Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

  1. Coffee. Work. Some of these days. I’m tired. Never mind. I’ll make it through. Sober and clean. Nothing’d be made better by getting high or drunk. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from Amsterdam and the polder.

It’s official, I hit 9 months, so yeah that’s pretty cool. And getting stuff like this from friends is even better


9 MONTHS!!! Whoop whoop!!! I’m so glad you have a whole new life unfolding :blush:



I am almost to 60 days (56)! I have more time and energy to do things I enjoy, like working on my vehicles. I should have my project Jeep running well soon (runs, but not well). Flip side of that coin I have gained weight after becoming sober (fairly quickly), but sobriety is worth the cost of weight gain. I can’t wait to be at the length of time that you all have. So impressive!


Congratulations my friend!! :muscle:t3: So proud of you! :tada:


Good morning friends, day 126! Up early on this Saturday morning with David. He’s playing with some puzzles while we ease into the morning. Will have breakfast soon and then play play play.

Have an awesome day!!


Save your energy 6 months is still days away, everyone posts 180 though so hell yeah why not :grin:


9 months!! Man, you have worked so hard to get to this point, major pride for you Chris!!


Everyday is a fucking achievment! LOL. I get it:-) Congrats Paul!!


I’ve seen pics of your Harley what kind of s is it I think it’s the silver one right? I have a soft tail Harley I love it.


Great job your doing good. Keep going

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So I’m on day 98. I finished putting a sidwalk last night on the side of my house it was my first time laying sidwalk I’ll send some pics later. I told my wife oh also quit smoking weed and drinking wine that I really been struggling with wanting to drink
I dont know why I’m at day 98 but know I want to drink. What’s up with that?


@RosaCanDo. So glad you poured it! Sad there is alcohol in your house. Does there have to be?


956 days alcohol free. Happy Saturday


Hey all. Checking in on day 279. I’m super busy today but I’ll do my best to catch up with posts later, I hope everyone has a good one!


I hope it is ok, I use this tread to talk to you about something. I am very emotional atm. last night I woke up after only an hour sleep, crying over my cousin like he was there with me. strange, I do not often think of him. This morning facebook (what would we do without the powers of suckerberg;-) ) Reminded me it is his birthday. So I know why he visited me last night. He died almost 2 years ago by what we think was an overdose. NO one ever talks about it. only thing I heard was that his parents were happy he died… pretty much in line with how my family deals with stuff.
But I cannot let it go by. I have been sitting in my livingroom for almost 14 hours realising I need to talk about it. and then better with people like you where I do not put my sobriety in danger.
He needs to be remembered. It could have been me, I could still be me. We share the same pain.
And today I cannot take on the shame that is around this to heavy my burden.
So this is a day to not isolate, to reach out, to thank the people that fight sobriety and to choose sobriety over and over again.
Sobriety for me means that the spirits come and talk to me more and more and I can only ask god/hp to help me deal with that. I cannot numb it out. They do not call it spirit for nothing. :wink:
Thank you for sharing the pain and the live instead f the numbing.
He did not dare to reach out. I hope I will always find the courage to do when needed. You are my life line.


Congrats @Mno on 2000 days smoke free, fantastic! Clean and smober, the best way of life. Keep on trucking ODAAT!:confetti_ball::tada:
Blessings and sobriety!


Day 282 clean and sober today. Thank you again everyone for all your love, prayers and support. I feel that a new life begins for me today on this journey where I’m stepping out into this by myself but not alone if that makes sense. Now that my sons at peace I’m at peace as much as I can be. This is the first time since I was 21 that I’m not a boyfriend, husband, father etc. I’m just a guy that has to find who he is again if that makes sense. I love you guys, have a wonderful day today :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Dang that was right on the money, I could swear you were describing me lol. I really relate to what you said, thank you for posting that :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congrats on +600 days sober, forgetting a milestone just shows how much you’re killing it!!! Keep on keeping on. :confetti_ball::tada:
Blessings and sobriety.!