Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Thank you for sharing! That is an amazing story!!! You’re an inspiration


Wowzer! Very impressive @AyBee!
Sixes and nines go together so well. :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Where’s @C_8? She’s missing some good ones lately.



Shutting down Monday with great expectations for 2sday…
Be well all.


Day 280.
A good good day. What Monday off, (and sober to boot!) isn’t a good day?
Lotsa good looking numbers out there! @Mno and @Conor689908 and @AyBee and @Joy all in the 6 bajillion trillions! :smile: (and probably others too that I’m neglecting to mention…)
And @Harold is coming up on one year!
No matter how many days each of us have, we each did one more day today - and that is what counts.
G’night sweet pals - let’s do another one tomorrow. I know we can. :orange_heart:


Oh, friend - we’ll miss you around here! Yes, life and relationships and more life can indeed be complex. Drop by if you want or need (when is the door not open? :smile:). Until then - travel well! :orange_heart:



Nice one!!! What a beautiful number play. Congrats :heart_eyes:

1 Like

End of day 15 (my clock ends in middle of the day. Thankfully nothing exciting happened today.

Rewatching “Game of Thrones” onnce again. It is SO much better this time around :star_struck::ok_hand:


I’m expecting an 888.88 update from you tomorrow @geo

  1. Coffee. Woke up rested, in contrast with the last week or so. Switching between first and second shifts works for me when it goes from early to late, the other way around not so well. Anyway. I need to work on some things. Feeling I’m letting things slip in all aspects of my life. Recovery is a verb. I better remember it and act accordingly. One day at a time. Have a good Tuesday or at least as good as you all can. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam where April does its own will to use a Dutch expression.

I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 219.
And I had serious trouble with getting into the app at all lately. My phone still doesn’t really like the update. I guess I’m supposed to change to a newer model. I’m having an old Huawei, but I really hate to change phone and start over with all logins ans passwords. I buy one and use it until it’s beyond rescue.

Easter was nice, despite tweenies Ma that came to leave her two hours late, demanded coffee, brought her new boyfriend so she could start a fight and left in rage. I don’t give a dime for her or her new guy. They say he’s good for about 50 millions, they buy expensive clothes, he’s was said being on a business trip the week before Easter to Spain leaving her with all the kids. Yet they’re about to move into a a new house this week, and asked us to be a reference to their new rental host, and rental stable. They’re also having their horses in the rent from the local riding school, and all the new clothes tweenie got was from Second hand. Even if it was expensive brands. They didn’t even take tweenie to the hairdresser but did a home bleach on her hair that’s slowly starting to become orange. She has forbidden me to take tweenie to the hairdresser to color it since she came.

We don’t have a lot of money, I’m renting my house from my Pa. But if I was good for about 50 millions I’d buy a house instead of renting one. And I’d buy my own horses or take my kid to the hairdresser too. There’s something that’s not right with all that. I can feel it. I’m not sure what it is, and soon it won’t be my problem either. But the intuition tells me to stay far away from them.

The email from ny teachers a few days ago about the exam was a mistake. I got my grade today and passed with great feedback. :blush:

Had a sell on Etsy this morning,and the seminar I was afraid if missing today is canceled until May 7th,because half of the class hadn’t got the book yet.

Tweenie is currently at her last meeting with the social service before they’re about to hand the case over to the foster care unit, and the dentist even had an emergency appointment for my 9 y/o during lunch today. I called them to take a look at his front teeth there seems to be a piece missingn i think he accidentally bit in bone when we had ribs the other day.

I’ve lost another two punds, absolutely love my new jeans and the sun is shining. It’s still in Sweden and it’s still cold but it doesn’t matter. There’s sun. I’ve seen so many spring flowers that my heart is doing happy jumps every time I go out.

I cleaned away all the Easter decorations yesterday and today I’m preparing for the kids to start school again tomorrow. Personally I’m off until Thursday. With other words a happy day.

How are you guys today? I hope you’re having a great day like me. Big hugs to all of you :heart:


Heya. This looks exactly like Munich weather today. And we have this proverb too. April does what it wants to do… Better times will come :sun_with_face:


Day 127, feeling alright. Been trying to spend some time on my project this morning but our little puppy on the other hand doesnt think the same. Not much i can do about that so i have just gotta let it go, give him the attention he needs and continue again tommorow.

This not having too high expectations of myself is working quiet well i would say. I remember how i always used to be massivly frustrated when things wouldnt go my way.

About to head outside for a walk, clears the mind up pretty good for me!

Have a great day everyone!


Day 289,

Well I had court yesterday, those of who don’t know I had a civil dispute, with a former friend and they tried to turn it criminal.

My attorney saw right through the shit, and realized all they wanted was a payday, we settled for a payout.

It angered me that while the whole case was total bullshit, the whole purpose was to dig into my pockets.

But it’s behind me now, and I look at it from the perspective of getting better,

While I get better, improve my life, do great things they will remain trash, lazy and rely on others for a handout, lesson of the day for me, I’m a good person I will help out others where I can, but you have to learn when to cut someone off the teat long before they get too dependent


M7 D26
Been feeling pretty stable of late. It is even pms time, but not getting easily upset or overwhelmed. Eating has been good. I know a few people here started to feel a little whigged out around 9 months. So I am feeling cautious waiting for something to happen. But maybe it won’t for me.


Good morning friends - day 143! Slept really well - didn’t want to crawl out of bed for the 10 second commute to my office… easing into the day. Fed the cats, got some coffee, opened the blinds - should be another nice Florida April day - starting around 55F and will be 82F later.

Have an awesome day!


Day 298 clean and sober today. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life right now. It seems like I’m in a place where I can’t see what to do so I’m holding onto my sobriety until I can get through this. Have a great day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 296 here, nothing interesting going on but I hope everyone has a good one!