Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Day 415. I’m not sure how I’m feeling, I’m still pondering what I talked about yesterday. I went for a little ride with a friend and when I got back, my buddy asked me if I could help pick up his garage Sunday and like pointed to some of the mess that he and my other buddies left like I was the one who left it. I told him dude have u not been seeing me pick up my mess as soon as I’m done working on my bike, he was like well you left some soap and rags on the shelf. I said yeah because I figured we could all use it. Fuck man I forget how much alcohol ruins you as a person, and yet I’ll still sit here catching myself wondering if I’ll be able to have drinks ever again. I can’t lie, part of me does want to have drinks, let loose and just not care, that’s what the bike was for but even on the bike I use to drink so I catch myself saying how fun it would be to have some again. Which is fucking stupid, I’ve already got 3 fucking dwis so let’s think about drinking and driving. Plus the fact I see how alcohol makes my friends care about nothing but drinking once consumed. So why the fuck would I want to go back to that. It’s definitely time to step away from my friends, and get focused on working recovery again. I say that, let’s hope I can do it. My friends keep asking me to join their motorcycle club, it seems kind of cool but I’m probably going to pass, especially if I’m already having thoughts like I’ve been. I’m glad I’m far enough in my sobriety to catch this shit tho.


You can do it, Mike, work on recovery! You know that and seeing how your friends are under influence or after influence reflects how maybe you were under influence more than a year ago. It is so great to follow your story from fuck it all to, here I am with my new bike, me happy daughters. You know where you come from, you alone can know that. And you know how beautiful life can be w/o booze.


Checking in March 24 2021

3rd day complete woohoo :tada:
The coughing and chest hurting has subsided
I’m feeling myself again truck driving is going lovely as always as it’s my passion and what I love to do enjoying scenery enjoying the weather a state I do miss very much is Miami Florida I did not want to leave I’m entering Massachusetts now always thinking about you guys ! Congrats to everyone hitting milestones LET’S GOO


Yea, for sure.


Welcome to Massachusetts and enjoy your brief stay with us massholes!


You got this friend! Well you had it yesterday anyway :sunglasses: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :nerd_face:. That’s a joke. Proud of you Jenna. Proud of your friend too. Have a good day. Clean and sober. Hugs.


Thanks :grin: have an awesome sober day my friend :pray:

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Good morning friends - day 130! Slept like crap! I made sure not to drink too much coffee at my meeting - maybe 1 is too much. :frowning: I also didn’t take anything to aide my sleep (over the counter Unisom) as I thought it made me too groggy in the morning… Arrrrrrrgh! I did sleep most of the night, but woke up more than I am used to… I’ll survive this.

Today work should be a little busy as I have some regular Wednesday tasks that I have to jump on - and one thing due today I’ve been putting off… I hate when I do that.

Anyway, I’m sober, have a great wife and family, food in the fridge and gas in the cars, etc… I have so much to be happy and grateful for - my life is full of unmerited blessings!

Have an awesome day sober friends - we’re doing it!


960 days alcohol free. Woke up depressed. Angry and anxious all at the same time. Lovely. Happy humpday


Day 283 for me. Nothing new going on I’m just focusing on enjoying the little things that I never noticed or care about when I was drinking.

I hope everyone has a good one!


Day 606 Alcohol Free.

Started my morning in bed having my “conversation with god”. It’s usually a morning meeting with myself and my higher power where I get out (out loud) all of the thoughts in my head, but usually preceded with a list of gratitudes. I used to try to do everything on my own and wasn’t doing a good job but now I know that all things are possible through God and I always ask God to hold my hand through out the day. I ask God to be my strength, my courage, my will, my discipline, and every other character trait needed to get me through this journey. I don’t ask God for things, I ask God for strength and support :pray:t5: God has been there every step of the way.

Today, all I want is to remain consistent with working towards my goals in life and to be present and make the best choices Today that will be of benefit to my future. Now to get in the shower and get this day started.

Stay resilient my friends.


Day 242.3 Checking in
Feeling soooo lonely still its driving me mad. Motherhood has been the loneliest time of my life. At least my daughters dad rode bikes with me yesterday. That made me feel a little better but I still dont connect with him at all. Maybe because hes always higher than a kite and he never stops talking I can hardly get a sentence in.
I shouldn’t be complaining. I eat the best foods, I have shelter, I can buy things, and I am sober. But what are all those things worth when I have nobody to share them with? I am grateful for my daughter she makes it all worth it. I keep coming back to that.
Taking a 7 hour round trip to go visit grandma. Just me and grandpa I am driving him there and dropping him off and visiting grandma and driving home. I need to download a good audiobook or something. At least I wont be lonely today, sort of. Sorry for all my sad posts lately. Im gonna try to fix it. I know drinking isnt the answer. I know that much.


Reminder that I need to get back to praying, I’ve neglected it for several months.

It did help in my experience, somehow. Can’t deny that.

Maybe I’ll move it to the morning. I had been doing it in the evenings and I always felt like I was shoehorning it in.

Thanks for the reminder!

  1. I haven’t posted in a couple days but I’ve been around. I’m fighting a flare-up and I can be miserable at times. Tomorrow is my sweet Reona’s Day. I say it that way because I had her for 47 minutes and it was both her first day and last day with me. My parents are having a dinner for her. Me and the kids will spend the evening with them.
    Congrats on all the glorious milestones. You all are amazing me and I’m proud of everyone fighting this fight to stay sober. Have a happy hump day TS fam :purple_heart:

There is power in prayer, there is no denying that. You’re welcome!


Day 405~ Checking in. There’s so much going on inside my head it’s hard to get out what I want to say. I’m sober and I know that’s the most important. I’m trying so hard to live by it’s God’s Will not mine but it’s so difficult to completely let go and allow life to just play out the way its supposed to. Being in control makes me feel like I’m in control. In reality it’s just another flaw I need to work on. I cannot control anything but myself. I know this. I tell myself this daily. Maybe I’m just in a funk or maybe and most likely this is another lesson I’m learning along this sober journey. I’m just going to stick to the basics and take it one day at a time. That’s all I can do. Life is always going to be challenging and there are things that people will do that I’ll never understand but I need to keep moving forward and bettering myself and not allow others actions to take control of me and hold my feelings hostage.

Life’s super busy right now. The shop is booming. Business is great. I have my health and my family does too. I have many blessings. I’m lucky to have what I have and be able to give what I can give. There are waves of uncertainty but never enough to derail the work I have put in. I will keep fighting and praying because that’s what I do. Much love TS friends. Never give up no matter how badly sometimes you may want to. Always keep the faith. Sober life is the best life.



Day 9, alcohol free. Thanks to everyone who gave sleep advice yesterday! I tried some things and slept a little bit better last night. As several mentioned to me, I’m mostly trying to be patient and set solid bed times/wake times and create a night routine. Now that I’m sober, I’m just so anxious to start fixing the things that I’ve put off for the last 8 years because of constantly being drunk - namely my weight and my overall health. Trying to give myself time and take it slow is tough. But I know I’ll get there.

Still pretty tired, but not as bad as yesterday. Today’s looking good.

Hope everyone has a productive, sober day!


I’m right there with you, @Dragonflygirl82. I ask out loud every night, help me to do thy will not mine. Letting go of control is so hard. Thanks so much for posting this.


I resonate with this so much. I’ve let so many things go living in a drunken fog for several years that I’m in some sort of relay race with my self to knock out and reverse all of the damage done over the past few years. All I can tell you is that it takes small consistent actions over time and patience. A year from now you will feel a bit better and notice the progress, it just becomes more noticeable over time. All you can do is do the right the right thing today and the interest will compound eventually as long as you stay on track.


Checking in at the end of day 80.
Not a lot to report.
I have one eye on Friday when I start a two week holiday from work. That was always the start of 14 days of oblivion. Could be a trigger. Watch this space.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz: