Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Day 114. Things aren’t going so well. My job has cut my hours because I’ve had time off due to stress because of my alcoholic brother. I just want to close my eyes and sleep.


One step at a time, one foot in front of the other…keep moving forward…


@Mbwoman Congratulations on your month. Please know that obsessing over our relapses does us no good. Keep your sights on what’s in front of you & not what you left behind. Keep fighting the good fight & don’t look back.
@Conor689908 Awesome job on 600 days. I have watched you since I joined and your growth is inspiring.
@manishc Congratulations on 2 weeks. That was quite the ordeal with the souped up SUV, but it seems you have the upper hand as you’re addressing it in a smart manner. Hope all ends well there.
@CATMANCAM You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the sale is finalized so you can return to feelings of excitement for your next chapter.
@I.cant.We.can Absolutely awesome numbers. Don’t forget how awesome YOU are.
@Truckinmonster21. I don’t believe your control left you, I believe it was blurred when you reached for the drugs and alcohol. I have seen your strength so give it all the power you got and let’s goooooooo.
@Clarity Hope your test is negative and you start kicking the cold’s ass.
@jjcarson92 Congratulations on 450 days.

294 days. Yesterday was day one of being home alone with the undesirable roommate. I had been encouraged to invite him to partake in activities with me but said fuck it. Why should I go out of my way to include someone who obviously doesn’t like me? I can’t be bothered and have no intention of making such an effort. Barely saw him at all yesterday and I had a good day. Did some deep cleaning in the kitchen and my son actually came for a visit. Today’s plans are for some laundry and more cleaning. Am making scalloped potatoes, dilled carrots & ham this afternoon and then taking it all to my son’s for supper. Looking like it’s going to be a beautiful day so I’ll get out for a walk as well. Cutting down on my junk food intake coupled with more physical activity has allowed me to shed almost 30 lbs. I’m actually starting to feel attractive again and it feels good.


When my children were in the shit with addiction Alanon meetings saved my sanity and my life.


Keep holding on to that sobriety Rob. It’s a full time job. The pay may suck but the savings are great :+1:
It sounds like you’re right where you’re suppose to be.


Hey, PMS time for me, too! And I was surprised I’m feeling decent, maybe just a little more tired than usual. High five!


Rob, I absolutely relate to this feeling. I have no idea what I’m doing with my life, either, but hey, I’m living it! And so are you.


Day 211: Today’s a good day because I’m sober. Happy to see you here, amigos. :heartpulse:


Day :two::three::four: have a nice day to every body


This right here means the world to read thank you so much !


@Clarity sending well wishes :pray:t2:
@Mateo congrats on 4+ months :tada:
@jjcarson92 congrats on 450 days :tada:

239 days no alcohol.
207 days no cocaine.
13 days no binge-eating.

The stress and anxiety continue. My solicitor hasn’t received the exchange contracts. The buyer is still on board and still wants to complete on 16th but neither he nor the estate agents dealing with my sale can get hold of his solicitor. He’s been the issue all along this process. However, I managed to negotiate with the estate agent for the rental, to extend the hold until 16th, but I’ve had to pay the first month’s rent and it is non-refundable if I pull out. I feel okay with that, it gives me a bit of breathing space :raised_hands:t2: I just hope and pray that things move forward between now and then :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2:

Feeling so grateful to be sober today. Things could be so much worse if I hadn’t found the strength to get clean, I could even be dead by now. So atleast I’m alive to experience this stress, and I have the knowing that this too shall pass, eventually.


Checking in April 6 2021

16 days sober racking up these days again sure feels good traveling as always beutiful people everywhere sun is shining weather feels great nothing. But Diesel Highways and grateful nights lets keep trucking Let’s Gooooo :gem::gem::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Thank you very much @Dazercat, @RosaCanDo and @littlemisschatterbox I appreciate that very much! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Day 4. My younger kidlet got the email to interview for the Kent Bellows Mentorship program at the Joslyn Museum. It’s an amazing program where young artists get paired with a professional artist mentor. Super excited and really hopeful. It would be a really great thing for post-vax life moving into the summer.


Just passed the one year mark, woohoo! Day 367 today​:rainbow::yellow_heart::call_me_hand:


@JoMarch That sounds tough. It is ok to rest. I hope ur brother gets the help he needs.

@Paulaloha Big congratulations!

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Checking in sober. Getting back to healthy routines after a stumble. I am very grateful to be sober and look forward to participating in this thread more. I hope everyone has a strong 24… here we go, one day at a time :purple_heart:

  1. Still not feeling well but trying to keep a routine. Today my Doc told me to give up dairy and I wanted to cry. I love all things dairy it’s been an essential part of my diet especially since I follow Keto. But, if my doc thinks it will help me I’ll do it as hard as it’s going to be. My coach was very supportive like he always is. I’m grateful for the family and friends that I have that support me. It’s been a rough couple of weeks because I’ve been completely exhausted but I know I can get through it slowly. Looking forward to brighter days. Have a good night TS fam.

Porn 3
Masturbation 3


Thank you Laura :purple_heart: