read a book, have a bath, call a friend… Whatever you need to bring a little spark of goodness to your day :sparkles:

You’ve got through 439 days, you can get through this one! :pray::sparkling_heart:

  1. Coffee. Sunshine. One more working day till a four day weekend yay! Going for a little urban hike with an old school mate first. It will be a pretty good day I think. I hope it will be for you all too friends. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam where Luna wouldn’t allow me a nap after a long drive Monday. Not without pets and feeding that was.

    @Jonachav123 You’re here. You know why. You know what not to do which is drink. Play your guitar, have a walk, talk to a friend. There are 100’s of things to do beside stupid drinking. Success.
    @Suzrene Big congrats on quitting smoking Suzanne! It’s a tough one to break but like you said it’s totally doable if you go by the basics of how to quit any addiction. All success! BTW, there’s a thread for those who quit nicotine. Not extremely active but some nice stories and tips to be found there. Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products)

Thank you!
You have a lovely cat! I love cats.


Hi Paul,
I was such a daughter. I wish you strength! I cannot exactly comment on your making her food. For me it was probably not the best way. Depending on how old she is. But you can write me anytime.

Being sober in this situation is the only way to deal with it. :roll_eyes: