Done, it should definitely be there. It’s my motto
Unfortunately with this new update I can’t see what I’m writing until I’m like the half page down.
I have the same problem! On my phone but not my tablet.
Day 21 begins. 3 weeks
I haven’t been having my prescription meds, the heavy ones. The heavy anti anxiety, anti depressives, and the sleeping aids. I am still having my Prozac, which is little Vitamin C for me. I am feeling quite crazy but it is under control. If things get too bad I will just get back on my meds.
I am okay @Squirt - I am just tired of mind altering meds. Mine are quite potent and to my mind there is little difference between hardcore narcotics and my meds.
My meds make me presentable in normal society. Well screw that. I am tired of being what other people want me to be me. I come with my flaws and with a damaged brain. That is me. Not a chemically controlled semi zombie on heavy psychiatric drugs.
Sober Saturday successful…Setting sights on sober Sunday…
Day 285.
Slowly winding down an already slow day. Tired from yesterday, this past week and the one before. They haven’t been the easiest of days. No question, though - nothing would have been made better by trying to sip or gulp it all away. So give me difficult days and all of you, too. A sweet package deal.
I will tuck in now, and wish you all a deep rest or a delightful day (both). Let’s go do another one.
G’night all, big love.
There’s been a whole lotta good stuff going on here today!
@Harold! one year!
@Nordique! @Rockstar24777! @Piglet! You guys are your own 300-club! A trifecta of amazingness, and all of your posts and journeys put a whole lotta wind in my sails.
Rob, I’m so thrilled you’re gonna be a counsellor. That just puts the biggest smile on my face! You have so very much to offer.
@icebear and @CATMANCAM! 8 months! well done, friends.
@manishc probably wouldn’t hurt to go see your doc though, they can maybe let you know what you can expect ahead. And congrats on your 3 weeks.
Oh Fleur! what @DLS and @Joy said. Picture us all walking in there with you. Can you imagine? And if even one of 'em gives you a look like you have something to be ashamed of, I say we let them know they got off easy with you that night! Poor guys. We’ve got some stories! Not that we’re proud, but nor does shame live here anymore.
We’re with you. I’m the Western lady back at the buffet for seconds…
I second or third what all these ladies are saying. You show ‘em what your sober muscles look like, you badass lady!
There’s a big difference between mind altering drugs and mind stabilizing drugs. When you realize that maybe you can get better.
Congratulations Nordique.
You’ve been great support for us too. We are lucky to have ya.
Good morning all 5 days clean and I tell you what, best decision ever to admit I’m an addict and go sober, my true personality is coming back in full effect, I was such a bloody down and boring person when drinking everyday, congratulations to all the people hitting there huge milestones too much love and you should read Russel brand book free from addiction it’s amazing
Checking in on day 7! It feels great to walk the sober path again. This is what I want in life. This is what I need to keep me sane and happy. This is exactly it. I wish all of you a happy sober Sunday
What is stability and mind alteration but sides of the same coin? With my meds I am altering my mind and my reality, to fit the expectations of society. To be a “normal” human being. That is considered all right because a Doctor prescribed it.
Doctors aren’t always right and they don’t know as much as they pretend to. I dropped out after a very successful year of medical school and migrated to computers. Doctors do not facinate me anymore as they once did.
Almost all the dead people that I admire, were insane to some degree. The first being Hemingway. Insane because they did not or could not fit into society’s mould.
I find myself much more creative and a little insane without my meds. I am okay for now. Maybe I can overcome my need for them.
Your saying exactly what my son was saying. He’s bi polar. Few days later he’s in the psyche ward. Whatever man. Please go see your doctor as soon as possible and talk about it.
off we go again
ahhh life is back to normal
Welcome back on board sailor 3 days is awesome but storms lie ahead. Take care. Breathe. Just breathing helps sometimes. Breathing consciously and focussing only on your breath, for a few minutes. Try it. It’s magic
Yes 3 days is freaking good! Get out. Get some fresh air. That’s at least what helps me to clear my mind
Baby steps is perfect. We are all in this together
- Coffee. In a bit of a hurry. Going to the flower show with my bestie and her daughter and need to get going now. Have a good day all. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam where I feel better rested this morning after resisting checking my mobile every time I wake up at night.
@apes2020 Glad to see you April. Let’s do this!
Day 937
Long time no see But I’m doing ok according the circumstances. My youngest son quit school this week because of Covid. He cannot find the discipline and motivation for online lessons (he’s 18). He will restart in september, fingers crossed life is more normal then
My oldest of 21 has a huge delay so he won’t gratuate this year. My daughter is the only child who’s still trucking along.
I’m still sober and instead of drinking my new coping meganism is walking
I hope you all are fine too in this strange times